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TO: 'Warden' Gaian Guard, FR: Golden Oak Tours - Printable Version

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TO: 'Warden' Gaian Guard, FR: Golden Oak Tours - Mr.Fabulous - 08-22-2018

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Receiver: 'Warden', Gaian Guard Comms Network
Sender: Leon 'Fabulous' Harrington, CRO, Golden Oak Tours
Sent on: 825 A.S., August 23, 20:42 SMT
Subject: Permission for Base and Equipment Re-Access, Closer Relations

>>> Begin Message <<<

[Image: Golden%20Oaks%20Tours_zpspoqc1yoj.png]

The man in a purple suit, his skyblue eyes weary with darkened circles beneath them, looks at the camera with a bit of a yawn before starting off his introduction. "Salutations, Warden-dear! My name is Mr.Fabulous, Chief Ruling Officer of Golden Oak Tours. Given my sleep-deprivation, creating this message more than a few hours past my bedtime, I'll keep this brief.

"On behalf of Golden Oak Tours, I humbly ask our company be properly granted your blessing to be allowed docking permission and be able to purchase from your Gaia-blessed group its "PT-series" engines for the company's personal use.

"Basically, we're an eco-tourism company, and 'tis our belief your engines, with its unparalleled efficiency and uniquely-green emissions that symbolizes GOAT's endeavor towards eco-sustainability.


"With that said, I'd like to explain a recent 'incident' that's happened between GOAT and thy dearies at Holmfirth Base.

"See, I've a sibling that used to work for thy dearies. His name was Harry Harrington. Spirited chap. Latched zealously onto his beliefs towards a cleaner Bretonia through marshal might. Totally and long-since deceased since the capture of Edinburgh by the Gallics, unfortunately.

"'Twas through yours-truly's sibling's connections that I've knowledge of the location of a few of thy bases, and have been able to justly and fairly purchase equipment from thy group, while in exchange Golden Oak Tours ferries food and supplies to the dearies should the occasion call for it... sometimes free of charge, even!

"Nevertheless, it's only just come to my attention that thy laws seem to have changed that third parties now require proper permission from thee to land on and purchase equipment from thy bases.

"'Twas hoping I'd be able to abate what I'm about to say until GOAT and the Gaians have reached an agreement with the proposal for the Gaian Wildlife sanctuaries about GOAT liners and eventually GOAT solars, but thy delays towards a decision leaves yours-truly no choice.

"GOAT proposes closer, if not more open, relations with the Gaians. GOAT:
  1. not only wishes an expedient reply towards yours-truly's sanctuary proposal,
  2. but to allow GOAT vessels to dock upon and trade some of our signature commodities such as Sweet Rice //Kyushu Rice//, Cambridge Cutlets //Luxury Food//, and Mondscheinblume //Blue Jillies// unto select bases of thy choosing,
  3. in exchange for free access to thy engine stores,
  4. and the guarantee that thy organization shall not fire at, pirate upon, nor even provoke GOAT vessels into hostility.

"... But if thou thinks this proposal is unfit for thy needs, then GOAT is more than welcome to pull any and all potential cooperation with thy group, cease all resupplying to your bases, and desist any and all further contact.

"I am a patient man, Warden-dear... But from your group's many weeks of giving GOAT the cold shoulder, even a patient man has his limits.

"Fabulous out..."

[Image: Golden%20Oaks%20Tours_zpspoqc1yoj.png]

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Golden Oak Tours
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RE: TO: 'Warden' Gaian Guard, FR: Golden Oak Tours - The B Bros - 08-23-2018

Opening transmission...

[Image: saCy5nB.png]
Priority: High
Encryption: Sacred Trees
From: Mark Brown
To: Golden Oak Tours (Company Wide)

While only a small amount of time has passed, our time has been spent wisely. Upon your words we meditated. Watching. Listening. Understanding. Me and my Brother consulted the might of those we hold so dear and worked along side our dearest friends to achieve true enlightenment for what you have sent to us. However, it appears we have detected deception. Lies. Slander.

My Brothers, Sisters, and the beloved divines know nothing of what you speak. There are no records of you ever having a brother within our family, neither any records of you ever visiting our homes. My visions bring me the truth about who you are, a liar and a fraud. You are a heretic; and you should be treated as such.

You are not welcome in our space. You may preach your own ideals and falsehoods, but they will get you nowhere. You are not a true believer and therefore you are not entitled to act in the name of those I hold so dear. Your offer is considered denied.

I do not want to hear from you again, I do not want to hear the lies you speak. Our technology is to be used to aid Gaia, and all her children; not some for-profit criminals! If you were before me now I wouldn't hesitate to cut you down. I can still hear the voices of the divines instructing me to do so; to carry out their will.

[Image: bSp2fGK.png]
Closing transmission...