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Operational and personnel update - Décembre 741 - Printable Version

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Operational and personnel update - Décembre 741 - Lanakov - 12-02-2018

[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Text message to all personnel, from Amiral Isabelle Montlaville de Chanteloup

Topic : status of current operations and personnel-related announcements

Pilots, commanders and crew members,

This is it. The end is upon us.

I need not remind you what has occured in the past few weeks.
It is the reason I have been absent for so long.
It is the reason you were trained so hard, fought so valiantly, so far from your homes.
It is the reason we lost many souls, and stand to lose many more.

Our fleet has assembled. London is right under our clenched fist. The Bretonian government, bitter fools that they are, would rather set aflame all that they hold dear rather than give in. They would destroy every good thing that they ever made, if only for the sake of denying it to us. I am bewildered at such pettiness, and there will be much to mourn once our cannons have finally cooled off.

Because we will not relent. Southampton lies stricken, and it is likely that the paltry, broken battleships that still stand in our way are the final remains of the Bretonian fleet. We have been generous. We have offered quarter, many times over, extending a hand that was always refused. That time is over. The enemy insists and demands violence ; we have to oblige. Fortunately, we are in an ideal position to do so ; I have complete confidence in our capabilities and in you, the men and women of the MRG. The next few weeks WILL be decisive. No matter what comes of it, it will have been a great honneur to serve Gallia alongside all of you.

Another note : don't be fooled by our media reports of so-called "isolated skirmishes" in our home territory. I am risking a lot by saying this, but the Council has woken up and is gaining ground. For now, we will have to rely on the Police and Gendarmerie's efforts to keep them at bay ; the best and only thing we can do about it is bring Bretonia to the fold and put an end to this war. And that is precisely what we are going to do.

That being said, do remember to report any defeatists among the ranks with haste. The time for doubt and reserve is long gone.

That's all for me. You'll find the usual HR drudgery below, plus a new category : work to be done. Also, for those of you thinking of making snarky comments regarding the recent lack of those monthly reports, a precious word of advice : if there is nothing to report, report nothing. Think on that.

Promotions and rewards

The following men and women of the Marine Royale Gauloise have demonstrated exemplary conduct, tireless commitment and skill in the art of war. They are to be commended and honoured.

- Capitaine de frégate Nicodème Guillory has been elevated to the rank of Capitaine de vaisseau. True to his character, the commandant Guillory works, and works, and works. Gallia owes him the crucial advance regarding our relationships with the Core, and many other smaller achievements that keep the gears running. Is on the right path to becoming a gear himself, at this rate. A prime example of honneur, valeur and discipline for our younger officers to follow. Your name has come up recently in the Royal Chancellery. We are unsure as to what end.

- Lieutenant de vaisseau Jules Baudelaire has been elevated to the rank of Capitaine de Corvette. Your eagerness to serve has been quick to materialise in valorous acts both in regular operations and commerce raiding. You are being given a chance to accomplish more with bigger tools. Make it count.

- Enseigne de vaisseau Louis Clément has been elevated to the rank of Lieutenant de Vaisseau. A quiet presence among the ranks, the lieutenant Clément has quickly proven himself to be a loyal and reliable element to the war effort. This promotion is meant to reflect both the trust now invested in him and the hope that he will continue to rise.

- Special commendations :

Contre-Amiral Pierre Vincent du Petit Thouars du plateau des Coucous, Chevalier de Port-aux-Perles , for diligent service in these dire times. It is hoped by the Etat-major that you will soon have more time to enjoy your estate at the plateau des Coucous. Keep up your efforts and your demesne may soon be extended.

Contre-Amiral Everett Fontaine, Chambellan de la Marine Royale, Chevalier du Soleil , for tireless devotion to the cause and to the men and women serving him. You have personally overseen the destruction of many of our foes ; but you've inspired many more among our troops and citizens. Your status as a beacon of the fundamental gaulish principles may never be questioned. There is talk of a new title for you, but that is out of our hands.

Lieutenant de Vaisseau Pierre Vaillant , for remarkable efforts both in the course of your assignments and in the quality and consistency of your reports. Your presence has been instrumental ever since you joined up. Sadly, your status of a fresh recruit, not to mention your pending... Special mission have precluded you from a promotion this month. Do not lose hope, however.

Enseigne de Vaisseau François Hannart , for significant flight time logged in across the board and valuable contribution during operations. Still, your accomplishments haven't been sonorous enough to reward you with a promotion. There should be many occasions to do so now.

Current operations and assignments

- Opération Farfadet is ongoing. You find a modular base in Dublin, you report it.

- Task Force Diamant : White Shipping Company has been determined by our analysts to be an auxiliary militia in the employ of Bretonia, whose sole purpose seems to be the harassment of our forces. They consist of a large number of poorly-trained, poorly-armed irregulars posing as merchants while dressed in military uniforms of poor design. They will not be entertained.
A special task force, Diamant, spearheaded by Commandant Baudelaire and Capitaine Vaillant will investigate their activities and confirm our suspicions regarding their base of operations. A simple neural net search should be sufficient. Task Force Diamant's endgame is to bring a decisive end to the WSC's hostile actions through any means necessary.

- Task Force Tamaran : The Bretonians are making the Zoners of Gran Canaria nervous. Our Corsair allies have jumped on the opportunity, and so will we. Both they and a self-styled Zoner militia have already reached out to us : Enseigne de Vaisseau Hannart will act as our relay towards both entities and ensure that we're doing everything we can to profit from this opening.

- Task Force Blum : a GRI special agent has successfully infiltrated the ranks of Rheinlandic agitators. Enseigne de Vaisseau Sauvageot has been appointed as his liaison officer. He will see to the agent's every need and ensure the success of his mission.

- The Grand Tournament : the Core embassy on Paris has finally opened, thanks to the wheels of administration having turned. Mighty celebrations will be held in honor of our guests, both to cement our ties to the Core and to provide festivities to our population. Orders from beyond. Commandant Guillory will use his connections to the Core to submit the idea of a tournament to their hierarchy.

Any question regarding these assignments should be addressed to either AM de Chanteloup or CF L'Herminier, depending on how confident you are in the relevance of your question.

Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline.