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Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Printable Version

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Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - BATGRU Ouroboros CENTCOM - 08-08-2018

[Image: 264px-OuroborosPrototype.png]

Beacon of the North.

This is the OORP Feedback Thread for the Ouroboros Faction.

The following Feedback types are not wanted nor desired, and as such, shall be ignored or ridiculed if posted:

1. Slanderous, Harassing comments
2. Non-constructive criticism or Criticism in general that goes against the core tenets of the faction (Suggestions to change Legal Status as was suggested prior to feedback thread creation)

A HRO (High Ranking Officer) of Ouroboros will respond to your complaints and suggestions accordingly if they are deemed valid and require our attention.

This thread shall also serve as a FAQ for those with further concerns about the faction.

Q. Ouroboros seems to mimic similar factions in Discovery.
A. We understand this and seek to be unique in terms of operations. We take inspiration from numerous factions throughout Discovery, be the faction adopting transhumanist ideals from the leader's original visit to their city of Ismara, or taking note of the idea of running a state-in-exile from the Hellfire Legion's Commonwealth of Liberty, for example. We do this as tribute to the factions that have come before us, and aspire to achieve their level of quality.

Q. Why does Ouroboros have an Agent system?
A. Ouroboros' HIGHCOM (High Command) has seen that the Auxesian Affiliate Network was a good concept for allowing people to cooperate closely with a faction without the full dedication that comes with factional membership. The Agent system serves a similar purpose, allowing for Roleplay, Trade and PvP (through Bounties) activity to be offered by the faction.

We have, of course, taken a unique stance on how to operate it by splitting the agent system's AOs into three sectors, Kusari and Vicinity, Gallia and Omicrons, and Everywhere else. This allows for agents to pick and choose how they wish to contribute, be it through reconnisance through Kusari, or monitoring military movements in say, Rheinland, or the Omegas, if it is of concern to Ouroboros.

Q. Why does Ouroboros use a Freelancer ID? Why not a Pirate ID? Or a Kusari Unlawful ID like the Farmers' Alliance or Blood Dragon ID?
A. Ouroboros' unique situation requires us to be flexible in ZoI. We seek to remedy our inability to attack ships by having all vessels carry contraband of one sort or another, allowing us to utilize the self-defense clause. We are a Kusari-oriented faction, yes, but our interests do extend beyond Kusari.

Q. One of your faction's members is harassing me.
A. Ouroboros does not tolerate personnel who engage in aggressive, unfriendly behavior against other members. We will ask you to refrain from complaining in our feedback about this situation and to contact the Faction Account immediately through PM. We shall take immediate action and see to it that it is done anonymously.

Q. Why are you hostile to the Order? As an Unlawful faction, wouldn't you benefit from Order backing?
A. Not only ooRP do some of our members have a personal disdain for the direction the faction has taken, but inRP, their actions have been shown to be morally reprehensible. Since Ouroboros sees itself as a revolutionary, and not a terrorist faction, we inRPly pursue the destruction of Order high command for the sake of supplanting it with a superior entity.

Obviously, this comes with some concerns about ooRP interactions. We would like to assure the community that although ooRPly we don't like the Overwatch's actions, we respect their choice to do so, and do look forward to inRP interactions, be they RP or PvP in nature, and have no intentions to actively overthrow the faction's chain of command ooRP or other kinds of espionage activity.

Q. Do you plan to eventually obtain majority control of the Kusari Government through Elections?
A. Due to the way Discovery is run, we expect at best, after several years, to have 2-3 systems under our control. This permits us to run a state-in-exile in parallel to the official Kusari Government. We do have intent to start a Political front party down the line, as to attempt to shift the house into our favor in elections inRP, but for the sake of fairness - and realism, of course - Ouroboros does not have intent to pursue vehement control of the Kusari Government ooRPly.

Q. What's all this about a faction system? Aren't you aware the development team and admins have pretty much considered not letting factions do that anymore?
A. We are aware of this, and as far as we are aware, this applies solely to Guard Systems (Alaska, Tohoku). SAA 94150, from this point onward refered to as Tochigi, will be a public access system vis-a-vis Virginia. Currently planned schemata have a single installation hidden in a nebula, further protected by a minefield, being the sole restricted area of the system. We are prepared to provide extensive RP and even if needed, provide development on the system. We are also prepared to extensively lobby the administration for the system's creation.

Q. When do you plan on pursuing Officialdom?
A. We plan on pursuing officialdom by December 2018/January 2019 at the earliest, once we have established a sizable presence and are operating suitably for a OF.

Q. What is StarCat Holdings?
A. StarCat Holdings is a Corporate front for Ouroboros based out of Gran Canaria, specializing in various fields, but for the most part is present on the server as a logistics company, hauling goods and even acting as a Cruise line for some ships, such as the SCV Utsunomiya. We are considering expanding this out into a unofficial faction, but for the time being, it will be a unregistered faction.

