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Public Broadcast to all Zoners and Residents of Gran Canaria - Printable Version

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Public Broadcast to all Zoners and Residents of Gran Canaria - Aoi Iseijin - 12-06-2018


[Image: NAq0svT.png]

Zoners and residents of planet Gran Canaria,

My name is Joshua Walker, I'm an independent Zoner and have been working as an escort pilot in the Omegas for the past decade. I have an important announcement that will likely change our future.

Long have we tolerated oppression by all our neighbors as they please, claiming and stealing our land for no reason other than conquest. If it's not Outcasts, Corsairs, Core or anyone else, it's the Kingdom of Bretonia. Time has come that we start fighting back, and we'll start with a bang. Inside my cargo hold I have a very specific weapon I'm sure some of you are familiar with - a Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse bomb. I went through hell to get this, but I'm confident it'll do as the person providing the weapon described - sending a very strong message.

[Image: vge1kg3.png]

We could to an extent tolerate the bombing of Freeport 11. As much as I think the Core should've suffered harsher consequences, our friends in charge of negotiations on that front managed to cool the relations with both Core and Order and maintain a neutral status. Even though the situation is unstable we're talking about a station with a few hundred people at worst. In Omega-49 however it's an entire planet at stake.

Target is the aggressive battleship that is currently trespassing in Omega-49, Battleship Stirling, which is threatening our integrity and freedom. The bomb is going to fire in 72 hours after displaying this message. It cannot be stopped, it will not be delayed. Hard times require hard choices. I am not pleased that we am put between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this crisis in particular, but we're not going to have another Freeport 11 by letting others dictate our lives and lives of all citizens on Gran Canaria. Their safety comes above all else.

To a stronger future, together.

RE: Public Broadcast to all Zoners and Residents of Gran Canaria - MotokoSusu - 12-07-2018

::Comms Open......::
:: Prepare For Data Burst ::
:: Encryption Protocols ::
:: Decrypting.... ..... ...::

[Image: 9IPdbHQ.png]
Name: Commander Motoko Susubo

Location: Aboard ABH Capital Research Vessel Goddess Shizuha

From: Data Pad of Motoko Susubo

To: Joshua Walker

[Image: siO8T9v.png?1]

You will jeopardize a whole system with a populated planet in a preempted attack on a Battle Ship. This action will not, I repeat not, make the situation any better, in fact, it will make it worse. How do you think the Kingdom of Bretonia will respond to this action. Sit back and sip tea while eating some tiny cake. The very things you listed is what you will bring upon the Zoner People. The Kingdom of Bretonia will not sit idly by and leave this go unpunished. I suggest if you are a Zoner you reflect on what makes you a Zoner . You will condemn the people of O49 for your own selfish goals. I say let the Summit come to a close, and if only if it becomes nothing more then a worthless venture, with the Kingdom of Bretonia continuing on this path. Then I say it is time for such action. But until that point in time, I suggest you put away your childish actions and toys.
Encrypted Time Stamp ^^%$&77235662

:: Transmission End ::

RE: Public Broadcast to all Zoners and Residents of Gran Canaria - Zoners of Galileo - 12-07-2018

[Image: RMYuVq5.png]

==========MESSAGE INITIATED==========

FROM : LEON DANTE FREEPORT12 Chief Of Operations


I totally agree with you Commander Susubo......

This act could put all Zoners in jeopardy and make our lives hell basically,so in agreement i would also say stop this foolish act that you intend to do ...

I am sure that we can solve matters in a different way and using such a powerful weapon against ONE battleship and also endangering the lives of people on a planet to me is just not acceptable.

Please back down with your crazy idea and let the summit take its course and in agreement with Commander Susubo if there is no outcome ......

Then we can establish whether such action is needed

I look forward to you seeing sense my fellow Zoner

Leon Dante
Freeport 12 COO

==========MESSAGE TERMINATED==========

RE: Public Broadcast to all Zoners and Residents of Gran Canaria - Lusitano - 12-07-2018

- a big storm is above the Nest, that can cause some static in mesages but stilll, Red replies -

* Location - Somewhere in Gran Canaria, Omega 49 system *

* Sender - Red*

Look here your piece of garlic (static)! How much those royals garlics paid you to do that? Tell me you fu(static) traitor? If you really want to do something good, you take that thing and stick up your (static) !! If i seee your (static) around here i will kick it so hard that you will land in New Paris! You (long period of static)!!!!!!!!

*transmition ends*