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Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - John White - 09-08-2018

[Image: Qs8hS2n.png]

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated

To whom it may concern,

Ageira Innovations has made effort to appeal to Bretonia, Kusari and Rheinland governments to fully restrict the shipping of Ageira White Boxes through the houses in written laws. Bretonia has complied fully. Kusari saw fit to "include" Kishiro and Samura as "legal" shippers. While Rheinland still refuses to include Universal Shipping.

To point out their lack of understanding what our corporations mean to their houses, we plan to lower maintenance for vital parts of their networks to cause a temporary shutdown to some of their Jump Gates, so that we have leverage over Kusari and Rheinland. However in such case we would have to unify and make appropriate announcements barring all of our employees from delivering vital components to repair the obstruction to their traffic.

In the meantime we are seeking more definite methods to lower the chances of anyone outside our three corporations obtaining White Boxes and so far looked into possibility to overhaul Pueblo Station's protocols, that would include additional security measures in checking through captain's background and history with our corporations. We hope to gain permission from Liberty Government to make background checks on all captains to investigate any possible relationships with less tolerated organisations around Sirius in order to filter out the risk.

We hope to hear your ideas and thoughts on these matters.


John White,
President, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Doe Industries - 09-08-2018

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SUBJECT: Making a stand
TO: Jack White

New York, Liberty Space

Good evening Mr White,

I applaud your bravery in attempting this endeavor though I cannot say it will fare well for all of us in the long run. With the growing threat of Gallia on our borders, our neighbors will inevitably fall under their influence and we lose out right. As it stands, our service crews are reluctant to head to the Sigma regions due to the tense situation happening. Reports also indicated high piracy encounters in the Bretonian side of Rheinland as well. So we as a company are concerned not only for the completion of our tasks but the future of maintaining this while the current threat is so real.

Don't get me wrong, Mr White, I am very interested in seeing our mighty nation be able to sustain it's links through our neighbors, but something has to change in order for us to be viably able to do so. But I also think we need to consider if we can maintain these lanes if they don't want us too.

Bottom line question is; what does this mean for our industry in the future?

Jack Doe

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Lafayette - 09-10-2018

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Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: John White
Subject: White Boxes


Universal Shipping Incorporated will continue lobbying Liberty's government to enforce stricter and more frequent cargo scans particularly around Colorado system.

However we are against additional security measures in regards to the boxes' purchase from Pueblo. This will add significant more paperwork, bureaucracy and time to the whole process but also make it much more inflexible, for example if you want to revoke DSE's permit, that it would be much more difficult and complex than it currently is.

It is good that Ageira Innovations will not jeopardize security and quality standards in order to meet the demands of Rheinland's market. We expect that due to the lack of proper and frequent maintenance, Rheinland's trade lane and jump gate network will start experiencing severe malfunctions. If all this lobbying wasn't enough to change their minds, perhaps when their critical infrastructure starts crumbling may help them see reason and change their minds.

Thank you again for your update.

Nicole Burton
Vice Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - John White - 09-27-2018

[Image: Qs8hS2n.png]

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated

Dear colleagues,

First of all, introducing new security protocols is necessary if we are to continue to uphold and enforce our strong grip on the monopoly which brings us profits that keeps us on the top. Secondly, we have no intention to ever change availability of Ageira White Boxes as it was, is and will be restricted to Ageira, DSE and Universal. What previous major branches of Ageira attempted to do by allowing Borderworld Exports and Interspace to transport our proprietary products is beyond our comprehension. This mistake will not be repeated and White Boxes will remain our prized possession.

Onto our plan for Kusari and Rheinland to see their futile attempts to prevent proper law revisions, we hope that targeted decreased maintenance for their network at major junction points, such as "New Tokyo - Honshu" and "New Berlin - Stuttgart" will force them to revisit and reconsider our demands to properly include Ageira White Boxes for Ageira, DSE and Universal restriction into their laws. We will leverage it by spiking up the repair prices considerably and offering to forgo it should they introduce required legislation. If they refuse, we will simply yield bigger profits at no expense. Either way, it is a win-win situation for all of us.


