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To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Printable Version

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To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Commander Crucible - 12-16-2018

< Incoming transmission >
< Sender : VI-011B-Girona >
< Affiliation : Apostatas ( ApS| ) >
< Recipient : Grey Evans >

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Greylock - 12-17-2018

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Sender: Grey Evans
Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York
Topic: Transmission received

[Image: XdhqevO.jpg?2]
Date: 12/17/825

Signal's coming through loud and clear. Good to hear from you. Let's talk.

Grey Evans

RE: To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Commander Crucible - 12-18-2018

< Incoming transmission >
< Sender : Valeria Santiago >
< Affiliation : Apostatas ( ApS| ) >
< Recipient : Grey Evans >

Buenos dias senor Evans,
I believe we had the pleasure of making acquaintance on more than one occasion in Liberty space. A rather eventful place I must say but nothing compared to the dangers of the deeper Omicrons.

I digress,
The reason I am personally contacting you is due to the discovery of a slavery cartel operating from Pittsburgh going by the name "Oracles".
Being on a reconnaissance class vessel, there was little I could do to save those poor people. Although I trust you could do something about this the next time they are seen in Liberty Space.
The slaver had the audacity to tell me that he was relocating those people by their own free will to Planet Malta of all places.
The vessel being used was a classic pirate class cargo train.

I am uploading the visual evidence and transmission logs in this message. I trust you will bring justice to those that remain senor.
Hope to work with you and the Navy more often, it has surely made my stay here in Liberty more interesting. I have learnt much about your house these few months.

Valeria Santiago

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Greylock - 12-19-2018

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Sender: Grey Evans
Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York
Topic: Oracles

[Image: XdhqevO.jpg?2]
Date: 12/18/825


This evidence you have provided is... very unsettling. These "Oracles" taking innocent civilians from their homes and families. And to make things worse, they are taking them to Malta, one of the worst places in Sirius, or so I have heard. This will not be tolerated. I give you my word as an officer of the Liberty Navy and as a friend, that I will do everything in my power to make sure that this does not continue.

If you see any more instances of these people violating the laws of Liberty, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care.

Grey Evans

RE: To: Grey Evans From: ApS|Negocio-07 - Commander Crucible - 12-23-2018

< Incoming transmission >
< Sender : Valeria Santiago >
< Affiliation : Apostatas ( ApS| ) >
< Recipient : Grey Evans >

Bueno escuchar senor Evans,
As seen from our actions in Pennsylvania, I feel confidence in your words. Perhaps there is still hope after all.

With your permission, I will continue my survey and keep a watchful eye for these particular slavers and others if spotted.

Valeria Santiago

[Image: leLEkBz.png]