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To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Printable Version

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To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Lucas - 12-08-2018

Incoming Transmission...
Decrypting User ID...
Displaying Message...

Date: 12/08/825 A.S
Sender: Franz Rousse
Location: Pacifica Base
Topic: Supplies
Transmission Type: Textual

[Image: un_f1_s.png]
Whomever reads this,

I'm sending out a transmission to every ally and member of the Union. We're in dire need of some supplies that we cannot gather ourselves and thus I decided it is the best to contact you, and here's precisely what we need.
Basic Alloy10.000 0/10.000[Image: Basic_alloys.jpg]
Super Alloy10.0000/10.000[Image: Super_alloys.jpg]
Ablative Armor Plating5.0000/5.000[Image: Ablativea.jpg]
Ship Hull Panels4.0000/4.000[Image: Commod_hullpanels.jpg]
High Temperature Alloy5.0000/5.000[Image: High_temp_alloys.jpg]
High Performance Alloy5.0000/5000[Image: Super_alloys.jpg]
Aluminium4.0000/4.000[Image: Aluminium.jpg]
Nanocapacitors10.0000/10.000[Image: Nanocapacitors.jpg]
Superconductors1.0000/1.000[Image: Superconductors.jpg]
Manifolds3.5000/3.500[Image: 96px-Pic_Needed.jpg]
Engine Components4.0000/4.000[Image: Engine_components.jpg]
Should you be willing to take on one or more commodities then state so over this channel, payment will be discussed over a different one.
Transparency is important, so if there are any questions regarding the usage of this then let us know immediatly. To get the elephant out of the room though, we require those parts to repair a warship that has suffered heavy damage.

Should you be willing to help us with this, then make sure to get a manifest with all your deliveries up to date and for proof so that we can pay you fairly.

I thank you for your time,

Franz Rousse

Transmission terminated...

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Dino - 12-08-2018

[Image: Bc2Hvf0.png]

Source:.......... Atacama Base, Vespucci
Sender ID:......Justin Blake

Good evening.

Atacama Cohort's logistics are at your disposal. Expect first transports to arrive shortly.

Justin Blake
Major, Atacama Cohort

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Dino - 12-09-2018

[Image: Bc2Hvf0.png]

Source:.......... Atacama Base, Vespucci
Sender ID:......Justin Blake

Good evening.

A portion of the deliveries has been completed. Evidence of the deliveries is attached below. We will continue with the deliveries once we reach a consensus regarding certain matters I'd like to discuss with you in private.

Justin Blake
Major, Atacama Cohort

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Val - 12-09-2018

...|[ Incoming Transmission ]|...

[Image: 0qSbxEA.png]

Identifiant: Captain Yann Blackwings

To: Unioners allies

Subject: Supplies

Location: Pacifica base

Encryption: Absolute

...|[ Loading Transmission ]|...

Greetings Major Blake.

You might remember me. I wouldn't be surprised.

The supplies have been received and they will be very useful. We will discuss, as said Monsieur Rousse, of the money once that urgent operation will be done.


Captain Yann Blackwings

...|[ End of Transmission]|...

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Wulfen - 12-11-2018

Sender: Sophia Orlando, speaker of salvage transport "Rusty Dwarf"
Location: Pacifica Base
Topic: Supplies
Encryption: None, physical delivery via datapad
Means of delivery: Physical, via unnamed delivery boy

Old used datapad was delivered to random logistical officer by unknown person from a crew of junker Salvager-class transport. Junker was quiet type, enclosed into old, almost ancient vacc-suit of Liberty Navy. All actions of Junker showed either complete ignorance or complete disregard of usual Pacifica delivery procedures while insisting on importance of delivery. Document was old Ageira shipping manifests, modified with usage of primitive image redactor. That document could be considered as a practical joke, but contents of it seemed indeed important.

AGEIRA MANIFEST # 766-29-12315908123
Destination: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin Pacifica Base, Bering
Departure: Pueblo Station, Colorado Rochester, New York
Superconductors, standart, 1000 crates/units.
Engine components, DSE-manufactured, 2000 crates/units.
Hypergate components, White Box package - 40 units.

On another page instead of usual signature a large red "Money first, unload later" was written in the same image redactor. But they were honest, all inspections have indicated that cargo consisted of amazingly new, considering nature of that ship, superconductors, as well as not so new, but still in proper condition parts of some large engine.

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Val - 12-11-2018

...|[ Incoming Transmission ]|...

[Image: 0qSbxEA.png]

Identifiant: Captain Yann Blackwings

To: Unioners allies

Subject: Supplies

Location: Pacifica base

Encryption: Absolute

...|[ Loading Transmission ]|...

