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Operational and personnel update - Août 741 - Printable Version

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Operational and personnel update - Août 741 - Lanakov - 09-15-2018

[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Text message to all personnel, from Amiral Isabelle Montlaville de Chanteloup

Topic : status of current operations and personnel-related announcements

Pilots, commanders and crew members,

Another month has passed, and summer is coming at an end. The end of our operation against Bretonia is looming.

I worry, like most of you, I would wager. What lies ahead for us ? Will our offensive bear its fruit ? Will the Libertonians find a way to flank us ? Are those rumours about the Conseillards in Gallia true ?

Let me be clear : none of this matters. We are the soldiers of His Majesty ; we've been trained for this. We are the best at this, no matter what, and we will overcome any difficulty that dares to come our way. You know it. Gallia will triumph. It must. There is no other way.

I have noticed a severe lack of engagement from you over the past weeks. I have chosen to attribute it to more time spent training, maintaining and practising in preparation for the big offensive. There were also the traditional summer leaves of absence. And perhaps some of that stage fright I mentioned earlier. Understandable... But not acceptable. You will take to the stars again, you will rally and resume harassing, interdicting and assaulting our enemy with pride and valour, as you have done in the past. The adversary must not think us asleep ; indeed, they can't be allowed to sleep, for fear that we might strike precisely now, or tomorrow. They must be defeated before the first fusilier sets foot on Londres. So join your units, rally your pilots, and set off again. There remains much to be done : Opération Farfadet is a strategic priority, and I demand quick results.

In other news ; join me in welcoming back the lieutenant de vaisseau Sabine de Bordeleaux, who has returned to the ranks a few weeks ago. Her decisive contribution and excellent spirits will be of significant help to us in the battles to come, and Gallia's future.

Finally, there have been news of conflict erupting between the Unioners and some Libertonian separatists. This would be a distant concern to us... But we've been trying to support the Separatists in their fight against the Liberty government, and ONE of our corporations has chosen to strike a deal with the Unioners against my personal instructions.

Yes, it's EFL again, of course.

It is in our interests to prevent the escalation of this conflict, and officially, Gallia condemns the Unioners for their opposition to our partners in the Rheinland government. As such, you are required to be forthcoming and cooperative to any member of the Harmony you may come across. Contrarily, I expect you to show the appropriate severity to any Unioner pilot you might find in our zone of operation ; at present, they are not welcome in our space as we can't afford to lose Rheinland's friendship... yet. Still, avoid shooting them down if you can, we may have need of them later.

That's all. There will be no change in the MRG's hierarchy this month.

Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline.