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La Brise de Mer - Printable Version

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La Brise de Mer - Nen - 12-16-2018


[Image: 31f8165c58bfbe624fc9d5ca111a804d.jpg]

Canebiere was like many of the cities on Planet Marseille, canals laced through it much like roads would be in a traditional city. The architecture of its buildings was an adapted style of Brutalism, an ode to the planet’s name-sake way back when. It was a city Orsula never got tired of, especially on such mornings as this, the warm light from Provence contrasting with the cool ocean winds of Northern Marseille. The shuttle ports in particular were her favorite, a clear open area separated from the city itself. It was smaller than some of the other ports on Marseille, Canebiere was not usually accessible directly from space. Though all these details aren’t what people knew Canebiere for, it was known for being completely in the palms of the Unione Corse, one amongst many on Marseille.

And Orsula Rafucci at just age thirty three had managed to claw her way to the top of said criminal element here. It had taken her over ten years of clever manipulation, bribery, blackmail, intimidation, and maneuvering to get there. But alas here she was, a cheville ouvrière of Unione Corse operations in this city. Standing shorter than most other people at 162 centimeters, wearing a black coat with red accents and light blond hair cut to her shoulders she had to admit she didn’t exactly look the part. Although if you asked her that was part of why she ultimately was here, many a rival made the mistake of ignoring her based on her apparent weakness. You don't need size, presence, or strength to win. Wits and ruthlessness would get you farther for far less effort.

Now she had an opportunity to not only further her own position, but that of the Unione Corse as a whole, Gallia was in for major changes in the coming months. Council had been gaining ground against the Royalists, Bretonia was on her last legs, and recently yet another connection to the Sirius sector had been discovered. A major paradigm shift was in the making, and Orsula intended to use it for every advantage she could get. With a little maneuvering Unione Corse could position itself to benefit greatly either way this pendulum goes, and she would be the one to helm it.

She continued to gaze out to the horizon, water and sky lit orange from the morning light. A lone shuttle approached, marking the arrival of Andre Nivaggioni, the parrain of the Unione Corse. Orsula would need to convince him before any of her plans could come to fruition. But she had the upmost confidence in Andre’s answer, the man was desperate to revitalize their stagnating Milieu. She couldn’t help but smile, today will be the first page in a new chapter of the Unione Corse.

RE: La Brise de Mer - Lanakov - 12-19-2018

Orange, then yellow, then white. The shades of the rising sun were rapidly suceeding each other in a ballet of warm colours, reflecting upon the unbroken surface of the sea. Birds were screeching and circling above the fishing ships moving out at sea. André Nivaggioni would have loved for this shuttle trip never to end, content as he was to merely bask in the simple beauty of the scenery that unfolded before him.

The Canebière approached, pulling him gradually from his rêverie. He sighed. There was joy at the idea of meeting an acquaintance from better, more fruitful days. But there was anxiety for the same reasons. The shuttle landed with an audible thump and the doors unlocked. Nivaggioni stood up. He may have been many things, but he never was an anxious man. Now was a bad time to start.

He emerged from the shuttle and was immediately welcomed by the sea smells and the young sun's warmth against his skin. Though he lived relatively close to the Canebière, he had rarely left his estate in the past few months. While he waved it away as simple rest while he devised his next big move, his entourage had been suspecting something much sadder recently. Finding himself back in this place he liked so much brought a smile on his face.

Noticing Orsula, he made his way to her, enjoying each step. His gait was slow and nonchalant. A noticeable far cry, to anyone who ever worked with him, from his usual purposeful marching. Having reached his colleague, he greeted her with his traditional half-smile and soft manners. Standard Gallic procedure in one such instance ; a peck on the cheeks.

"Orsula. Diu, I am pleased to see you again. Shall we have a walk ? Only now do I realise how much I have longed to return here" he said, waving his hand at the seafront.

