Discovery Gaming Community
To: Liberty Police, Inc. | From: The Aomori Group | Subj: Smuggler - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Police, Inc. | From: The Aomori Group | Subj: Smuggler - Thexare - 09-24-2018

Incoming Message

Sender: Calvin Sorlyn
Affiliation: The Aomori Group, Gas Miners Guild
Location: Aomori Station, Honshu, Kusari
Subject: Smuggler Identified

Message Begins

I'm Calvin Sorlyn, calling on behalf of one of my captains, Akemi Arakawa. She reported a Rheinlandic container transport hauling numerous weapons without proper resale registration tags, likely of criminal manufacture. And doing this flagrantly in the open in New York, just outside Fort Bush.

Attachment: Cargo Scan | Registration

You understand, I'm sure, why this is an important matter for the Guild. And I'm sure Liberty doesn't want this many illegal guns on the street - who's to say where they're going? Could be an MND plot, payback for losing the war in the Independent Worlds.

But that's speculating outside my field. The important part is getting this information to the people who need it.

Message Ends