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Security, protection and safety... - Printable Version

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Security, protection and safety... - BMF - 02-17-2019

Security, protection and safety ..... we need YOU at
Bretonia Mining and Fabrication
[Image: 0gSlFb3.gif]
General | Mining | Fabrication | Trading | Security | Research
Base Building | Ship Loan Service | Tee & Pee Bar
Bretonia |Isle of Skye | Planet New London's Orbit

You do not want to take part in military drills and ranks?
You do not want to be a constable and restricted to the boarders of your house space?
You have a strong feeling for lawfulness and honesty?
You want to earn some credits?

But you also want to have a chance to fight and to see different house spaces?
Maybe a career as security officer in the BMF Security is the right choice!

We provide
  • ►a security officer job in our company's security office
  • ►a fighter/bomber ship with initial equipment to start your job
  • ►a guaranteed payment of 3.000.000 for escorting a transport or for scouting (the transport has to reach the destination successfully)
  • ►a guaranteed payment of 1.000.000 credits for securing miners in the mining area (per load of ore, the miner has to dock at the base successfully)
  • ►a single payment of 10.000.000 credits for every destroyed hostile Capital vessel during an escort
  • ►a payment of 5.000.000 credits for each destroyed ship that is threatening one of our miners or transports (proof must be provided)
  • ►a free cosy bedroom with single bed, shower,NeuroNet and television at Isle of Skye
  • ►a free welcome drink at the Tea & Pee Bar

We demand
  • ►that you secure the mining area and that you escort our transports on their supply and delivery runs
  • ►the return of the fighter/bomber ship or the ship's original price when cancelling the employment contract
  • ►friendly, honest and cooperative behaviour
  • ►BMF ID desired but not required
  • ►faction membership not in conflict with Bretonia or the BMF faction
  • ►some information:
    • Name:
    • Ship-Name:
    • Faction:
    • Who you are:
    • Special skills:
    • Did you ever kill a Sirian? Why?:

Interested? Write your application right now or in a personal message!

Cincerely yours,
Cpt. Dillan Hunt

RE: Security, protection and safety... - WolfO9 - 02-18-2019

Name: Joseph Komerade
Ship-Name: The_Shrike
Faction: Mercenary
Who you are: I am a mercenary who pilots a gunboat, I was born in Rheinland on planet Nunemburg. I became a Mercenary to earn money.
Special skills: Gunboat captain, Good pilot.
Did you ever kill a Sirian? Why?: Yes, I killed a few because they were pirates and tried to kill us. I killed another when I was assigned to do so

RE: Security, protection and safety... - BMF - 02-18-2019

[Image: 0gSlFb3.gif]
General | Mining | Fabrication | Trading | Security | Research
Base Building | Ship Loan Service | Tea & Pee Bar
Bretonia |Isle of Skye | Planet New London's Orbit

It was with great pleasure that we register your name as one of our Security Staff.
Feel free to escort any and all BMF vessels , remember to register evidence of your performed duties .
In case you whant to patrol our areas of interest they are, at this moment, Dublin from Graves to the Mining Area all the way to Omega 2 minig areas.
Remenber to gather evidence of your work so we can issue payments acordingly
Do you need a starting vessel?
Welcome to Bretonia Mining and Fabrication Security Operations

Best Regards
Cpt. Dillan Hunt
High Comander