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Mayu Aya - guitarguy - 02-14-2009

"...and why class, must the Blood Dragons fight the current Kusari government?"
The answer came from a student in the front row. "Because they have stolen what is rightfully ours, their greed for power has corrupted them." The professor nodded lightly in a approval "A wise statement, Aya, you have learned your history well."

But Aya didn't believe his own words. If the Blood Dragons where so great, why did they cower in an asteroid field, and why did they resort to piracy to fund their campaigns? By the time he was old enough to fly a fighter, he knew he wanted to fly for the other dragon of Sirius, the Kusari Naval Forces: the true and deserving masters of Kusari space. They had earned and kept their power through force and dilplomacy, so who was he to oppose them?

Gaining trust wasn't easy. He made contact through a spy in Kyushu, and began making information drops every two weeks, while simultaneously working his way up through he blood dragon's ranks. He still remembered the day he had been discovered. He still bore the mark along his right shoulder from a narrow miss with a tachyon pistol. The Dragon cruiser he was stationed on was attacked by a Kusari destroyer just in time, he lost the distracted security team and abandoned ship in an escape pod. From there he went beck to the bottom, graduating from the military academy and given command of a obscure light fighter patrol in New Tokyo. There he proved his loyalty and his competence by stopping a Blood Dragon supply raid, despite being outnumbered. He had a natural ability for dividing enemy groups as a battle tactic. Impressed, he was quickly promoted to Captain by the high command and given charge of a new destroyer under construction for the fight against Bretonia and their Outcast allies. In the meantime, he was married to the daughter of the Secretary of Defense. They had met when his wing fought off a GC attack on her liner, and three years later they where engaged. Mayu and Masami live on planet New Tokyo. This has given captain Aya a romantic feeling for defending Kusari. A bit of a poet, he often speaks about the dramatic honor in defending Kusari, earning him respect for his orations.

With the Kazagumo almost complete, many hope Aya will be the next great commander in Kusari's history.