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The Adler Corporation - MrSns - 02-22-2009

The Adler Corporation

For the good of Sirius

The Adler Corporation is at the pinnacle of technology when it comes to weapons. Founded in 701A.S Adler Corp has had a long and prosperous growth. We have been supplying weapons to the houses for more than 110 years. And now a new Chapter in our story is about to begin. With the Kusari, Bretoina war profits have more then steadily increased and new advancements in technology have broguht us to the invention of what we call our dooms day weapon. This weapon wont be out for roughly another 120years but its coming along very fast, maybe even sooner. As a company based on profit of war, we are continuously designing new ways to clone and reproduce humans at an accelerated rate. Our weaponry is far more advanced than any ordinary company, we mainly specialize in Nuclear and atomic weaponry, both small and large. As a company we like to supply you with the greatest quality weapons, vehicles and any thing your heart desires.

<div align="right]Current objectives.

<div align="right]We currently have a new program to abolish slavery in the galaxy. We are working on Centeion beings or in lamein terms Advanced Robotics. Each Cention will have a different name, for example our first proto type ROB has sofar been a great sucess. ROB stands for Relaxation Orb'ed Bionics. ROB is a robot that caters to your every desire when ever where ever you are. We hope to get these Centeions to every capital planet by 910A.S

Shares and Investments.

We do offer shares we are currently selling of 40,000 shares at 500,000 Sirius credits a share. This will allow us to further our research and help us return Dividends to our Share holders. [color=#000000](( at the end of every RL month ill send out Dividends to our share holders, im working on the return amount, should be about 600k for ever share you have, depends on the rise and fall of the shares ))
As a business we strive to give back to those who have put in. We will have a Board meeting at the end of every Galaxy Rotation (( every RL month )) to discuss our productivity, employee's, Stocks, Shares, Partners and threats, Profits and loss. A balance sheet will also be released at the end of each month. Contact me if you would like to purchase shares.

<div align="right]Other information.
<div align="right]Attached to this transmission is our business plan. Please feal free to take a look at it.

Yours sincerely

Luscious Adler

(( Hey, this is my faction proposal, please give feed back. Its not a request yet because i dont have 500mill yet, im working on this. Regarding Dividends and Shares, i know this has not worked in the past but im determined to make it work. Regarding our RP we are a large multi national Corporation, im going to have to get in contact with the leaders of every house militery and request licenses and posably set up an RP trade or something. ))



The Adler Corporation - tazuras - 02-22-2009

I would say there is some considerable work to be done here but I love the idea of dividends.

First of all move the description of why this is here to the top, secondly what tag and IFF will you use? Thirdly use google docs or put the text up on the forum. Fourthly What ships and weapons will you use. I could say more but i think that is enough for now, good luck.

The Adler Corporation - MrSns - 02-22-2009

hey, Im still working on it, thanks for the imput, im currently trying to deside wheather it would be better to use Civi ships or Kusari navil ships.

Regarding the tag its going to be:

Fighter: Firstname.Adler
Freighter: [Adler-F]shipname
transport: [Adler-T]shipname

Freigher and Transport might sound the same thing but im using them for diffrent thigns, the Freighter is used for just norm trading and the Transport is used for RPly moving weapons etc around Sirius.

Its much more atractive like that, besides i cant figure out how to do a border and stuff like i have done on the Plan.

Once again thanks for the imput


The Adler Corporation - Zelot - 02-22-2009

I really like it Tris, but it definatly needs some polishing. First thing, go with the Civi ships, the KNF will not be keen on allowing you to use their ships. The Civi line has some good ships in it, and will have more coming in 4.85. A little more background will probably be helpful. Also, through the Doc into the forums, makes it easier for people. I do think this is a really unique concept with a lot of potential.

The Adler Corporation - MrSns - 02-22-2009

Ok cool, how would i go about makeing that doc into the forum?

The Adler Corporation - MrSns - 02-22-2009

Background Story.

