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Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Printable Version

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Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Markam - 02-15-2019


I was talking to someone recently about the new anomaly mechanic, and an interesting thought came to mind.

The mechanic for scanning Anomalies, according to the person I was talking to, was what he envisioned mining should be.
I.e, shooting a single target until it blows up, collecting the ore from within after, and not the asteroid pee shooting we have now.
True enough, in games such as Elite Dangerous, the X series, and I believe Star Citizen too, this form of mining is the norm, and what you could describe as closer to the real thing.

Now, on the other hand I know that many people enjoy the system as is, and I have no desire to see it removed. Instead, I think that a mechanic similar to the anomaly mechanic could be added AND we keep the current asteroid system. Basically an NPC spawning that looks like a giant rock, but can only be damaged my mining lasers, said rock can then drop Ore in significant quantities, which is supplemented by regular old shooting of asteroids (while you wait for the big rocks to spawn?).

Obviously, just as the anomaly mechanic, multiple miners mining the rock, and then one miner "stealing" all the ore found could present some issues, though mining has been, and should be the basis for conflict, so having miners shoot each other over Ore sounds like great fun.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Tobias Banks - 02-15-2019

I like this idea a lot. I'd love to see it implemented for scrap as well. The pea shooting can get a bit tedious when the peas in question aren't spawning fast enough to hold your interest (not to mention getting in between your turrets every damn time like they're magnetically attracted to that one spot *ahem*). Having a second "mode" would be a great way to mix it up and break up the tedium, not to mention the above mentioned conflict it would generate.

Plus shooting wrecked ships/stations/giant chunks of debris with mining lasers just sounds satisfying.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Markam - 02-15-2019

(02-15-2019, 09:25 AM)Tobias Banks Wrote: I like this idea a lot. I'd love to see it implemented for scrap as well. The pea shooting can get a bit tedious when the peas in question aren't spawning fast enough to hold your interest (not to mention getting in between your turrets every damn time like they're magnetically attracted to that one spot *ahem*). Having a second "mode" would be a great way to mix it up and break up the tedium, not to mention the above mentioned conflict it would generate.

Plus shooting wrecked ships/stations/giant chunks of debris with mining lasers just sounds satisfying.

I didn't even think of the scrap element. How the NPC's would be presented is very interesting, be it small ships, big chunks of metal, bits of station or whatever. You could even potentially add a "rare" spawn of say a military ship that also drops some goodies (or just more scrap), similiarly asteroids could have rarer rocks that are higher in value, or have a completely different commodity, maybe one linked to PoB upgrades or more likely just worth a lot more.

Thank you for bringing that up.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - kenshin156 - 02-15-2019

Maybe we could add the possibility to mine the big chunky rocks, which can then be tractored by transports.
Like, for example "Iridium Ore Chunks" which take much more space, but are worth more - obviously - when you sell them.
The usual mining would be still there, but the possibility of big chungus chunks to spawn is there as well.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Major. - 02-15-2019

Something like this was already planned.
The idea was to create "Asteroids" in a field with HP bars, which will drop a special Ore (Worth alot) which require you to stay at least for a while in the mining field. The idea was, to allow single miners to do that and to allow a group of players to do that. While being alone it takes way longer than being in a group, so the group mining get's a new shape.

I'm not sure if Xalrok is still planing to implement that or not, but we had the idea in 2018.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - kerfy - 02-15-2019

I have seen this in other freelancer mods before. A large asteroid that you shoot until it braks up and all the ore is scattered about..

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Sand_Spider - 02-15-2019

You know, I was just thinking about this idea yesterday, and then this thread popped up while I was sleeping (yay!). I think this would be an awesome way to mine! What you could do is create a few new fields/re-activate old ones with "Dynamic Mining" while leaving all/some of the current fields as-is.

One place that comes to mind is Omega-2. The current diamond mining field could stay, but one might also create dynamically spawning hunks of uncut diamonds floating around, which could either yield far more Uncut Diamonds, or they could possibly be Uncut Green Diamonds (Apparently, radiation can color a diamond green? At least according to a quick-minute google search), which could be far more valuable than standard Diamonds.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Durandal - 02-20-2019

It isn't a bad idea but NPCs shut off entirely when the server hits 60 players. We can raise that limit, but it will likely impact performance.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - TheShooter36 - 02-20-2019

Which makes anomalies despawn after 60 players too. You should definitely increase the limit to 80-90.

RE: Ore Mining and Anomaly "Mining" mechanic - Laz - 02-20-2019

That would be a bad idea.