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A Brief Report on Outcast and Corsair Tech - Printable Version

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A Brief Report on Outcast and Corsair Tech - kikatsu - 02-20-2009

A Brief Report on Outcast and Corsair Tech
A short report by Kara Kikatsu


I am sure anyone visiting the far reaches of Sirius has encountered both of these iconic ships, the Sabre and the Titan. The Titan is the Corsair ship of choice; specifically designed by a groups of engineers to suit the needs of each pilot, and are kept strictly inside the Corsair familia. For a Corsair, it is about survivability. This is obvious when one sees the Titans massive amounts of ceramic and ablative armor covering the wings, engines and power plant. The Titan is certainly one of the more difficult opponents you will ever face. The Outcasts have a slightly different idea when it comes to ship design. They make huge profits from the sale of Cardamine, and there for have a bit more cash to burn allowing large factories to be built. If anyone has noticed, the Border World series of craft is mass produced, and sold in bulk to known Maltese allies such as the Hessians and the Lane hackers. Outcasts are after cash, and selling their drugs and star ship designs is not their only way. They are also well known and feared pirates. Anyone who has been on the bad side of a Sabre squad knows this. The iconic Sabre is specifically designed to be a killing machine. With high maneuverability, a forward turret, and a 360 degree torpedo launch system, the Sabre is ready to tackle any starship it happens across. All this comes at a price though, the low mass of the ship, as well as the extra engine module that give it the high speed and maneuverability makes the ship fragile, and lacks the ablative armor of Corsair ships.


Titan- More armor, less maneuverability, higher power plant, custom models, average forward firepower: Survives

Sabre- Less armor, high maneuverability, lower power plant, mass produced, higher forward firepower: Kills


Now you have all seen that the warring Hispanic brothers have rather different ideas of ship philosophy, it is unsurprising that their weapons follow their basic ship concepts as well. The Corsairs have developed their trademark weapon, the Tizona (along with lighter and heavier versions). This is a very effective electro magnetic pulse weapon (or simply pulse) that can easily disable shields. After the shields are down, this weapon can drain the targets power plant rapidly, reducing the rate at which they can fire back. It is also worth noting, that the Corsair weapons fire faster on average than Outcast ones. This is most likely due to the fact that Titans are less maneuverable than other Sirius ships, meaning they have a harder time to bring their weapons to aim. Sabres do not have that problem, since they can easily out maneuver other fighters and bring their weapons to bear on the target. Outcast weapons follow the kill it and kill it fast way of thinking. All their weapons have a higher damage rate, as well as a higher projectile speed. When they fire, they hit hard and fast. Refire rate does not seem to matter as much to them, as their ships can turn quickly and lock on to a target, ensuring a hit. Also, Outcast weapons have been noted to consist of particle blasters and tachyon cannons. These weapons are known to cause heavy damage to a ships systems, melting through engine parts and causing heavy radiation damage to the power plants. This renders ships they attack harder to salvage, as most of the target is usually melted and irradiated beyond repair. Though at first they lacked anti-shield weapons, that problem was quickly addressed. The Inferno Cannon is now the Maltese shield eradicator of choice these days. The Inferno can easily eat through the toughest of shields with disturbing ease. The Corsairs of course, have their own EMP weapons. But once a disabled ship is robbed for all they are worth, what do you do with it? Blow it up it seems. The Razor Tachyon/Antimatter cannon can rip through hulls with its easily underestimated strength. Finally one final note: Outcast weapons have a faster projectile speed. This is good most of the time, however it has one downside. Outcast weapons going 700 m/s cannot be properly mounted along with a 600 m/s CODENAME weapon. Sabres with both CODENAMES and normal Outcast weapons are known to suffer minor targeting computer errors, as the machine tries to calculate their paths through space. This can be a fatal flaw in a fight sometimes. Corsairs do not have this problem, as their weapons speed matches the CODENAME speeds exactly, meaning no targeting computer errors.


Corsair- Faster firing,, slower projectile speeds, rapid fire shield busters, heavy hull buster, less damage, can disable ships, compatible with CODENAME weapons

Outcast- Slower firing, higher projectile speeds, rapid fire hull busters, heavy shield buster, higher damage, causes heavy damage, not compatible with CODENAME weapons


Corsair- Live through it

Outcast- Kill it

This Channel will be left open and additional observations and notes will be welcomed

I hope you have found this both entertaining and educational.