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To: Apollo Venkman - Printable Version

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To: Apollo Venkman - Maria - 08-20-2018

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Name: Maria de Santangelo
Subject: Ghosts

Señor Venkman.

I know my eyes did not betrayed me in Corsica. I saw your face passing by in the multidão on the common area of the third floor, yesterday night, but I was unable to reach you.

I could not rest until I was certain, and I managed to.. arrancar the information from that level manager. It is you and you are alive. Another Ghost. We are very few now, Venkman. And hunted still. What are you doing in Corsica, Ghost? There is nothing for us anymore, anywhere.

As Serenissima,

M. de Santangelo

RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 08-20-2018

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My face, or what is left of it, can still be recognized by people that once knew me. The Sanctum is the only place on which I can take of the mask without catching any looks, call it respect, I don't know.

My memory does not serve me well, you say you know me? It's been a long time since someone referred to me as Ghost, I must admit that I am surprised. Anyway, you caught my attention, señorita. What do you want of me?

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RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Maria - 08-20-2018

[Image: 921wsjd.png]
[Image: RXg8By6.png]

Name: Maria de Santangelo
Subject: Ghosts


I do know you. Because when you joined the 101st, I left, after the disappearance of Jameson. I wore my real name back then, Eva Santos, Teniente. Mancini.. never really won my respeito, and I was too broken to fight under another Administrador.

I have a lot of questions and yet my mente only allows one to gain shape and form.

What are you doing, hiding in the shadows, Ghost? You lost your will?

As Serenissima,

M. de Santangelo

RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 08-20-2018

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I guess that explains the fact that I don't know you señorita, my service began when the acting administrator was Señor Brandon Garrison, it is all blurry now as it was a very long time ago.
Christina was a good administrator, she did a good job, unfortunately her disappearance left a huge scar on the 101st Guard. Every next administrator of the 101st had it's own agenda, putting our efforts somewhere else, shifting from it's path.

Hiding is one way to put it, it's not completely true, but it's close. My will... it's still present, deep inside I still care about my Nation, the problem is ... I don't know if it's worth fighting again.

You say you have a lot of questions, that is fine, but I do have questions as well, one of them being; why do care about me at all?

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RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Maria - 08-20-2018

[Image: 921wsjd.png]
[Image: RXg8By6.png]

Name: Maria de Santangelo
Subject: Ghosts

Señor Venkman.

Because it takes one to recognize another. We cared for our nación. I cared. I was in the Ghosts and then the Legión, all for Malta. And I bled more than my share.

I know that I do not care for Malta as I did. Yet you don't know if you do care, señor. Which means you still do. And call it whatever sentimentos soldiers like us have from being in the 101st, but it hurts me to see a brother torn in the shadows.

If you still want to fight for Malta, the Legión is out there. Not for the dons or their greed. They are fighting for what the 101st stood for. And that means more scars everyday.

If you feel you are done with that, Serenissima is always looking for good, solid soldiers, like us. We may not fight for Malta, but we fight everyone that appear in our path. That way, the scars hurt a little less.

Step out of the shadows, Ghost. We of the 101st should end the prison we have put ourselves in so long ago. It is more than time for us to be free to do what we want. And without shame.

And that is the answer to your question. I care for my brothers and sisters still.

As Serenissima,

M. de Santangelo

RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 08-21-2018

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Señorita, I believe you, I too have bled for my Nation, more than you can imagine. What is left is just a memory of once great and proud army, I am alone in this and I can feel the shadows consuming my soul. If I break free from it, there's no coming back. If I decide to fight for my Nation once again, I would do it until the very end, I hope you realize that.

I was in the shadows for a long time, so long that I've lost track of what is going on, with the Nation and with it's enemies. So if I was to fight once again for Malta and it's people, under which banner would I do that señorita?

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RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Maria - 08-21-2018

[Image: 921wsjd.png]
[Image: RXg8By6.png]

Name: Maria de Santangelo
Subject: Ghosts

Señor Venkman.

If your heart still wants to sangrar for Malta.. Then the Legión is the path to follow. Colonel Valdez is gathering the core of the militia once again, and for what I have seen, they are fighting for Malta and it's people, not the dons or the fat pompous politicians.

That is the banner you should follow. I am sorry that I cannot bleed for Malta anymore, Señor Venkman. I'm all out of blood for our people. Good thing to know some of us aren't.

Colonel Eliza Valdez is the woman you should speak to. She is almost.. ingénua in her feelings for Malta. And true. I fought at her side, and she is someone that will stay her ground if it benefits our people.

I will be seeing you around, Ghost. I am happy I was able to help you.

As Serenissima,

M. de Santangelo