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Transmission Recipient: The Hellfire Legion. The Commonwealth of Liberty. - Printable Version

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Transmission Recipient: The Hellfire Legion. The Commonwealth of Liberty. - Enkidu - 08-08-2018

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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: DqTsgJZ.gif]
Syndicdirector Corin Frei

Incoming Transmission
[Image: WiVtoLu.png?1]
Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: To ears that choose to listen, mouths that wish to speak, and minds that should be heard, in the Hellfire Legion, and the Commonwealth of Liberty.
From: Corin Frei, The Hans Böckler memorial, Hamburg.
Subject: Who are we?

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"I will not attempt what others have failed to achieve.

I am here to understand. I search just for a pair of ears to hear me, and a mouth. That's all.

I want to know how a people founded in militarism – a nation of soldiers, who, against the odds, deprogrammed themselves. Who shrugged away the bounds of the military industrial complex that created them, who engineered a leftist alternative to old lie from guns alone, have come to see an people founded in the values that you have yourselves grown into, as an enemy. You have called us 'fascists' - loaded words for a Rheinlander. I am curious to know why.

The stars a man chooses as his reference makes us. Ours is not the concept of Rheinland, it is not Hamburg, is is not any one time period or government. It is the promise the Crew of the Rheinland made to its colonists, twenty five years after Sirian settlement. That no man should be powerless to the extent that Violent revolution never be repeated again. That there should never be again an Alliance of the wealthy against a Coalition of the colonised.

It is these lessons we have remembered for in what, in one month and a handful of days, will be eight centuries. Memories are fickle and we may not always have been the best keepers of it. I do not deny that we have broken our vows. Sometimes others may try to break them from us; it is why we are what we are. Yet we return to them. Again, and again. We choose to break the cycle of divide, then revolution, then immolation, though it alienates us from our comrades in the popular revolt. We ask for nothing. We will keep the power even if we must complete the circuit with our own bodies. The past has made us exiles in the present, but we are proud of what we are. It is an honour to live in habitats assembled with our own hands, our own tools, our own resourcefulness. Where we go, is our home."

"I believe whomsoever chooses to listen, understands this. For you feel it in yourself. For your people are evidence of the survival of spirit, over odds. Of belief, over boots."

"Tell an old man. Who are we?"

You cannot cut off the tongue, of a man who speaks through his acts.
Comrade Arbeiter of the Cologne system.

Transmission Complete

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Signal lost.

RE: Transmission Recipient: The Hellfire Legion. The Commonwealth of Liberty. - The Syndicate Leagues - 08-13-2018

Incoming Transmission...
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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: DqTsgJZ.gif]
Syndicdirector Corin Frei

Incoming Transmission
[Image: WiVtoLu.png?1]
Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: To ears that choose to listen, mouths that wish to speak, and minds that should be heard, in the Hellfire Legion, and the Commonwealth of Liberty.
From: Corin Frei, The Hans Böckler memorial, Hamburg.
Subject: Who are we?

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"I cannot gain your attention with life, so I am forced to do so with death."

Two hundred and thirty eight men, women, and children, died from the compression wave of your nuclear ordinance impacting Pacifica. The death toll is rising. Knight's blockade is preventing access of food and medical supplies. "

"I am not here because I choose to speak in high astounding terms from a position of weakness, as a fool would. I am here to make ourselves understood."

"If neither you, or Admiral Knight, issue unconditional ceasefire and let diplomats take their course, I will sign the document on the very PDA I send this transmission from, issuing an effective end to the Second Volksrevolution Civil War.

"I will then bring our entire fleet north. The same fleet we had been training for war against the Red Hessians. We will surrender to the Hessians - if it costs us space stations, resources, so be it. Bases can be rebuilt, money, re-earned. We will stand in Union against the boots of soldiers, no different to the soldiers who opened fire on our ancestors so many centuries ago. The calculus you depend upon for victory will be rebalanced. You will find yourself caught in a grinding, open-ended war. When, if, the Legion withdraws from Bering, we will follow you. We will hound you down until you open your hearts again. "

"Only a madman believes in an eye for an eye, a soul for a soul. You owe us Four hundred and seventy six eyes. You have betrayed one alliance and turned another into poison. If the only way to unblock your ears is to drown Hykarsis in air-busts, I am prepared to answer the cosmos for what I am. For what we are driven to do. "

"There are many days between that day and this. Go home. You will never be able to unmake the scars you have cut, but you can choose to learn from them, rather than bleed into the vilification of history."

"Go home. Pacifica has nothing for you, but daughters and sons."

"Who are we? In lieu of an answer, I will provide one. We are Unity, we are Vigilance. We are those who dare to believe that liberty of action and social responsibility are not antonyms. You started with a warship at your back and a fleet at your side. We had nothing but the hammers with which we built our livelihoods. We are survival; a society founded on pretexts as old as the colonies themselves. I do not pretend that we are saintly people. There is no justice in piracy, theft, insurgency. But none of us chose this lane. Instead it was that we were pushed to take, to enable us to survive. "

"That is the distinction between you, and I. The Legion chose the path of darkness. You are an army of volunteers, bonded by uniform alone. We are a family; every comrade crewman is my brother and sister who I would readily give my own head to protect. A loyalty that demands no ranks, no uniform, no reason, no treason, no boot to the spine."

"You call yourself Legion, as though you were a legion of Earth's old Rome. Disciplined. Regimented. I will tell you what we are: We are Legion, for we are we many, in union, as one. "

You cannot cut off the tongue, of a man who speaks through his acts.
Comrade Arbeiter of the Cologne system.

Transmission Complete

[Image: VGHyq0s.gif?1]
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Signal lost.

RE: Transmission Recipient: The Hellfire Legion. The Commonwealth of Liberty. - Durandal - 08-15-2018

// Will reply to this when I can.