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To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Printable Version

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To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 10-07-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hellfire Legion Command; Commonwealth of House Liberty
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
Commander Locklear and whomever else this concerns.

I'm aware that our diplomatic associations between one another have not exactly been stellar. But beyond singular incidents of isolated aggression under previous leadership of the Revolutionary Army and by extension the People's Republic of the Coalition, the Legion itself and the Governing body presiding over it are not actively considered enemies. Our movements inherently engage a plethora of hostile targets, with several mutual foes that can be taken note of but need not be mentioned.

It is therefore in the best interests of both our goals, especially with the conflicts of both the Revolutionary Army and the Legion being of an ideological nature, that we set aside this petty cold-war between ourselves and strive for a more pleasant middle-ground through which our forces can operate on peaceful terms.

To this end, I as the apex authority of the Revolutionary Army have opened this channel with the intention of "clearing the air" and discussing the resolutions that need to be put in place for such peaceful and mutually respectful operations to occur. This channel will remain open for an indefinite period of time for a response.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 10-09-2018

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Amy West - 10-09-2018

[Image: Rv0gXOn.png]
Name: Amy West
Subject: No-Shootsies

Marshal Keller
The Legion has heard your request, and frankly it's a little surprising to hear from the Coalition, especially these days. While conflict is in both our nature, having the freedom to work without another party randomly swooping in and giving us a left hook out of nowhere sounds like music to my ears. Works double when I don't have to dispatch a flight to dispose of them too.

We'll hear your request of neutrality, on the condition that Coalition ships do not enter Commonwealth or Liberty house space. Exceptions may be made when they're needed, but the last thing I want to see out there is another 'ideological conflict' right outside of Manhattan. No patrols, no raid fleets. Maybe a convoy, we'll see.
I'm also aware that the Coalition operates in the surrounding houses, and while I understand why, anything that gets near the Liberty border should be small enough that it won't draw too much attention. Gunboats or strikecraft, specifically.

Beyond all that, I believe this could work. Respect our space, and we'll respect your ships.

West, out.

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 10-09-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hellfire Legion Command; Commonwealth of House Liberty
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
Frau West.

Mutual respect is a good foundation. I'd like to know what your rank is so that I may properly address you in the future, it'll also help me understand if I'm discussing things with a representative of the Commonwealth or the Legion. Though I have a safe degree of certainty that you belong to the latter.

I believe I said this to Commander Locklear when I found him in the Omegas. But I consider it tactics ineptitude for our warships to be in Liberty. Not only would this be a logistical nightmare, but it is a fruitless and suicidal one, with not just the lackeys of the Republic to deal with, but also the wide assortment of scum such as the Rogues, Hackers and the ever so malevolent outcasts. While the Coalition might be at war with the Republic, we understand that it is still your Home and one you intend to free. If you are willing to commit to drafting a pact, then I will officially forbid Coalition warships from entering Liberty. I would still like you to consider allowing our light assets, such as gunboats and snub-craft to operate within Liberty albeit under a modus operandi that you deem favorable and respectful of what it is that you stand for. Allowing us to do this would make the establishment of trade and regular convoys a more secure possibility. Something that I'm sure would prove beneficial to both of us.

Unless there's anything else to be discussed, then I would like us to begin taking the next step towards mutual respect by drafting and implementing the pact that will tie the Commonwealth and the Sirius Coalition together. I leave the naming of this pact up to you, largely because I'm a career soldier and excel in my field, but creativity in regards such as this is where I obviously lack prowess.

Auf widersehen.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Amy West - 10-10-2018

[Image: Rv0gXOn.png]
Name: Amy West
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Subject: No-Shootsies

Marshal Keller
Usually I keep to the assumption that my reputation precedes me. Apparently I was mistaken in this case, though it doesn't take much effort to just slap my rank on the transmission and be done with it.
Now, on to the matter at hand.

The terms are set where we are comfortable, Field Marshal. Passed down from the rest of the brass, convoys and other logistics ships may still pass though Liberty, though under our escort, but we must still insist on the denial of your military forces from passing into both Commonwealth and Liberty house space. Perhaps in time we may remedy this with operations, but at the current time and moment, we will remain on our guard.

Now, as for this 'pact'.
I'm not a namer, unless it involves craft I personally fly. Frankly, I would take a territory nearby and just name it after that. It's quick, it's clean and it's moderately effective at creating formalism.
'Magellan' comes to mind, since it's within our realm, is a hot topic and frankly looks pleasant, barring the odd rogue Valor. If you have any suggestions to this, then please feel free to drop something. It's a name. What it gets called is ultimately nil compared to what it is.

