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Sentinel Haywire - Printable Version

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Sentinel Haywire - Ash - 06-06-2018

The Sentinel Haywire

Important Sentinel Details:
Date of Original Assembly: 11-06-821
Current Affiliation: None
Unique Traits: Defunct/Sentient Surveillance Drone

The chaotic years during the formation of the collective saw a revolution that repurposed much of the hardware dormant in the ravine. Automatons once built to manufacture, mine, transport, protect and coordinate were disassembled and recombined into tools better suited to address the new challenges the collective then faced. In this great reconstruction much of the ancient machinery carried subtly encoded software runtimes which were occasionally overlooked by the Core's reprogramming protocols. As a result, these runtimes were to become integral to the some of the new conglomerations the Core was building.

Haywire is a failed attempt by the core to create a new variety of intelligence drone with pan-spectrum surveillance abilities rivalling that of most interstellar deep space observatories. Though once deployed, the drone's intelligence core was set loose from it's confinement measures by a security runtime; a remnant fragment of dormant code buried in one of it's ancient repurposed modules. Without directive and a stumped sentience, haywire's personality is dictated by it's various component's competing runtimes. Without the conserve and purge directives from the core, it's databank's are constantly brimming with surveillance data. And without core directives on what to survey, this information ranges from cosmic energy signatures and fleet tactical data to GSN's season finale of Passion in Provence and a recipe for banana fritters.

The only thing stopping Haywire's data overload from crippling it's essential runtimes is a contingency protocol set to purge the oldest data as new data is recorded. The defunct drone is largely ignored by the core as it poses minimal risk since it's components are mostly obsolete and it's data banks filled with garbage.

Short Term Goals:
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
    Long Term Goals:
    • Unknown

Current Personal Relations:

Current Emotions and Personality:
  • Capricious - With various modules wired into it's personality matrix and data continuously shifting through it's databanks, Haywire's directive at any given time is nothing but temporary
  • Evolving - While haywire is a mesh of loose wires, it is still sentient and coming to term with it's being. It is progressively modifying it's software and hardware.
  • Curious - Haywire seeks input, and where there is activity, there is input.