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To: AP Manufacturing - Printable Version

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To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 12-30-2018

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[Image: eOlTkFbm.png]

Salutations! Allow me to introduce myself,

My name is Commander Lincoln Phoenix. I represent my benefactor Mr.Universe involving a project that we require your expertise on. We are currently constructing a vessel that will be capable of traveling far beyond our known sector of space. To that end the vessel we are building to do this must be able to overcome all the obstacles that it may come across.

Although we have not ever met in person I have heard much of your exploits from my benefactor a few times of the great many technologies you have designed. As you know traversing a large distance in open space is not only dangerous because of potential internal obstacles but also dangerous external entities as well.

With this in mind the ship which we are designing specifically for this task will need to be able to fend for itself from all enemies it may come across as well as withstand fire should the situation arise. As of now we believe that you have the necessary skills to manufacture a quality array of weapons to help ensure this vessel has sufficient firepower for starters. The second part we believe you are qualified for would be the ability to provide with unique shielding that would protect the crew from not online incoming weapon damage but also protection from possible unknown radiation.

Since this is the first time we have communicated I’m sure our request may seem unnerving. To this end, should you wish to meet in person to discuss further details feel free to let us know in a return message. For now we thank you for taking the time to read this message and hope for a profitable business venture for us both.

Kind regards,

~Commander Lincoln Phoenix~

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Tenacity - 12-31-2018

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Research Vessel Ailuros
Comm ID: Damien Mekal
Encryption: APM Standard

Establishing Feed

Commander Phoenix, I am Damien Mekal, head of Research and Development for AP Manufacturing. While I'm certain we could accommodate your needs, you are correct in that we have never heard of you, nor do we know where your allegiances lie. I'm all for business ventures with new partners, but we need to be sure that your goals and ambitions do not cross our own. Before we continue with this transaction, I need to know a few things: Who, exactly, do you work for? What kind of weapons and defensive equipment are you seeking? What will be the aim of this ship and its mission? Your answers will determine whether or not we're able to do business.


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 01-02-2019

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[Image: eOlTkFbm.png]

Thank you for your response! I would be glad to provide you with more about myself,

first off I identify as a zoner. I am currently in the services of Mr.Universe who is also a zoner. As of right now the only allegiance we have is to the Consensus which to our knowledge has no quarrel with you. I can promise you that we have no hostile intent and once the vessel is finished you will most likely never seen it again.

The weapons we are hoping to procure will be, as I said before, mounted on a vessel that will be leaving our known space with the possibility of never returning. For this reason alone we do not need classified or anything experimental for this purpose. Merely something capable of fending off any attack from unknown hostiles should this situation befall us.

I will be the one to personally lead this mission so I am the ideal candidate to be answering all of your questions should you have more. To answer your final question what is the mission of this ship. Sufficient to say it will be exploring deep space beyond anything we have observed thus far within the Sirius sector.

Please let me know if these answers are adequate for we have a short window of time we have to work with. In roughly 6 weeks time the vessel should be space worthy and launched and my benefactor, Mr.Universe, is keen on keeping his schedule. We look forward to speaking further on this matter. Just in case you wished to have the spec's for the vessel in questions here they are:

Guns/Turrets0 / 9 cruiser grade turrets; 2 heavy, 7 light hardpoints
Opt. weapon class7
Max. weapon class7
Other equipment1xCM
Hull strength1.400.000
Max. shield class10
Cargo space1,600 units
Max. impulse speed82 m/s
Max. turn speed 9.63 deg/s
Max. thrust speedThruster not available
Max. cruise speed389 m/s
Power output7,000,000 u
Power recharge180,000 u/s
Hyperspatial Modules2 Hyperspatial Modules
Docking Bays1 Docking Bay

This vessel will require cruiser grade turrets with 2 heavy, 7 light hardpoints. Should you need more clarification let me know.

With humility,

~Commander Lincoln Phoenix~

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 01-14-2019

[\|/Transmission re-transmitting\|/]

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Tenacity - 01-15-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Research Vessel Ailuros
Comm ID: Overseer Damien Mekal
Encryption: APM Experimental

Establishing Feed

Apologies for the delay, I'm quite busy these days.

I believe we can accommodate your needs. Thank you for clearing up the details on your vessel, wouldn't want to waste time and money sending you the wrong equipment.

Extra-Heliospheric travel comes with plenty of dangers and challenges on its own, as I'm sure you're aware going into this project, but there are undoubtedly going to be other threats beyond those of an environmental nature. 2 Heavy and 7 Standard cruiser-grade turret hardpoints, unfortunately, does not leave you much room for versatility, which is crucial in exploration ventures. You dont want to find yourself running into an enemy you arent prepared for.

I would highly recommend against the use of any ammunition or munitions based weaponry, as a long-term journey would see you running out of reserves at a crucial time. Best stick with energy-based weaponry, and something that wont drain your power reserves away from shielding and life support when you get into a bad situation.

Ultimately, there are three potential categories of opponents you may go up against: Those that are smaller than you, those that are the same size, and those that are larger. Each necessitates a different sort of equipment. For smaller ships, you need fast, light weaponry such as Solaris and basic turrets. For similarly sized targets, winning or losing the battle often comes down to efficiency, which means you need to be able to outlast the opponent's energy reserves while preferably dealing more damage than you take; in this case, cerberus-line turrets produced in rheinland are about as good as you can get, though I am currently working on a new line of similarly-styled weapons, they unfortunately will not be available for purchase just yet. Lastly, for larger opponents, you want long range, high powered weaponry that can keep you at a safe distance while whittling the target down over time. For this, artillery-grade pulse and mortar turrets are ideal.

