Discovery Gaming Community
Hi all - Printable Version

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Hi all - Major_Tom - 02-18-2009

Just to say hello to u all great server c u in space as Dark_Trader :D

Hi all - swift - 02-18-2009

Hi, and welcome to Discovery. Your join date would say that you already had the time to read the rules, but if you haven't already, do it.

Have fun trading, but remember, the pirates are there to have fun, just like you. So when a pirate tries to well.. pirate you, RP with him, you'd be amazed how RP can lower the so called "donations" a lot, or even make the pirate let you off free.

Don't be a silent trader, as you go, RP, act like a ship captain.

Most importantly have fun!

If there's any questions, ask.

Hi all - Zelot - 02-18-2009

Welcome, read the rules, stay off the Cardi, and watch out for the TAZ, those folks are strange.

Hi all - Unholy1 - 02-18-2009

Welcome to the chaos man ! And despite what Zelot said use all the Cardi you want:cool:

Hi all - Death.RunningVerminator - 02-21-2009

hey i think i know you....
i escorted you to Bretonia i think... with uhhh Death.Walker i think it was...

but anyways have fun and dont shoot at the admins... *remembering last night*