RE: La Brise de Mer - Nen - 12-23-2018

“ It has been quite a while since you’ve visited Canebiere hasn’t it?” Orsula noticed he did not quite possess that same energy he used to. Nor having the usual intensity and presence the parrain of the Unione Corse should have. He wasn’t meloncholy nor sullen, just….drained it seemed.. The years of languishing perhaps have not been kind. She thought. “I believe this is the first time you’ve been here since becoming the parrain.”

Nivaggiano was a man Orsula had only a professional familiarity with. He helped provide men and resources for Orsula's boss for a job back when she was just a lieutenant for the Unione Corse chapter in this city. The job itself was rather straightforward, protect their racketeering ring from a gang of local upstarts thinking too highly of themselves. It was the operation that she earned a real name for herself, ending up having to do all the work whilst her boss gladly sat on the sidelines. Nivaggiano proved to be quite useful during that time, often using his status to provide pressure were it was needed that Orsula could not quite provide with her station as a mere lieutenant.

She first expected him to be like any of the other senators of the Unione; lazy, and completely unwilling to actually deal with the various complaints they inevitably had. Don’t be fooled, he had his complaints, but was actually willing to help address things he found issue with rather than sitting idly. That quickly earned him a spot in Orsula’s list of “people who actually get stuff done”, unfortunately a list quite short of people in actual positions of power.

Its a shame to see that spark Nivaggiano had was snuffed out. Or perhaps not completely. Orsula thought, occasionally all one needs is a fire lit under them. Sometimes it requires a bonfire.

RE: La Brise de Mer - Lanakov - 12-31-2018

The pair walked along the seafront. Nivaggioni advanced at a deliberate, languid pace, eager as he was to taste every second of this familiar dawn. Rafucci made no complaint, so perhaps she didn't mind. She probably did, if he recalled her accordingly.

He reflected a little on her remark before replying. Yes, it had been some time. How long ?
That he couldn't tell precisely surprised him, even scared him somewhat. Nivaggioni had always been a seeker of many fortunes, and made it a point to keep track of his many, many dealings, comings-and-goings, contacts, and even identities at some point. There was no hole in his life, no void. And there he was, marvelling at the typical smell of bakeries cooking their first morning batches. As if all this was news to him. Where had he been ? And most distressingly of all... What has he been doing all this time ?

"... it has been some time, yes. Acquiring so many responsibilities meant that I had little time for... Carefree strolls like these, much to my dismay as you can imagine." He had that cocky, enigmatic half-smile again, breathing some allure back to his features.

"What of you then, Orsula ? You were well on your way to rise, the last time I saw you. If the message you sent me is any indication, at least something has happened in your life. Hmm ?"
He eyed her with bemused interest, as was his way.

RE: La Brise de Mer - Nen - 02-15-2019

Orsula couldn’t help but laugh at that first remark, a subtle jab at her own habits of merely meandering throughout the city during early mornings “Yes, yes. I can imagine one having little time for such leisurely activities while having so many servants tend to your estate and needs.” She responded with a smirk.

She continued on with a mirthful look, hands held out in a mock shrug in response to his question. “My achievements here at Canbiere are quite humble compared to something such as climbing all the way to being the Parrain, I now run Unione operations here ever since my boss retired. Nothing really exciting has happened since then. Canebiere is a lovely place, but not much opportunity around once you’ve already found yourself the kingpin. Merely sit and cement the power and influence you’ve already acquired.” her face settled back down to her typical neutral glare.

”And since there is not much to do, you tend to find yourself with a lot of time to listen. You’d be amazed what you can hear if you simply pay attention, even in a place as isolated as this. And there seems to be quite a bunch of things to hear these days. Council has been gaining ground here in Provence and Picardy, and the Bretonians are bound to fall any moment as the Royalists descend upon their capital planet. Of course I have my opinions on how we can use this to our advantage, but these events are public knowledge and something we can discuss their ramifications later. What I wanted to discuss is something that took quite a few favors and blackmailing to get.”

She pulled out her handheld megatel terminal “ You’ve heard of a system called Zurich, no?”