Here is the loadout I would recommend for you at this time, let us know if you're in agreement and wish to make the purchase:
1x "Light Mortar" Artillery Cannon
1x "Cerberus" Heavy Turret
2x "Pulse" EMP Turrets
and either 5x Standard Cruiser-Grade Primary Turrets OR 5x "Solaris" Point Defense Turrets

As far as shielding, we can provide you with an APM-built cruiser-grade shield, of course, but all of our prototype advanced shields are currently unavailable for distribution.


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 01-15-2019

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[Image: eOlTkFbm.png]

Your response is much appreciated,

Do not fret even for a moment. With the many issues that Sirius currently faces its any wonder we are still alive and able to converse in a civilized manner these days with one another, but I digress you are right regardless. My apologies, Mr.Cosmos' colorful word choice seems to be wearing off onto me. I can respect the slowed response. In fact, it seems it was warranted since you seem to have put a great deal of research and thought into fulfilling our needs. I'm grateful for you working with us on this matter.

As you can see the answer to our dilemma was and is no easy solution. Although I believe your answer to be mostly what we wish to go with, some minor information, which we wish to provide, may clarify our final weapons order. We believe that the biggest concern we will face in the unknown quadrant of space, which we will be traveling in, is yet to be determined. We do however have the options of what we could run into reduced to a more manageable size for a few reasons.

If you noticed one of the things we have designed this ship for is speed. Although its hull strength will be far weaker to ships similar in nature our ship is designed to have superior speed to enable us to outrun any vessel that might pose serious threat to us. Although we would never wish to be completely defenseless to that option is one reason we believe the 2 heavy turret points will be of great value to us. On to the 7 Standard cruiser-grade turret hardpoints. We believe that since we may be able to outrun slower but stronger vessels we may not have the ability to outrun or outmaneuver smaller vessels. To this end we believe that 5x "Solaris" Point Defense Turrets are best suited for those types of engagements.
Here is what we think fits the best loadout for the ship:
  • 1x "Light Mortar" Artillery Cannon
  • 1x "Cerberus" Heavy Turret
  • 2x "Pulse" EMP Turrets
  • 5x "Solaris" Point Defense Turrets

Hopefully this makes sense. Now, in regards to the shield, a cruiser-grade shield will be adequate I am sure. This vessel's primary goal will be to evade any and if possible all encounters it can. That way we can preserve energy and resources for a lot longer.

Last thing we wish to discuss is delivery and payment. Unless you wish to install them yourselves I believe our engineer's and technicians should be capable enough to install everything on our own. As for payment, what do you believe to be proper compensation with the materials, and if your services are used, installation fee's? I'm sure we can come to a number that would satisfy you and the rest of your department. For now we thank you for your time and I look forward to finishing up our negotiations soon.

Kind regards,

~Commander Lincoln Phoenix~

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Tenacity - 01-16-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Research Vessel Ailuros
Comm ID: Overseer Damien Mekal
Encryption: APM Experimental

Establishing Feed

We have no qualms about letting your own engineers install the hardware, so how you wish to proceed there is entirely up to you. If you wish us to perform the install, the standard fee for labor at Alabama Shipyard will apply. Otherwise, we can have the equipment delivered to you anywhere in Sirius, either aboard one of our APM logistics transports or via warship if the area is deemed dangerous enough to warrant it. Below is the estimated cost of equipment, including APM's 15% manufacturing fee:

1x "Light Mortar" Artillery Cannon
5,260,000 Credits (+15% Fee: 6,049,000 Credits)

1x "Cerberus" Heavy Turret
1,750,000 Credits (+15% Fee: 2,012,500 Credits)

2x "Pulse" EMP Turrets
4,480,000/e (+15% Fee: 5,152,000/e)
Total: 10,304,000 Credits

5x "Solaris" Point Defense Turrets
850,000/e (+15% Fee: 977,500/e)
Total: 4,887,500 Credits

Subtotal: 23,253,000 Credits
Shipping Fee: 7% per system from Omicron Rho (1,627,710 Credits)

If I recall correctly, your ship is being built at Livadia shipyard? That would put you at two systems away, for a delivery fee of 3,255,420 Credits, bringing the final total of your order to 26,508,420 Credits. Obviously if you bring your vessel to Alabama for us to do the installation, after receiving the appropriate visa permit for entry, delivery fee need not apply. The labor fee for equipment installation is a flat 10%, which will save you 930,120 Credits over the delivery option.

As we have cruiser shields in an abundance of overstock, we'll waive the delivery, manufacturing, or installation fees on that item. It will add a total of 5,000,000 credits to your final order amount.


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 01-16-2019

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[Image: eOlTkFbm.png]

I hope this message finds you well,

I can retrieve the equipment from Alabama Shipyard at your earliest convenience. I am confident that the engineer's and technicians will be able to install everything on their own. As for fee's and all other payments, where do you wish me to send the funds? Let me know when its best to pickup the equipment and after I send the funds I will make my way to the location. For now I await your response. Good day.

Kind regards,

~Commander Lincoln Phoenix~

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Mr.Cosmos - 01-29-2019

[\|/Transmission re-transmitting\|/]

RE: To: AP Manufacturing - Tenacity - 01-30-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Research Vessel Ailuros
Comm ID: Overseer Damien Mekal
Encryption: APM Experimental

Establishing Feed

My secretary tells me you've been trying to get ahold of us to finalize this, I apologize but most of my waking hours have been spent on one of our weapons development projects recently.

Proceed to Alabama at your earliest convenience, I will have one of our captains meet you there to make the exchange. Without install or delivery fees, you'll be charged 23,250,000 Credits, payable to the captain who provides you with the weaponry.


[Image: YIzA476.png]