John White,
President, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Doe Industries - 10-03-2018

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SUBJECT: White Boxes
TO: John White

New York, Liberty Space

Hi again,

While I wish to further reiterate our support, you didn't cover my fears about losing the tradelane network in Rheinland to the Gallic ones as displayed in northern Bretonia currently. If we lose the network completely and instead Rheinland turning to the Gallic corporations, how do we win there? We not only lose out on crucial income, but the threat of Gallia is right on our doorstep. I needn't stress to you the significance in that.

Have you thought of what may happen if Rheinland turns their back on us?

John Doe

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - John White - 10-04-2018

[Image: Qs8hS2n.png]

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated

Dear Mr. Doe

We believe that Rheinland has neither the funds nor proper way of establishing anything but a hope to substitute us with Gallic equivalent of us. First of all, EFL transports would cannot move through Bretonia to reach Rheinland and secondly, current conflict with Kusari would most likely result in adding Gallic Parts to the list of embargoed commodities should Rheinland decide to sell out themselves to Gallia.

With our constant monitoring of active Jump Gates and Trade Lanes, EFL has no chance to take over them in Rheinland or Kusari as we have the means to manipulate them and disable them. For good. With fiery implosion. The Gate in Bretonia however was lost due to maintenance being cancelled after Bretonia lost the grounds to ensure safety. This will not be repeated in areas where our influence is established in.


John White,
President, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Doe Industries - 10-04-2018

[Image: u8KfeRL.png]

SUBJECT: White Boxes
TO: John White

New York, Liberty Space

I'm not going to lie,

I still have grave concerns about the risk this poses. However if you believe this is sound then I have no option other than to trust your judgement on this. What ever happens, Doe Industries will support you in every capacity.

As is the case, I do have a 2 month old report conducted across the houses to note the conditions of the network and discovered that Rheinland were the most inefficient of all the Houses. I have attached it below FYI.

Let me know if there is anything else we can do to help.

FIle Reference 162331 (Read-Only)

John Doe

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - John White - 11-24-2018

[Image: Qs8hS2n.png]

To: Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated

Dear colleagues,

We have reached the pinnacle of interstellar travel once again by completing and successfully establishing a connection between such distant systems as Alberta and Poole. I want to congratulate us all for unwavering dedication through the years to cooperate and push the boundaries in scientific and engineering fields far beyond expectations.

Another issue at hand is more concerning that does not allow us to fully relax and enjoy our victory over science. EFL construction sites have been established in Frankfurt and Sigma-15 systems and their Jump Gates as well as Trade Lanes are being in process of assembly. This is a bold move by Rheinland but something that was expected. It is clear they do not enjoy dependence on our technology but at the same time they have no other practical choice as their whole house is already covered by it. It would seem they would rather have higher expenses for the services that require transportation through whole Sirius rather than rely on us despite our tolerance towards their idiocity over the years.

I would like to hear your thoughts on the second matter.


John White,
President, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Doe Industries - 11-25-2018

[Image: u8KfeRL.png]

SUBJECT: RE: White Boxes
TO: John White

New York, Liberty Space

I'm not going to lie here,

I did point out this would eventuate. Though I am surprised it happened this quickly.

I'm bound by the contracts that we all share in maintaining these networks as required but I am beginning to wonder how much of a future is left in this now. While the Gallic influence grows in Rheinland, Liberty influence is lost elsewhere. I don't think we can afford to lose much more ownership of these networks. The biggest concern is the safety of our crews; we're establishing more and more hostile contacts on the fringes of Libertonian influence. This again begs the need for something to change if we are to be able to keep providing this invaluable service.

While I support this move entirely, it does raise questions into how we are expected to deal with the repercussions. Can you confirm Interspace still covering our insurance costs?

John Doe

RE: Ageira Innovations - Doe Industries and Universal Shipping Incorporated - Lafayette - 12-08-2018

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: John White, John Doe
Subject: Rheinland Developments

President White, Chairman Doe.

The Office of the President finds the developments in Frankfurt system to be extremely worrisome. Our monopoly is threatened. President Charles Bell believes that the Big Three have the economic and political muscle to convince Rheinland that this is a route which they should not take. However we must cooperate with Interspace Commerce which has the most investments in Rheinland and is thus in the best negotiating position from all of us, Ageira included.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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