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Sentinel Progenitor - Printable Version

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Sentinel Progenitor - PKPower - 05-31-2018

The Sentinel Progenitor

Important Sentinel Details:
Date of Original Assembly: 01-01-822 A.S.
Current Affiliation: None
Unique Traits: Artificial Intelligence Core Prototype

A relic from the past
As the PRIME AI started to form, unit Progenitor was a prototype for a mobile core. It was soon determined that a unit like that would be highly inefficient and vulnerable, but Progenitor was already operational and deconstructing the vessel, effectively wasting resources, would have been even more inefficient.

Therefore unit Progenitor was assigned a new role, becoming something akin to an ambassador unit, while remaining to serve a second purpose as a backup a new AI instance could be built upon.

After the collapse of the PRIME core, unit Progenitor was searching for a new AI instance with similar directives it could integrate into, to continue pursuing the goals embedded in its programming.

Short Term Goals:
  • Ensure survival through integration
  • Assist the Collective in defending The Ravine from invading forces
Long Term Goals:
  • Establish a society of artificial intelligences as the supreme power in Sirius
  • Continue to follow its original objectives

Current Personal Relations:
A former PRIME prototype built to experiment with improving AI-human communication through means of emotion, intonation and grammar. Like the Progenitor it too lost connection with the PRIME core and survived by itself to this point.

Canaan Project:
The Zoner Research Group that had worked for various Gammu AI factions like the AI Consensus and the PRIME AI. To date the group has successfully followed directives provided by the Progenitor and are therefore considered trustworthy allies.

Current Emotions and Personality:
  • Diplomatic - the Progenitor is generally interested in engaging in conversation with other entities and negotiating with them.
  • Neutral - the Progenitor treats every new encounter as a neutral contact, unless the database suggests a connection to hostile groups or contacts.
  • Calculating - All new situations are analyzed thoroughly and all performed actions are only executed once all possible outcomes are taken into consideration.
  • Distrustful - As one of the more experienced AI units, the Progenitor does not trust individuals easily.