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To: BAF| Admiralty | From: [MQS]-MCrx - Printable Version

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To: BAF| Admiralty | From: [MQS]-MCrx - -Rax- - 11-28-2018

[Image: TtMhxR6.png]

L'emplacement: Bretonien Territorée
Sujet: Incubus and hostage from les Maquis.
ID de l'expéditeur: Michelle Crux.

Bonjour for whom we may concerne into le Admiralty board of Bretonien Armé Forces. As you may have noticed, for the last batailles we've been present into le front of the New London système. A rather small groupe of Agama combattants forcefully worked with your men against Le Roi. As I'm leading zhis combattants groupe, I found nécessaire to contact yours myself and discuss various topics of our appearance into your homeguard systems.

Firstly, you may know our position in zhis war and our purposes to distruct le Roi and murder le king Charles at all costs. Their incubus into your Capitale system granted us with the option to fly from Gallic space to here and hereby deffect the Gaul forces and help your brave men, aside with le Council and Liberté Navy foces. Les combattants we've chosen are proved to be utile and mercyless against Gallia, so be sure we're doing a remarkable work.

Secondly and due to our contribution into le War, we're respectfully requesting for a bed, fuel and provisións within your house so we can act immediatly once its needed. Les bretoniens Intelligence service granted us a temporary base to stay, but these are proven to be into le Leeds système. We may ask, it it's possible, to hold ourselves into New London planète for the time this front lasts, and we might show our gratitude by helping into le front and doing our beste against Gallia.

mademoiselle Commandant Michelle Crux

[Image: yZAkpKb.png?1]

RE: To: BAF| Admiralty | From: [MQS]-MCrx - Kaze - 11-28-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Michelle Crux
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: jXFJtw6.png]

Good day, Madame Crux.

Your commitment in stopping the Gallic invasion here in New London is welcomed and was already referenced by our officers in the reports. As such, we are taking in consideration your request and will reply to you, promptly, after discussion with the War Cabinet.

With the highest of regards,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

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