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Buffalo Base Saturday Night Fight Five - Printable Version

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Buffalo Base Saturday Night Fight Five - Zapp - 02-15-2009

As Jason sat in the Buffalo bar waiting for some action and downing a few drinks, his comm link blinked. As he looked at the message, he noticed with no little surprise that he had been challenged to an assassination! He didn't know the who or why, but he knew that a knife in the dark was coming. Every man in the bar took on a new, sinister light, and tightly-controlled paranoia led Jason to evaluate everyone and everything in the bar. He didn't see any overt threats.

Something like this... well, best not to do it here.

Scraping his chair back, Jason downed the rest of his drink and hastily exited the bar, setting off to wander Buffalo at random and collect his thoughts. And a few items.

Buffalo Base Saturday Night Fight Five - Zapp - 02-15-2009

He visits the galley and pulls out a large steak knife with a metal handle and fork, giving the cook a sneer and a shake of his fist. Apparently Jason's reputation was known here, as the cook said not another word. Next, he visited a supply closet and pulled out some metal wire and a rather large battery. A few restraints added to the duffel bag Jason was carrying, and it was bulging.

Returning to the bar, Jason surveyed the faces. A few new ones were spread out among the denizens of the dark, but... one man's face lit up when he saw Jason. He seemed vaguely familiar. That'd be the guy.

Taking quick strides, the crowd broke apart in front of him to let him pass, heads swiveling to follow his path. The man didn't know what hit him. Jason slammed into him as fast as he could run, almost knocking him cold. Pulling up a chair, he forced him onto it, slamming the blunt end of the knife into his head to keep him pliant. Applying the restraints to each leg and his chest and arms, he made sure he was secure.

"So, what's your name?" he asked, Jason's face pressed close to his. "I'd really like to know."

Pulling out the steak knife, he slammed it point-down into his leg. He screamed, and the audience made a ragged cheer.

"Hmm? Can't HEAR YOU!" Jason shoved the fork into his other leg, same spot. "You'll have to speak up!" Taking the wire, he wrapped it around the end of the metal implements, and wrapped the other end around part of the battery. It was a rather large battery, and the man seemed to light up like a Christmas tree.

Jason stood up and left him there, going to the bar for another drink.