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To: BAF | Re: Request for Pardon - Printable Version

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To: BAF | Re: Request for Pardon - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-30-2018

[Image: ZTqmcmr.png]
Incoming Transmission from Freeport 6
Tau-29, Kusari Border Systems
30. December 825 A.S.
To: Bretonian Armed Forces
Priority: High
Topic: Request for Pardon

Message Contents:

Good morning. My name is Michael Riley, currently serving as Fourth Engineer aboard the Octavarium Transport Dreaded Skies. I'm sure your systems have already flagged me as a draft dodger and fugitive from justice. My attempt to avoid my sister's fate and to forge my own path has impacted my entire family, making them all exiles from their homes for my sake. Though none of them are complaining, I can tell that it weighs on them heavily. To that end, I am willing to report in, as I should've done last year when I first received my draft notice.

I was initially ordered to report for training as an infantryman, but I feel my talents would be wasted serving in this way. Since going on the run, I've acquired training in spacecraft engineering and maintenance and have recently passed my Fourth Engineer's exam. I believe this qualifies me for a shipboard post. Please consider my request. I will remain here on Freeport 6 and await further orders.

Fourth Engineer Michael Riley

Transmission End

[Image: Natio-Octavarium-256-Dark.png]

From: Bdr. Kevin Riley, 4OF

Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez

To: Bretonian Armed Forces

Subject: Request for Pardon

My name is Bombardier Kevin Riley of the Fourth Octavarium Fleet. I am currently assigned to the Away Fleet on Planet Curacao. I recently received word from my nephew Michael about his intentions to report for military service. Considering his circumstances, I can understand that you'd probably rather send him to prison as an example to others than allow him to serve on a warship. I ask that you grant him leniency. He's a talented engineer and will serve the BAF well.

To sweeten the pot, as it were, I am willing to offer myself up for military service as well. I'll bring my own custom B-907A Crusader, called the White Knight, with me into BAF service. I am willing to allow the BAF to examine the ship to inspect the modifications I made, but I must insist that the ship remain with me. It cost me a lot of credits and time to restore to its present state.

Bombardier Kevin Riley
Fourth Octavarium Fleet

RE: To: BAF | Re: Request for Pardon - BAF Admiralty Board - 01-02-2019

[Image: V10xmHo.png]

Michael Riley.

The Board has gathered to discuss your case and you are hereby allowed to join the Bretonian Armed Forces, pending debriefing and investigation by the Armed Forces Intelligence branch. A penalty for draft dodging will however be issued after said investigation. Deeds that have not happened does not erase the deeds of the past. Your will to join our ranks against the gallic invasion however does carry weight which allowed us to reach to this decision.

Welcome to the Armed Forces, Mr. Riley. Make way to Battleship Essex to initiate your path.

Kevin Riley.

The Board welcomes your application. We grant you the Lieutenant rank in the Bretonian Armed Forces, but the use of your B-907A Crusader is on hold pending analysis from our engineers upon arrival of your craft to Carrier Warwick. Should not take more than a full day for such, but even so we have to make sure you are flying a compliant craft.

Welcome to the front-lines, Lieutenant. Present yourself to Carrier Warwick, where you will serve under Admiral Edmund Steiner.

Admiral Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Battleship Hellbound
Bretonian Armed Forces