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To: Ageira H.R - Printable Version

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To: Ageira H.R - Hotshot - 02-09-2019

[Image: 2aYaEOq.png.png]

[Image: YiNmj9v.jpg]

»»» Encryption: MEDIUM
»»» Location: Fort Bush, New York
»»» Sender ID: Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves
»»» Recipient ID: Ageira Human Resources
»»» Subject: Bonus or Bogus?

I assume this'll land on Kevin Brown's desk,

Kevin, I claimed a couple of bounties recently, don't worry I'm not contacting to complain about the payment, I'm actually reaching out to inform you that you paid me more than the total value of the claims were worth. According to your own policy each kill is valued at five million if successfully confirmed. Keeping that in mind, I claimed three successful kills. Five times three is fifteen, you've paid me twenty as if for a fourth kill.

If this was an intentional bonus, then thanks. But if it wasn't.. I'd rather return the money than deal with an inevitable law-suit. Let me know.

[Image: OGLst74.png]

Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves

[Image: mnGWY6l.png]

To: Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves - Kevin Brown - 02-09-2019

[Image: 6mdBTSn.png]

To: Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves

Dear Mr. Reeves,

We were unable to process payment to BHG|Legionnaire callsign so the claim was paid out to BHG|AP-Odessa.


Kevin Brown,
Human Resources Manager, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: Ageira H.R - Hotshot - 02-09-2019

[Image: 2aYaEOq.png.png]

[Image: YiNmj9v.jpg]

»»» Encryption: MEDIUM
»»» Location: Fort Bush, New York
»»» Sender ID: Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves
»»» Recipient ID: Ageira Human Resources
»»» Subject: Bonus or Bogus?


Oh, so it was a left-over. Guess it makes sense to ensure that reliable contractors don't miss out on a payment. Thanks for the consideration. I'll go ahead and close this channel since you cleared up the reason I'd opened it in the first place.

[Image: OGLst74.png]

Aidan 'Hotshot' Reeves

[Image: mnGWY6l.png]