Greetings speaker of the "Rusty Dwarf",

The deliveries have been received and we thank you for the quality of the commodities. We can now update the current board of the needed commodities:

Basic Alloy10.000 10.000/10.000[Image: Basic_alloys.jpg]
Super Alloy10.00010.000/10.000[Image: Super_alloys.jpg]
Ablative Armor Plating5.0000/5.000[Image: Ablativea.jpg]
Ship Hull Panels4.0000/4.000[Image: Commod_hullpanels.jpg]
High Temperature Alloy5.0000/5.000[Image: High_temp_alloys.jpg]
High Performance Alloy5.00010.000/5000[Image: Super_alloys.jpg]
Aluminium4.0000/4.000[Image: Aluminium.jpg]
Nanocapacitors10.0000/10.000[Image: Nanocapacitors.jpg]
Superconductors1.0001.000/1.000[Image: Superconductors.jpg]
Manifolds3.5000/3.500[Image: 96px-Pic_Needed.jpg]
Engine Components4.0002.000/4.000[Image: Engine_components.jpg]

Actually, around 45% of the total commodities have been delivered.


Captain Yann Blackwings

...|[ End of Transmission]|...

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Wulfen - 12-12-2018

Sender: Sophia Orlando, speaker of salvage transport "Rusty Dwarf"
Location: Pacifica Base
Topic: Supplies
Encryption: None, physical delivery
Means of delivery: Physical, via same unnamed delivery boy

After unloading crates of capacitors and engine parts "Rusty Dwarf" departed, leaving docking gangs wondering why this particular junker ship was covered in some strange, green and definitylely organic substance. After brief quarantine turned out that substance was sterile and harmless, exept it smelled like ancient cheese. Something wrong was about this ship.

But after brief absence "Rusty Dwarf' has returned, bearing sights of sun radiation on its outer hull and no traces of smelly goo. Good news was new manifest, printed on same used Ageira shipping manifest.

AGEIRA MANIFEST # 766-29-12315908123
Destination: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin Pacifica Base, Bering
Departure: Pueblo Station, Colorado Wherever
Superconductors, standart, 1000 crates/units.
Engine components, DSE-manufactured, 2000 crates/units.
Hypergate components, White Box package - 40 units.
Aluminum - ~1000 crates/units
After sorting cargo turned out that engine parts was of mixed origin and nature, albeit all working properly. And aluminium was, well... Nobody cared enough to melt it from all that kitchen bowls, plates, forks, spoons etc. But all those was made from pure, technically, aluminum, which could be easily processed.

- You take it from here? And what about money? - Asked same junker in same ragged vacc-suit, and sound if his voice indicated that shipment better to be paid as soon as possible, or next time they will bring nuclear devices, and will keep safety pins to themselves. Probably, this was just a voice after all, and filtered with old hazmat helmet.
- We can take equipment if you short on cash, - added he, and then departed back to the ship, leaving sorting cargo out to dock gangs and response - to local brass.

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Dino - 12-12-2018

[Image: Bc2Hvf0.png]

Source:.......... Unknown location, Vespucci
Sender ID:......Justin Blake


What the fuck is going on here? I demand an explanation, NOW.

Justin Blake
Major, Atacama Cohort

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Val - 12-12-2018

...|[ Incoming Transmission ]|...

[Image: 0qSbxEA.png]

Identifiant: Captain Yann Blackwings

To: The Gaians

Subject: You didn't expect that, huh?

Location: Pacifica base

Encryption: Absolute

...|[ Loading Transmission ]|...

Greetings Major Blake.

I expected a such reaction. I'm laughing because I hear similar sentences dozen times when I joined Pacifica Shipyard. I am not speaking as a Commander of the Battlegroup Harmony but a Freelancer really special I'd say.

Many things happened since one month. Yes I left the Battlegroup Harmony because this one doesn't reflect my ideal anymore. My cruiser has been destroyed by those creatures, the Nomads. I am not alone in that story, my crew followed me.

I am now allied with the Unioners. But aswell to their friends. All I want is to see a humanity finally freed of the exteriors threats. A thing more personal, I tried to find with my crew the freedom. The Unioners see me as an allie. I think we can both work together. This isn't exclude the Gaians too.

Obviously, before to leave I had a plan in mind. An ideal like mine couldn't be fullfiled without a large ship which can brings me everwhere as it pleases me. The Alster Union decided to help me and accepted to capture an Overlord Battleship. The operation has been a major success and the ship needs to be repaired right now.

Don't blame the Unioners. They did the right thing. They claimed the transparency between their allies. And they have respected that.


Captain Yann Blackwings

...|[ End of Transmission]|...

RE: To: Unioners & Allies CC: Yann Blackwings - Kazinsal - 12-12-2018

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Harold-Kane-New.png]

Identification: Taskmaster Harold Kane
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium, Fourth Fleet

To: Unioners Logistics

Subject: RE: Pacifica Supply Chain
Encryption: Quite
Location: Canberra Star City, Tau-44

Fortuitous timing. We ourselves are beginning a supply project internally to expand the capacity of our own home station to support and maintain larger vessels. I will inform the Octavarium Mercantile Guild of the opportunity to assist you in this manner.

Taskmaster Harold Kane
Fourth Octavarium Fleet, Home Division

[ Transmission Ended ]