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Player Wipe - Igiss - 09-16-2006

We haven't had wipes for more than one year, probably longer than any other popular Freelancer server. However, this must've ended one day.

Why? Mostly because of cumulative old errors that persist since older versions. While looking through server logs, I sometimes see errors from 4.78 and even earlier - just because players ignored/didn't notice requests to re-buy some ship or equipment. Many errors, however, are never reported by flserver.

And errors cause lag.

There is another reason - rebalancing of certain features in 4.81. Yes, first beta is 4.81 is almost ready and should be available in a few days. No one doubts that beta will require lots of fixing to become release version. But it's better to wipe before testing, otherwise testing itself would be irreversibly spoiled.

If something goes terribly wrong, old DB might even be restored. I know it sounds strange. But cumulative wipe concept is rather obvious: server with less players is less laggy by default. There's nothing to simulate.

Therefore I can officially announce that player wipe will happen in one of the next few days. Compensation conditions are:

1) All characters automatically get 1 million credits for the start during first 2-4 weeks (depends on length of testing).
2) All non-system-owning factions that will have 3 or more players will get 200 million credits for startup expenses.
3) All system-owning factions with 5 or more players will get 500 million credits.

Compensation will be paid immediately after appropriate number of players will re-join our server.

Faction rules will change with 4.81 significantly, especially system owning part of them.

You may post questions and comments here. Post will be edited in future, so remember to look back.

Player Wipe - Dab - 09-16-2006

Are we going to try the simulated wipe first? The wipe might not work, so we should try simulated in case it doesn't.

Player Wipe - Igiss - 09-16-2006

As for simulated.

We've disucussed that with Wolfpack. Right now the wipe cannot be simulated, cause new mod version requires a wipe. How can the wipe not work? It may not prove efficient enough to solve lagging problems, but then it will be my job to fix what's wrong with the mod. Much easier to do this having fresh player database.

The situation has changed. Sumilated wipe is no longer an option. Anyway, old player DB will be saved in case it might be needed in future.

Player Wipe - Dab - 09-16-2006

Its not the wipe might not work, its the fact that it might not fix the lag.

Player Wipe - Igiss - 09-17-2006

Wipe is necessary anyway, even if it doesn't fix the lag. Too many things are being changed this time. Concerning ship balance in particular.

Player Wipe - Virus - 09-17-2006

I'm looking forward to this player wipe, actually. Not to mention another mod version.

Sooner the better, in my opinion. At least I'll be able to stop worrying about being annihilated by "freelance" battleships in Rheinland! D:<

However, with this new version, I'm going to REALLY enforce Rheinland Military's ship restrictions.

Player Wipe - Dab - 09-17-2006

I would suggest making battleships much more expensive in the new version.. Too many people have BSs now.. It should be at least 3 times as hard to get them. Then we would see more cruisers, frigates, and gunboats around.

Player Wipe - Virus - 09-17-2006

Ah, I thought of some things that are rather important:

Will there be a player wipe for every version from now on? Will versions be pumped out as quickly?

Player Wipe - Dab - 09-17-2006

If there are wipes every release, then we should have 5-6 months between each release..

Player Wipe - Igiss - 09-17-2006

Dab stop this, your attitude is clear. I've explained well enough why I'm doing this. Not because I want to.

No there won't be player wipes after each release, and no, new releases won't come as quickly as this time (I guess many'd prefer them to come faster, no? but my capabilities are limited).

Battleships will become more expensive. Not 3 times, but notably. Other capital ships will become more expensive too, by the way, but not too much.

As for all other features, I won't reveal anything now.