Please note, that SCH is not to be considered a part of Ouroboros, but rather a un-registered faction that Ouroboros has strong connections to, mainly for money laundering and sale of rebranded technology developed by Ouroboros that could see financial gain from (such as the Tamayori-hime engine and Rachmiel Body Construction System).

Q. Do you plan to host or take part in events?
A. Yes! In fact, we have considered a few events revolving around certain inRP occurances that will take place in regards to the faction. Watch our main thread for announcements.

Q. I was rejected from joining! Why?
A. Ouroboros wishes to allow as many players into our ranks as possible, however, the following reasons can bar you from joining:

* Account Age : We request kindly that you at least feel the ropes of the community before joining any faction. We request that you at least be in the community for at least 6 months. Exceptions may be made if you can pass a test to verify competency. If you are a older user who has returned to the community, please provide to us a character reference to vouch for your age, if your forum account does not provide a proper date or if your original account was lost.
* Community Behavior : Ouroboros frowns upon unkempt user behavior that serves as detriment to the community at large. However, we understand that no one is perfect and mistakes are made. If you have three or more sanctions placed against you within a 3 month period, your application will be automatically rejected. This also applies to members of the faction, who will be booted from the faction as a result.
* Language Limitations : We require that all players be fluent in english. If your forum history shows signs of incompetency in english, we will have to decline your application. We do not mind grammatical or style errors, as we are prone to these as well, however, extensive spelling and grammatical flaws may disqualify you from joining.
* Timezones: We do request that users be within 7 Hours of the EST timezone. Unless you are highly active, we will not be able to accept users from beyond the UTC+3 or UTC+/-12 timezones. We decided on this limitation as the majority of Discovery users live in Europe or North America.
* Age : We kindly ask that those under 18 declare themselves as such before joining. This is to ensure that proper treatment is given for users that are minorities according to US Law. No one under the age of 16 will be accepted into the faction.

Q. Your faction should be retconned to do this, because I said so!
A. Good. Go start your own faction. We will not, as stated above, change our faction's core tenets and iusta causa to please you.

Q. Your faction should be dissolved/shouldn't exist/should be curbstomped, etc.
A. Please elaborate on this elsewhere - preferably far away from this thread. Even more preferably away from public eyes. No one likes a whiner.

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Lythrilux - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 01:10 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: authoritarian


(08-08-2018, 01:11 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: Q. What's all this about a faction system? Aren't you aware the development team and admins have pretty much considered not letting factions do that anymore?
A. We are aware of this, and as far as we are aware, this applies solely to Guard Systems (Alaska, Tohoku). SAA 94150, from this point onward refered to as Tochigi, will be a public access system vis-a-vis Virginia. Currently planned schemata have a single installation hidden in a nebula, further protected by a minefield, being the sole restricted area of the system. We are prepared to provide extensive RP and even if needed, provide development on the system. We are also prepared to extensively lobby the administration for the system's creation.

Asking for a bit of clarification here, so you want the Staff to give you a new system upon reaching officialdom? I sincerely doubt that'll happen, even with perks, as Guard Systems (systems factions could obtain in the past for a credit sum) are a thing of the past.

Lastly, I understand the lore-wise hate for the Overwatch (seriously, who even backs them anymore?) but once again, whilst this is by no means a bad write-up (it's a great writeup in fact, for a Freelancer Nomad hunting faction it's actually impressionable.) it seems like another faction that would do fine with an Order ID - or heck even a BD ID. Think about it, you could do something like have the progression of a disgruntled cell that slowly gains prominence and tries to reform the Order from within? Just throwing an idea out. There's been too many Order-But-Not-Order factions cropping up recently, when imo the NPC faction really needs a fresh influence to take the reigns and progress it.

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Kalhmera - 08-08-2018

After reading what Nodo said I dont mind doing RP with you guys at all! just hit us up

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Nodoka Hanamura - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote:
(08-08-2018, 01:10 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: authoritarian


Thank you. We'll make sure to get this right next time around, Lyth-senpai <3

(08-08-2018, 01:11 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: Q. What's all this about a faction system? Aren't you aware the development team and admins have pretty much considered not letting factions do that anymore?
A. We are aware of this, and as far as we are aware, this applies solely to Guard Systems (Alaska, Tohoku). SAA 94150, from this point onward refered to as Tochigi, will be a public access system vis-a-vis Virginia. Currently planned schemata have a single installation hidden in a nebula, further protected by a minefield, being the sole restricted area of the system. We are prepared to provide extensive RP and even if needed, provide development on the system. We are also prepared to extensively lobby the administration for the system's creation.
(08-08-2018, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Asking for a bit of clarification here, so you want the Staff to give you a new system upon reaching officialdom? I sincerely doubt that'll happen, even with perks, as Guard Systems (systems factions could obtain in the past for a credit sum) are a thing of the past.

