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Commodity Idea - Printable Version

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Commodity Idea - Linkero - 02-21-2009

Ok lets face it, there are A LOT of ships in the game. I don't mean different kinds, but rather ships piloted by different people. Well, think about it. How often does a ship get destroyed? Are you thinking about NPC ships too? What about how many get damaged? Yea I'm including the NPC's in this one.So we all done the math.....or at least realize the shear amount of how many ships get damaged/destroyed every day. Or at least you should realize by now.

Although its the future and all that great stuff, not everything is machine operated. For example assembly lines today. There's sections that machines can't reach so humans have to do it for them. Mechanics, they use the same things as the people on the assembly lines do. Tools. That's right I said it, Tools. Wrench's, screwdrivers, I'm sure you know the rest, or at least a few more.

My commodity idea is just that. Tools. Either separately or in a pack. I know my characters, for example, would grab their tool kit and fix a problem on their ship if something was to go wrong(given s/he isn't too busy in a battle). Yea I know.....nanobots. What if you run out of them tho? Your pretty much screwed. These tools, of course, would have no main purpose, but they would be good for trading. Here's an example(poorly done of course) Manhattan is a pretty big producer of plenty of things, including tools. Going further into the border worlds and such(Planet Crete in this example), there is barely anything. Crete can barely feed their own people, let alone have sufficient tools to fix their broke down ships. Stop thinking right now, tools break. Trust me I know. And yes I knew you were thinking they don't :mellow:

Ok back to the commodity. Commodity idea is tools, either separately(wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers) or in a whole(tool kit, tool box) Comments and thoughts? My thoughts is its a pretty good idea.....well when i thought of it at least

Commodity Idea - Coin - 02-21-2009

Nice idea. Sold on planets, and bought by mining stations, shipyards, etc.

This gave me an idea for another commodity: Ships. Norfolk shipyard makes the ships, but they are sold on 'hatten. They need to get from the shipyards to the planet. So, how about ships as a commodity - LF, which take up 50 cargo space HF (75) VHF (100) SHF (125)?

Commodity Idea - Linkero - 02-21-2009

Aye i was thinking about that, but didnt know how it would work out with transporting em. Two good ideas in one thread:D

Commodity Idea - Jimothy - 02-21-2009

Tools as a kit/box may be a good idea, however, I think they would go rather un-used for the uses you've sugested. There are many comodities that aren't worth trading, so they arent used much at all. Though theese tools may serve RP purposes, it is unlikely many people will use them much.

Well, thats what I think anyways...

Commodity Idea - Linkero - 02-21-2009

Well this is a RP server;)No need for people to trade it much, but if people are dedicated enough to the RP they could use these

Commodity Idea - Othman - 02-21-2009

' Wrote:Nice idea. Sold on planets, and bought by mining stations, shipyards, etc.

This gave me an idea for another commodity: Ships. Norfolk shipyard makes the ships, but they are sold on 'hatten. They need to get from the shipyards to the planet. So, how about ships as a commodity - LF, which take up 50 cargo space HF (75) VHF (100) SHF (125)?
Not a bad idea. But we might need to have some spesific carriers for transporting them over long distances.

Commodity Idea - gafiaiiu - 02-22-2009

Isn't this essentially what construction machinery is? Cause thats what I always thought it was. Cause 1 unit probably represents a box full of repair equipment and tools.

Commodity Idea - Linkero - 02-22-2009

I always thought construction machinery was for like stations and stuff like that. Also construction machinery isnt are hand held. Most "machinery" isn't hand held. idk thats just what ive always thought while playing o.0

Commodity Idea - tazuras - 02-22-2009

You dont need tools, nanobots can do all the work for you. Other than that though I like the originality of the idea but I dont really feel the need for more RP cargo. If you want to be real about RP cargo you already have to carry Oxygen, crew, food rations, water, pharmaceuticals (who would go into space w/o a med kit), consumer goods (who would travel through space without a change of clothes), H-fuel, and if you're planning a long trip to isolate locations maybe spare parts (engine components and hull panels). I think saying construction machinery includes tools is fair, it is close enough, and I think at some point we have to say there are certain things a scanner just wont tell you are in the ship because it is considered standard ship equipment, either that or we have to start having chairs tables and beds be commodities for all appropriately sized vessels.

Commodity Idea - Cellulanus - 02-23-2009

I think the game developers beat you to it, the commodity is called "construction machinery"