The Adler Corporation was founded in 701A.S by a Manhattan man named Victor Adler. He started off in a small shop on Planet Honshu supplying guns to anybody that had the cash. Around 715 he had hired some researchers to help him start developing faster ways of killing. Victor a hunting man loved his guns! Proper they where he loved the sound and the feel of a kill. About a year after the development started Victor had opened two other shops, one on New Tokyo and a Black market gun shop on Akita, a lot of black trade went down on Akita back in the day. They developed the first rechargeable Phaser that did not require a charged magazine, all you had to do is through some batteries in it and with the flick of a button the batteries would charge the mag. About 3 years had past and there had been a lot of advancements in guns, the Kusari navy hired mister Adler to be one of there top scientists and help developed there weapons. Around 748 A.S he moved his company to National Status. The Adler Corporation was created and started hauling weaponry all around Sirius. We might lose a train or two to the Blood Dragons every now and then but that doesnt really diminish our profits. Said Victor to the Tokyo Daily. Not to much later they started hauling into Berlin and the Corsairs had heard about these weapons and wanted a piece of them. First there where a few convoys that where attacked but then we started moving more dangerous weapons like Atom bombs and nuclear weaponry, so all ships where equipped with a explosive device so that if the ship was raided the pirates couldnt heart anyone. These enhance became suicide missions but if you where to run these weapons you would be earning about 1mill a run, this is a lot of money for just ordinary train drivers. There was also a fail safe system that stoped the bomb from making a large deadly explosion. The chemicals when activated they mix, enhance they are in different casings so they need to be armed before they are set off. About 756 a Corsair elder got in contact with Mr Adler and wanted some deals under the table. This brought more profit in but was not put on the balance sheet for obvious resins. This allowed the Adler Corporation to invest in advancing there weaponry to make Adler Weapons the most requested and most high quality in the Sirius Sector. Mr Adler had a son and has now become one of the richest and most respected men in all of the Sirius sector. Luscious Adler and his Wife Clare Adler, are well respected among the upper class community. Luscious now one of the most feared and hated people in the Sirius sector and said this to one of the corsair elders "Let them hate me, so long as they fear me!

The Adler Corporation - Benjamin - 02-22-2009

I like this idea - seems more like an actual business than just another bunch of generic traders with a couple of letters before their name. Buying shares and getting dividends is an appealing idea too, but uh

' Wrote:We do offer shares we are currently selling of 40,000 shares at 500,000 Sirius credits a share. This will allow us to further our research and help us return Dividends to our Share holders. (( at the end of every RL month ill send out Dividends to our share holders, im working on the return amount, should be about 600k for ever share you have, depends on the rise and fall of the shares ))

These rates of return are insane, you do realise, right? Getting more than 100% return every month is extremely generous. Not to mention unbelievably unfeasible. I mean, with what you have suggested here, if you sold all your shares, you would have to give out $24,000,000,000 in dividends every month.

The Adler Corporation - MrSns - 02-22-2009

Yeah that was just an example, im working an creating stocks that rise and fall. But i was actualy thinking of puting it down to 50k per Share and give about 20k return each month. so if u stay with the shares for 3 months it you will start to get more money then what you paid for. You can also sell you shares to other people (( just be sure to tell me )) for however much you like or you could try to sell them back to me.

The Adler Corporation - Reverend Del - 02-22-2009

If this idea gets some more polish and the shares drop to 50k each I will happily bankroll the projects intial start-up funds. ((Read: buy 10k shares for the initial 500million required.))

I think this idea has a lot of potential, but I will re-iterate Zelot's point about ships.

Whatever your relationship with Military organisatiions, they wiould not sell you currently active technology. After all you do not supply exclusively to them. Usding the civilian line makes the only logical sense. But within that line you can add almost any corporation ship that isn't hostile to your company. I suspect that Ageira would be very unwilling to sell you anything they design for fear of it getting reverse engineered and sold by the competition for cheaper.

The Adler Corporation - Zelot - 02-22-2009

Awww, Everyone look at Del, he is being all warm and fuzzy. So good to folk he is, aint he? Or maybe he just knows a good investment when he see's it.