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To: IRG |Secure| - Printable Version

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To: IRG |Secure| - Sr.Agent Ferocity - 09-20-2018

[Image: hleth6y.gif]

Sender: Sr.Agent Ferocity
Recipient ID: IRG
Encryption: Absolute


I am Senior Agent Ferocity of the Liberty Security Force. The LSF will always have interests in keeping Liberty ahead of the curve when it comes to any threats and there is one threat to close to home that makes me uncomfortable. Freeport 2 In Bering has become a hub of all Unlawful types. That station used to belong to the Zoners and my attachment below shows that It does not anymore. My question to you is, does IRG posses the want to get that Freeport back and utilize it like you use Bethlehem?

Attachments: X

[Image: 6tGewOB.gif]

RE: To: IRG |Secure| - Aristaan - 09-20-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Agent Ferocity,
While the exact events leading to the loss of control of Freeport 2 are not necessarily known to IRG itself, we do have a particular interest in establishing a presence there. Functionally, Freeport 2 could serve as a trading hub on the Rheinland - Liberty subsections, to great profit to both Liberty corporations and Rheinland corporations; similarly to Ames' function in Kepler. However, you are aware that within our own capacity, we are open to peoples of many backgrounds, even some more unsavory in your own eyes. Should you wish us to take back the station, I doubt we would be able to do so unless a certain organization displaced and threatened the current hive of villainy.

The Zoners as a whole prefer deregulated space over that of core house space, but should we successfully reclaim Freeport 2, a similar agreement of that of Bethlehem would be drafted.

This would not be any easy task, as the Zoners may have to stay remote to the conflict to maintain a position as a diplomatic alternative. This would mean the LSF would invest a grand cost into the project that I'd assume they'd desire compensation for. Regardless, establishing such a hub would still be very profitable for us, and not beyond our capacity. The upfront cost would be significant, but it would pay in the long run.

I believe IRG would consider this agreement to be favorable should the price be within reason. I recommend you get with your own internal logistics and find what strategy you prefer. This would be, within an unofficial capacity, duplicity and sabotage to the current residents.

Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Theoretical physics, Thermodynamics
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: IRG |Secure| - Sr.Agent Ferocity - 09-20-2018

[Image: hleth6y.gif]

Sender: Sr.Agent Ferocity
Recipient ID: Doctor James Erzie
Encryption: Absolute


A Trading hub you say? Well I do see the possibility that Liberty could benefit from such a shift in control. How similar would the draft be in comparison to the agreement of Bethlehem? As for how difficult the task would be and its expenses you are correct that The Liberty Security Force would have to dole out some serious resources to commit to taking back Freeport 2. I will speak to the Director and other Senior Agents on how the IRG could compensate us for regaining control of the Freeport. Tho I must tell you It wont be cheap. The lives of good Libertonians will be put at risk in securing the base that the Zoners lost. Dont think I blame you, I just have a distaste in my mouth for the Zoners that caused this mess in the first place. I will be in touch soon.

Attachments: X

[Image: 6tGewOB.gif]

RE: To: IRG |Secure| - Aristaan - 09-20-2018

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Agent Ferocity,
A trading hub would be the place to start, but certainly not the limit. The draft of the agreement would be nearly identical, allowing any agent in the area to enforce the law as long as it does not endanger the station. The original draft of the Treaty of Bethlehem actually mentions Freeport 2 already, but lacks specifics. Essentially if you have proof of aggression or the actual infraction of Liberty law, the LSF and Liberty Police and Navy would be permitted to enforce consequences therein. This would be limited to the laws pertaining to technology, foreign military, or affiliation, unless consequences are instigated beyond our normal zones. To clarify, you have to watch the bad guy try to do the bad thing before he's a bad guy. What happens outside the zone is not our concern, and if additional parties bring their problems to us, we'll help resolve them.

I look forward to seeing what the LSF conjures, and we're ready to cooperate in any way you need.

Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Theoretical physics, Thermodynamics
Ingenuus Research Group