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Giveaway - - 02-16-2019

The following are available, if you're looking for something post. I'll reserve discretion on who gets what.

8x Cruiser Blaster Turrets
6x Battlecruiser Breaker Turrets
6x CAU VI Armor Upgrades
Roughly 2 Billion Credits
1x Hyperspace Survey Module Mk. II
1x Jump Drive Modele Mk. II
1x Minified Spyglass Scanner
1x Battleship Scanner
100 Scientific Data - Given to HaRo
1x Liberty Siege Cruiser - Given to HaRo

Now that that's out of the way...

I took nearly ten years off disco for many of the same reasons I'm leaving now: stress, bitterness, toxicity, hatred, so on and so forth; spending time here wasnt healthy and the constant conflict with the old admins and some other members wasnt doing me any favors outside of the game either. I wont lie, I was just as toxic and spiteful as anyone else here back then. In those 10 years away, I moved, I changed careers, I got married, I had a daughter, I matured and I mellowed out; I became a better person and I was happy. I dont know what pushed me to try out disco again - maybe nostalgia, maybe the drive to play a space sci-fi game between others that had grown boring - but when I came back everything was good... at first.
I struggled a bit finding my place again, my old RP was largely irrelevant without massive work and a lot of factions, alliances, and other factors of disco had changed so much as to be unrecognizable to me. Eventually, I settled in and found a group of players that I had a lot of fun working with and writing for - the Core|. I accomplished a great deal for them and felt proud to do so.

Unfortunately, I came to understand once again why I left in the first place. The community here gets to you; it can be great on some days, and absolutely vile on others. Many of the people here, especially those who have been around for many years, have gotten set in their ways; they've formed their own little cliques and created their own little power structures, and they're quick to ostracize anyone who might interfere with that. The behavior is understandable, we build something here and we put our effort and our heart and soul into it, and you become invested in what you've created and worked for, but that's where the toxicity sets in as well. That's where you start to develop bias, hatred, and spitefulness towards anyone who might disrupt your status quo.

Over the past two or three months, I let that get to me without even realizing it. I turned back into the person that I was 10 years ago, without even realizing it. I became stressed, bitter, and hateful again, without even realizing it. All of that went on to impact my life outside of the game as well - my wife, my daughter, my job were all taking second place to this game, without me even realizing it. But, despite that, I kept coming back for my daily dose of disco, like a heroine addict that knows the drug is destroying him but he cant go without it. What kept me coming back, as always, was the creative outlet - that's what disco has always really been to me, a place to write, to exercise my artwork, to get my ideas onto a new medium, but dealing with the people and the combat and the attitudes here drowns out all of that.

It took an unexpected sanction to break me free; a sanction that proved to me, without a doubt, that no matter what you write here, or what you create, none of it really matters to anyone else. You can be completely justified in something and if it happens to hurt someone's feelings, even someone who is in no way constructive to the community, you'll be the one suffering for it. I dont believe that the sanction was just, and I do think that those involved should have paid more attention to the details before making that decision, but at least it opened my eyes to what I'd been ignoring these past months. I cannot let this place, this game, or these people impact the attention or disposition I have towards my family, or my profession, and as hard as it is to let go from this addiction it has to be done. I get the feeling a lot of other people here need that change as well, but wont have an easy time making it.

RE: Giveaway - QuestionZ2 - 02-16-2019

I'd like 3 cruiser blaster turrets and 1 cau6 please :3

RE: Giveaway - Greylock - 02-16-2019

I could use 750 million credits (to [Bank]Grey-1) and 2 blasters. Survey module as well.

I'll spare you the wall of text. Go on and spend as much time as possible with your family. Take care, man.

RE: Giveaway - Emperor Tekagi - 02-16-2019

Yours words remind me of an old friend who used to be back here a few years ago. He eventually left over similar reasons, similar behaviour by some people. He later admitted it was one of the best decisions he made to leave Disco behind. Meanwhile others, probably myself included, continue to carry on in a dream bubble of fun and nice things. Heh.
I feel a bit weird for asking but I think I could put a few hundred million credits, around 400 perhaps, to good use to create the "clique" I got around me something fun. Afterall the pieces of fun still here are what we all try to hold and keep.

Whoever you were, good luck elsewhere.

RE: Giveaway - Lythrilux - 02-16-2019

Core could put them aside in an armoury and outfit shareds with some of those items, and at least they'd be around if you change your mind and decide to come back. I still think your Sanction could be debated and if you find the time to discuss things with the GMs, the air can be cleared.

RE: Giveaway - Sarwar - 02-16-2019

i would like to get
1x Jump Drive Module Mk. II

RE: Giveaway - jide - 02-16-2019

if you hajve too much credits send to baby.goose Wink

RE: Giveaway - Jackfrench - 02-16-2019

Sad to hear that, take care of you and your familly!
i'd like to get if still available the 2x Battlecruiser Breaker Turrets and the Battleship scanner
thank you

RE: Giveaway - Promotheus - 02-16-2019

I'll leave what/if anything up to you. Judging from what you've said, you're making the right decision. Enjoy your life, celebrate your wife and daughter. There's few things as important as family and you're blessed for having them, make sure they know that. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and your life.

RE: Giveaway - Pixel - 02-16-2019

Sorry to hear about your situation. If you're still sure about it, I wouldn't mind two or three of the Breaker turrets. I can hold onto them and return them should you wish to return too, just say as much.