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Player Temp Banned: Riehl - Printable Version

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Player Temp Banned: Riehl - The Sovereign - 09-23-2018

Riehl has been temporarily banned for:

Quote:1.5 Meta/powergaming


You've had your access to the server removed and your ability to access the forums revoked for a month. In light of the lofty amount of incidents that you've managed to rack up of an identical nature, I suggest using this time to reacquaint yourself with the server rules. Further infractions will not be treated as lightly.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Temp Banned: Riehl - Lucas - 09-23-2018

As UN 2ic I would like to have the evidence sent, please.
We are still unsure as to what has lead to this ban and require the information as quick as possible so that we can discuss about what to do now.

EDIT: Tanith wanted me to add this

Rieh Wrote:I have no incentive to metagame.

It doesn’t grant a player, faction leader, or faction any specific advantage that I can conceive of. The nature of this sanction hinges upon coincidental timing and ingame encounters that the sanctioning players were not present for. They might have assumed metagaming, but that’s not what actually occurred.

I woke up and saw this, and I was… surprised. I suppose “that’s what they all say” (in Inferno’s own words) is rather true. People are often surprised but what they’ve been sanctioned for. But I’ve done concrete soul searching and I can’t figure out anything. Even anything that grabs me.

I can’t even figure out the isolated incidents that someone would use for a spurious sanction. I’m confused, not angry that I think certain incidents have been incorrectly interpreted or trying to self-justify something. Confused. I’m unsure what the situations potentially could be.

A character having knowledge of a situation that is beyond their ken is against the rules. We played by the rules that we had set ourselves as characters, and nothing came of it. Any encounter that I’ve had which wasn’t a forum encounter happened ingame. 100% guaranteed.

Equally, why would I do something like this? I use the vote system relatively regularly – why would I want to imperil the trust of the greens in me through on-server bad behaviour? The worst that can be said about me is that I sometimes have a pottymouth and become overly irritated when I perceive what I interpret as people behaving unjustly to others Oorply, but I have no intention to be a parasite to the community.

There is no “Winning” here for me. I roleplay because I like to have fun learning about other people’s characters on the fly, through the eyes of my characters. It’s what’s amazing about Discovery is that it lends a level of removal that D’n’D amongst others doesn’t.

I hope that the admins create a line of communication with me whilst this ban is in place so I can counter-submit evidence, logs, and screens wherever I have them for any particular situation that people might have misinterpreted as malicious or meta-gamey. If there is genuinely something here, I deserve to be punished for it. But I assert that, unless I’ve fallen over and knocked my head in the last 24 hours, there won’t be any of them.

Please provide me a chance to exonerate myself and the credibility of UN. I’ve been playing here for six years. This is the first time anything like this has happened before. I’d like to give my side. I’m learning more about the sanction from the people who reported me rumouring than I actually knew about the incidents themselves, and am surprised by how this interpretation has come to play.

I have some explaining to do, but I can’t do this from a ban.

Yesterday UN and Harmony had a great encounter ingame. Both sides enjoyed themselves. I guess if that is going to be my last encounter on Discovery, at least it was a good one.

Finally, unban the faction account even if my testimony isn’t enough to reverse the sanction. Other people will have to make use of that whilst I’m gone.

To quote an unspecified faction member: “This is nerve-wracking and I’ve barely slept”. The situation is pretty harrowing and came out of the blue for UN, just as everyone had started to think things were going pretty sustainably for the faction. Please get back to us as soon as you can, and thank you for the help we’ve received so far.

RE: Player Temp Banned: Riehl - Durandal - 09-23-2018

There's no link for admin/mod use here so I can only speculate as to what exactly happened, but @"Riehl" is claiming the hack attempt on my comm here were used as evidence against her. This roleplay was fully consensual and should not be considered metagaming.

Edit: Dug through the paper trail on the backend and didn't see anything pertinent to that interaction but I figured it'd be good to have on record as not metagaming. Can we please edit that link to actually lead somewhere?

RE: Player Temp Banned: Riehl - Enkidu - 10-23-2018

Well, I've reached the end of this.

I understand why I was sanctioned and I regret my actions. I have a tendency to read the RP of groups I'm interacting with in order to create mutually satisfactory encounters and to avoid there being two separate narratives of events. To roll with the punches as they occur. This meant that there could be some ambiguity over what I thought the other faction wanted me to know (I.E: a statement of attack against Unioner ships) and the exact scope of the desired RP (a special forces raid, which would be dependent upon player interaction). I never intended to metagame and will uphold that intention in the future. I never intended to project Oorp knowledge into my characters, nor will ever intend to.

This situation was one of respect, gone wrong.

What I will change is the systemics which lead to the reports. I'll attempt to reach out to other players and leaders Oorply for roleplay clarification before I create inter-faction RP in the future, to clarify my intentions and to understand theirs. It might not have the cleanly incommunicado nature of the Lane Hackers, who reduce Oorp dialogue to the absolute minimum for sake of the preservation of suspense, but it should reduce the likelyhood that I'll be spending any more time off the server.

I hope faction leaders reading this will give, not just me, but one another, the benefit of the doubt if they read something they believe is foul play regarding the murky lines of RP. I would have happily deleted the offending lines if consulted, but I never received any prior notification of wrongdoing by the individuals who sanctioned me, so I had no real way of correcting the course. My objective has always been to create a fun RP environment for others and nothing will change about that. Especially because of this sanction.

Even OFL leaders with six years on the server can make mistakes.

I'd like to be unbanned so I can revive UN. look for a 2ic, and get back to my usual activity of creating smuggling, raids, and roleplay. Hopefully I'll try to get some people together for a raid tonight, if I'm unbanned by then.

This genuinely has been an educational experience for me. It might not have been the rest-stop I'd hoped as I was forced to be in a situation where I was in RP oversight, dialogue, and dev consultancy roles pretty much every day of the sanction, but it has taught me that there are significant steps I can take to improve my conduct and telegraph my movements towards other factions and faction members.

I'm not a malign actor. My enjoyment out of the Discovery comes from the following:

1) Being a Games Master for a group of 20 players, setting up enjoyable situations for them.

2) Trying to get content in the mod, be it RP, assets, or just things to do in the server.

3) Creating intense RP and conflict situations.

I don't derive any fun from ruining the experiences of others, and would rather respectfully build off the RP of others than sabotage them. I'll always keep that view.


Thank you Aaron for the excellent roleplay you did whilst I was away, it was a pleasure to read and I will hold it up as an example for other players to reach.

Thank you Lukas for organising raids and making use of the caps whilst I was out.

Thank you Rickla for being an exceptional 2ic. It'll be a tough task replacing you now that you have other priorities.

Thank you Alex for genuinely bringing me smiles.

Thank you UN for not self-imploding over the last month. Heart


I'd like my server access restored so I can go back to causing InRp, activity creating drama instead of this Oorp contentiousness that doesn't make anybody happy. There's content to be made, RPs to be started, and activity to be had.

I encourage any admins who want to exercise oversight beyond this point to head into UN discord. I'll be making a channel through which you can talk to me and my new 2ic directly in the cause of transparency.

Thanks. : 3

RE: Player Temp Banned: Riehl - St.Denis - 10-23-2018

Access restored