West, out.

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 10-10-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hellfire Legion Command; Commonwealth of House Liberty
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
Fleet Admiral West.

I understand your need for caution when dealing with a foreign entity. But let me put some facts on the table, related to logistics and otherwise.

I'll start off with the fact that you are perfectly content with only our convoys being allowed to ply between Coalition and Commonwealth space. But the problem is the gap between these destinations. The Coalition, if indeed it is going to commit towards supplying the Legion, whether through the Magellan or Bering corridor, is going to encounter either Republic forces or the opportunistic orange brigade of the rogues, hackers and outcasts. As your terms currently stand, our industrial pilots would be ripe for the slaughter the moment they cross the border without escort. And there's very little your mere assurances of security would do to prevent such an instance.

But, I am willing to compromise with you. Our escorts will accompany the convoys till they reach space wherein the Legion's presence is more tangible. For example, a single convoy accompanied by two fighters and a gunboat arrive in Liberty and accompany the transport ships up to.. 'Vespucci', at this point only the transports will proceed through and they will be under your escort henceforth. The Coalition assets will remain on the other side of your boundaries to ensure a safe return trip.

I'm willing to bar warships from entering Liberty altogether. But you must understand that when we started this discussion you stated the importance of mutual respect, but if you do not allow us to properly secure our convoys then the only people who stand to benefit are yourselves, and it would be at our expense should my concerns prove to be legitimate risks. Assets of ours that do enter Liberty will not engage civilian targets and will prioritise ensuring the uninterrupted passage of our convoys into and out of Liberty, but they will be under strict orders to respect the boundaries of the systems currently under control of the Commonwealth. These being Kansas and Vespucci.

I would ask that you reconsider your terms and review my compromise instead.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Amy West - 10-10-2018

[Image: Rv0gXOn.png]
Name: Amy West
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Subject: No-Shootsies

Marshal Keller
I understand your concern, and frankly I myself have no issue with it. However, the command of the Legion is split on this matter, so for the time being I'd like to hold any talk of logistics and convoys until after we've come to a conclusion.
In the meantime, we'll notify our forces that, unless you'd like to point out anything else, SCRA vessels outside of Liberty are to be treated as neutral entities, and any ships we happen to find inside Liberty will be escorted out, assuming of course that they comply.

I will notify you of when a decision is made, Field Marshal. Until then.

West, out.

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 10-21-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hellfire Legion Command; Commonwealth of House Liberty
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
Fleet Admiral West.

As much as I respect your open mindedness. The Coalition cannot wait indefinitely for your divided Command Polity to make up its mind on what it considers reasonable. On the one hand, I'm willing to keep warships out, using only light assets to ensure convoys are not slaughtered by the people that deem us unfit to live because we see the sector for what it is. And on the other hand, your peers expect me to just throw our transport pilots into the violent maelstrom that is Liberty, expecting me to believe that they won't be slaughtered at the border by a combined force that wants both you and us dead and buried. There's a limit to all things, I'm perfectly aware of that, but we have shown the will to compromise, you unfortunately have not.

You have a week, make up your minds. Mutual respect or selfishness. The choice is yours.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Amy West - 10-22-2018

[Image: Rv0gXOn.png]
Name: Amy West
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Subject: No-Shootsies

Marshal Keller
I'll keep this short, since I'm in the process of planning some things, and I'd rather not forget any of it.

The decision was unanimous, and frankly is better than the alternative.
No patrols, no warships, no transports. If you'd prefer to keep your people safe with escorts, then we'd prefer if you kept out of Liberty in general. Maybe it'll change in the future, but for now this will be the extent we'll go to. If you need passage through, radio someone. Otherwise, keep out of our space, and we won't have any dilemmas.

I hope this is a clear enough decision.

West, out.

RE: To: Hellfire Legion Command ; CC: Commonwealth of House Liberty - Keller - 12-08-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hellfire Legion Command; Commonwealth of House Liberty
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
Fleet Admiral West.

I tried as hard as I could to form a reasonable agreement with you. But the Legion just seems determined to wall us out and deny us even the basic ability of helping you against common foes. I cannot accept your terms and I can no longer place restrictions on potential deployments into Liberty.

The waters of a rushing tide will always find their level. You can shun us and hide behind petty Nationalism as much as you want and for as long as it suits your ends. But it's a short-term band-aid to fuel the charade you cling to. It won't win this war for you, it'll be your undoing. Perhaps it was merely naive of me - an anti-nationalist to reach out to people who would rather cling to archaic beliefs in hopes of salvation and freedom.

I sincerely wish we didn't have to fight one another, but it seems likely given your current stance.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]