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To: The Orion Corps. - Printable Version

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To: The Orion Corps. - Enkidu - 08-18-2018

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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]
Pacifica Direktor Sascha Lattke

Incoming Transmission
[Image: WiVtoLu.png?1]
Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: The Orion Corps.
From: Syndicliga Kriegschiff Sirene, Hamburg system.
Subject: Revenge is expensive.

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”You're an intriguing set of people. The news articles are most impressive. It's reassuring to know that the parties involved in the Sigma war are attending to their own affairs whilst the Union is preoccupied.”

“I am Sascha Lattke of the UPSA. We'd be intrigued in learning more of your organisation's composition - you've mannaged to generate a very large amount of neuralnet traffic over a very short time for what appears to be a freelance gun-for-hire organisation without a clear motive or goal other than personal enrichment. That, at least, is the superficial story. I'm interested in the semantics."

"How does the blood dragon equivalent of an autocrat become the leader of a mercenary organisation? I suppose the relevant skillets are compatible. The motivations are alien. "

"I wish only to understand. You are a fresh factor."

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

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RE: To: The Orion Corps. - Zephyranthes - 08-18-2018

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScOTm4vt5oX_XYq_9J26V...V6fTZ52IGu]

Sender ID: Sora Kobayashi
Recipient: Sacsha Lattke
Subject: Re: Revenge is expensive

I will keep this brief.

My past is of no consequence in this venture. I tired of the state of Chugoku long ago and have been wandering since. I have instead taken up helping to defend my homeland from the invading Rheinland forces through the use of a mercenary company. From what I can glean about you Unioners, the prospect of us shooting your Rheinlander brethren and supporting the Gas Miners Guild does not sit well with you.

However, if you can overlook our contracts in this theater, then we can begin to do business. What do you want from us?

RE: To: The Orion Corps. - Enkidu - 08-25-2018

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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]
Pacifica Direktor Sascha Lattke

Incoming Transmission
[Image: WiVtoLu.png?1]
Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: The Orion Corps.
From: Syndicliga Kriegschiff Sirene, Hamburg system.
Subject: Revenge is expensive.

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”It appears our pirates have met with you, and enjoyed what they saw. You have virtuous men, and your cause is not incompatible with ours. .”

“The Harmony Separatists, being rather cowardly, do not fight their own battles. Instead, they have employed mercenaries by the name of the Reaver Mercenary Company to fight their battles for them. We have a general order to provide them with the cold shoulder of indifference until they decide to fight themselves, for the Reavers are not our enemies. Their abilities are also vastly overrated - unfortunately, we have not had the pleasure of fighting the Reavers under any situation other than under the company of vast swarms of lawful or Separatist spacecraft, so their claim to any significant attributes is doubtful."

"However, Pacifica is in need of defenders. We are under assault by a collection of militarists who serve no population but the commands of a scoffing admiral, who believes a single cruiser is worth more than the lives of civillians. As a virtuous warrior and a fellow modernist, I believe you'll understand our line of thinking. "

"We will pay the Orions the following:

Two hundred million to set up Orion Very Heavy Fighter spacecraft on Pacifica. They will reside there permanently, or at least until the Separatists learn to fight their own battles, instead of relying on others. If needed, more money will be sent for gunboats and so on."

"A dedicated refresh of the bounty board with seven million credits given per kill against the Separatists and the Reavers, claimable anywhere. Continued service will be repaid with equipment, as well."

"Are your people ready, Mister Kobayashi?"

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

[indent]Transmission Complete

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Signal lost.

RE: To: The Orion Corps. - Orion Corps - 08-25-2018

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScOTm4vt5oX_XYq_9J26V...V6fTZ52IGu]

Sender ID: Sora Kobayashi
Recipient: Sacsha Lattke
Subject: Re: Revenge is expensive

Your willingness to propose such generous terms for our humble Corps is flattering, Mr. Lattke. I have spoken with the other Lancers about this offer, and the news was quite well-received. We believe, however, that we should enter into a formal contract before proceeding. Attached you will find our terms:

Orion Corps Free Company-Unioner Security Services Contract Wrote:
Orion Corps-Alster Union Bering Defense Contract

The following document is a contract between the security contractor, Orion Corps Free Company, and the client, Die Reichsarbeitsgesellschaft der Alster, Die Rheinland Arbeiterbewegung Von den internationalen Syndikatligen der unabhängigen Welten und der Landwirttrechtbewegung (Henceforth known as the Alster Union), to provide defensive services to Pacifica Base and the surrounding system of Bering against the following threats to client assets: Liberty Separatists, Battlegroup Harmony, Reaver Mercenary Company.

An initial down payment of 200.000.000 Sirius Credits will be provided to the security contractor by the client for the purpose of purchasing and outfitting a wing of dedicated vessels to be stationed within Bering aboard Pacifica Base. The size, content, description, and operators of the defense wing will be determined by the security contractor. The security contractor may request additional funds to add new equipment, supplies, vessels, and personnel to the wing. Upon termination of services, the wing will remain in the possession of the security contractor for their own uses.

For each confirmed destruction of a ship affiliated with either the Reaver Mercenary Company, Liberty Separatists, or Battlegroup Harmony, the client will pay the security contractor a flat fee of 7.000.000 SC to a designated bank account upon posting of the bounty. This information must be posted in a bounty claim format in the proper neural net domain of the client's choosing. The client will have seven (7) Sirian Standard days to pay a bounty claim after it has been posted. Failure to adhere to this will result in the termination of the contract.

