Discovery Gaming Community
Bye. - Printable Version

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Bye. - Thexare - 12-30-2018

I've considered a few ways to write this post, talk about what's wrong, why I'm quitting, etc.

But it never gets through, so eh. Hopefully this time at least I remember.

Odds are I already have the people here I would want to talk to on Discord, but just in case, it's Thexare#1412.

That's all.

RE: Bye. - t0l - 12-30-2018


RE: Bye. - Victor Steiner - 12-30-2018

A great shame. Catch you on discord bruv.

RE: Bye. - Greylock - 12-30-2018

See you 'round. o7

RE: Bye. - Chuba - 12-30-2018


RE: Bye. - Grumblesaur - 12-31-2018

Seeya in two weeks.

RE: Bye. - TLI-Inferno - 12-31-2018

Rest well. Hopefully Discov will be better when you return.