Like stated before, we're willing to lobby extensively for it. We are aware it may take a while for this to occur, even after officialdom, if it happens at all.

(08-08-2018, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Lastly, I understand the lore-wise hate for the Overwatch (seriously, who even backs them anymore?) but once again, whilst this is by no means a bad write-up (it's a great writeup in fact, for a Freelancer Nomad hunting faction it's actually impressionable.) it seems like another faction that would do fine with an Order ID - or heck even a BD ID. Think about it, you could do something like have the progression of a disgruntled cell that slowly gains prominence and tries to reform the Order from within? Just throwing an idea out. There's been too many Order-But-Not-Order factions cropping up recently, when imo the NPC faction really needs a fresh influence to take the reigns and progress it.

Firstly, we're a Kusarian Revolutionary Group, but we do have intent on combatting Nomads within our AOs.

Secondly, We chose the FL ID because it allows us a diverse ZoI and powercore options, and when combined with Bounty boards, allows us to engage the major targets of our faction (GRN, KNF, Order) whilst we work our way up to officialdom so we're not stuck doing nothing to do.

Thirdly, we aren't intent on becoming an order faction, but rather, supporting the supplanting of Overwatch. I understand that it may be confusing at first. This means we may collaborate with factions like the recently founded Order faction, given we can work out ooRP issues with them first and formost, in order to help them supplant Overwatch.

We thank you for your feedback, and look forward to interactions with the Core.

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - SCEC - 08-08-2018

Looks very promising!
The things I would like to raise just for accuracy: if you build the state model over contemporary Japan, then "make corporations like Samura and Kishiro public" or diminish their power is contrary to what has been happening in Japan over the last few decades. Living in Japan atm and studying their politics, I can with certainty say that modern Japanese government is amalgamation of political clans, strong business, and sometimes yakuza. Just check out "Amakudari" practice of retirement for high ranking public officers.

inRP, I think at least one passage is worth adding regarding other revolutionary (quasi-revolutionary) factions like Blood Dragons in Kusari and the stance towards them. The faction looks fabulous without it, just saying it can help clarifying your stance regarding the government itself.

P.S. since you label Coalition and Mollys hostile, be wary of StarCat being located on Gran Canaria Wink

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Nodoka Hanamura - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 01:58 AM)Gardarik Wrote: Looks very promising!
The things I would like to raise just for accuracy: if you build the state model over contemporary Japan, then "make corporations like Samura and Kishiro public" or diminish their power is contrary to what has been happening in Japan over the last few decades. Living in Japan atm and studying their politics, I can with certainty say that modern Japanese government is amalgamation of political clans, strong business, and sometimes yakuza. Just check out "Amakudari" practice of retirement for high ranking public officers.

inRP, I think at least one passage is worth adding regarding other revolutionary (quasi-revolutionary) factions like Blood Dragons in Kusari and the stance towards them. The faction looks fabulous without it, just saying it can help clarifying your stance regarding the government itself.

P.S. since you label Coalition and Mollys hostile, be wary of StarCat being located on Gran Canaria Wink

Firstly, I will concede that the part pertaining to government should be revised to consider light socialist concepts (Government seizing private enterprises for the sake of state wellbeing), as that is not even close to modern japan. Thank you for the information Gardarik. It's always good to have someone with your expertise around in these matters.

Secondly, I'll make sure we have this sorted out. It was somewhat alluded to in our manifesto, but not present in our faction info. Thank you for informing us.

Thirdly, I guess we will. Looking forward to seeing SCEC/SCRA out there Smile

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Lythrilux - 08-08-2018

One other thing:

(08-08-2018, 01:15 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: Cordial relations with Marine Royale Gauloise

As of this time, this is not publically known.

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Nodoka Hanamura - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 02:17 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: One other thing:

(08-08-2018, 01:15 AM)Ouroboros HIGHCOM Wrote: Cordial relations with Marine Royale Gauloise

As of this time, this is not publically known.

Thank you. Will be redacted as soon as posisble.

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Sol - 08-08-2018

One of your members sends random hate messages to random nomads in Omicron Iota from Tau 44, how do you make sense of this roleplay-wise? How did he or she get the number of this nomad?

RE: Ouroboros Civil Ombudsman Office (//O-| Feedback) - Jadon King - 08-08-2018

(08-08-2018, 03:55 AM)Sol Wrote: One of your members sends random hate messages to random nomads in Omicron Iota from Tau 44, how do you make sense of this roleplay-wise? How did he or she get the number of this nomad?

If you are talking of the message of "Mongrel" to the ship named Gilgamesh. That was in reference to the Character of the same name in the Fate series. It was nothing more then a joke, a wink and nod to something I thought was being referenced.

I apologize if this offended you.