Bonuses will be attached to the destruction of certain ships depending on the following variables:
The destruction of a Separatist CRUISER will be worth 8.500.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of a Separatist BATTLECRUISER will be worth 9.500.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of a Separatist BATTLESHIP, DREADNOUGHT, or CARRIER will be worth 11.000.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of any ship bearing the IFF of Battlegroup Harmony (H|-) will result in an additional bonus of 2.000.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of the BATTLESHIP SNS HARMONY will be worth 50.000.000 Sirian Credits.

This contract will remain in effect for three (3) Sirian Standard months. Upon reaching the aforementioned date (November 24th, 825 AS), both the client and the security contractor may terminate the contract if desired. The contract may also be renegotiated or continued as is.

In witness whereof, the security contractor and the client have executed this security services contract, both security contractor and client by their duly appointed officer, on August 24th, 825 AS.

Signature of security contractor officer: Lancer-Marshal Sora Kobayashi, Orion Corps Free Company
Signature of client officer:

RE: To: The Orion Corps. - Enkidu - 08-25-2018

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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: MuIiDPi.jpg?1]
Pacifica Direktor Sascha Lattke

Incoming Transmission
[Image: WiVtoLu.png?1]
Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: The Orion Corps.
From: Syndicliga Kriegschiff Sirene, Hamburg system.
Subject: Revenge is expensive.

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”Contract accepted, with caveats included in the document.

Please provide us an appropriate amount of time to sort out the intricacies of payment and bounty board restructuring..”

(08-25-2018, 01:07 AM)Orion Corps Wrote:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScOTm4vt5oX_XYq_9J26V...V6fTZ52IGu]
Sender ID: Sora Kobayashi
Recipient: Sacsha Lattke
Subject: Re: Revenge is expensive

Your willingness to propose such generous terms for our humble Corps is flattering, Mr. Lattke. I have spoken with the other Lancers about this offer, and the news was quite well-received. We believe, however, that we should enter into a formal contract before proceeding. Attached you will find our terms:

Orion Corps Free Company-Unioner Security Services Contract Wrote:
Orion Corps-Alster Union Bering Defense Contract

The following document is a contract between the security contractor, Orion Corps Free Company, and the client, Die Reichsarbeitsgesellschaft der Alster, Die Rheinland Arbeiterbewegung Von den internationalen Syndikatligen der unabhängigen Welten und der Landwirttrechtbewegung (Henceforth known as the Alster Union), to provide defensive services to Pacifica Base and the surrounding system of Bering against the following threats to client assets: Liberty Separatists, Battlegroup Harmony, Reaver Mercenary Company.

An initial down payment of 200.000.000 Sirius Credits will be provided to the security contractor by the client for the purpose of purchasing and outfitting a wing of dedicated vessels to be stationed within Bering aboard Pacifica Base. The size, content, description, and operators of the defense wing will be determined by the security contractor. The security contractor may request additional funds to add new equipment, supplies, vessels, and personnel to the wing. Upon termination of services, the wing will remain in the possession of the security contractor for their own uses.

For each confirmed destruction of a ship affiliated with either the Reaver Mercenary Company, Liberty Separatists, or Battlegroup Harmony, the client will pay the security contractor a flat fee of 7.000.000 SC to a designated bank account upon posting of the bounty. This information must be posted in a bounty claim format in the proper neural net domain of the client's choosing. The client will have seven (7) Sirian Standard days to pay a bounty claim after it has been posted. Failure to adhere to this will result in the termination of the contract.

Bonuses will be attached to the destruction of certain ships depending on the following variables:
The destruction of a Separatist CRUISER will be worth 8.500.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of a Separatist BATTLECRUISER will be worth 9.500.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of a Separatist BATTLESHIP, DREADNOUGHT, or CARRIER will be worth 11.000.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of any ship bearing the IFF of Battlegroup Harmony (H|-) will result in an additional bonus of 2.000.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of the BATTLESHIP SNS HARMONY will be worth 50.000.000 Sirian Credits.
The destruction of a ship carrying military salvage either to and from Bristol Depot, of any IFF, will be worth 5000000 Million Credits, whilst the Orion group are permitted to stake claim to the cargo.**

This contract will remain in effect for three (3) Sirian Standard months. Upon reaching the aforementioned date (November 24th, 825 AS), both the client and the security contractor may terminate the contract if desired. The contract may also be renegotiated or continued as is.

In witness whereof, the security contractor and the client have executed this security services contract, both security contractor and client by their duly appointed officer, on August 24th, 825 AS.

Signature of security contractor officer: Lancer-Marshal Sora Kobayashi, Orion Corps Free Company
Signature of client officer:
[Image: NSMhil9.png]

“We hope for a prosperous shared future. Please provide us a neuralnet address for the initial two hundred million."

In solidarity, in peace, I remain yours.
Sascha Lattke
Cell-Lord, Chort's Forge, Westphalia.

Transmission Complete

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Signal lost.

RE: To: The Orion Corps. - Orion Corps - 09-07-2018

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScOTm4vt5oX_XYq_9J26V...V6fTZ52IGu]

Sender ID: Sora Kobayashi
Recipient: Sacsha Lattke
Subject: Re: Revenge is expensive

My apologies for the delay. We have been swamped with excess targets and contracts recently, and a comm blackout complicated matters. You may send the funds to the Neural Net account +Orion+Satsuma. We will deploy the necessary assets with all due haste upon receipt of funds.