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To: Captain Alexander Daniels || From: Sun Koken - Printable Version

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To: Captain Alexander Daniels || From: Sun Koken - Dark_Knight - 02-14-2019

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Captain Alexander Daniels
From: Sun Koken
Ship: Bodhi
Company: New Dawn
Location: Junyo, Shikoku System
Subject: A personal request
Encryption: Average

I have hopes that this message will reach you. I have a personal request, on a recent conversation with a new friend of mine she mentioned she has a ex-LSF sister out there somewhere. I was hoping with your experience and history in the LSF, and your friendship with me that you would reveal if you know anything about her. Her name is Melissa Jones but I believe she goes by many different aliases. I do not unfortunately have any ship names listed. If you do manage to run into her please tell her that her sister Alexandria Conley is looking for her. I believe she only wished to talk with her sister and I trust her completely in this. Alexandria is a Zoner. Considering the similarities between her name and yours and her ex-profession and yours...I see this as merely fate handing me a task once more. I will also say, as I am truthful and honest with you that you still have friends within the Liberty Navy it seems. They wish you well.

Yours sincerly, Sun Koken

If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone
Message End

RE: To: Captain Alexander Daniels || From: Sun Koken - Dark.Star - 02-17-2019

Incoming Transmission

Sender: Alexander Daniels
Receiver: Sun Koken
Vessel under command: NONE
Location: Unable to track location
Encryption: Medium

Hello Sun, I will see what I can do about that. I will make sure to tell her if I ever see her, I promise. As for the friends within the Navy....I don't believe I have any. You know I will end this at some point, nothing lasts forever. She goes by many aliases you say? Maybe I can search thru the old database and see if I can find anything, we will meet again soon. Stay frosty out there.

SIGNAL LOST|Ending transmission