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To: Crayter Republic || From: 5th Fleet - Printable Version

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To: Crayter Republic || From: 5th Fleet - DarkTails - 02-22-2019

Communication channel opened...
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Origin: Battleship Wisconsin, New London
ID: Vice Admiral Miles Prower
Subject: Bretonian Aggression

Greetings Crayterian officials,

Just recently after convening, Navy leadership has been discussing Bretonia's public image now in the aftermath of their aggressive seizure and annexation of a neutral system. Bretonia claims it is for their own protection however we see it as seeing their allies as inadequate to beat down the Gallic scourge, despite only now is Liberty been fully deployed into action. We also see it as a lack of faith in the Crayter Republics ability to prosecute Gallic forces behind the front lines in London.

Liberty forces have no intention to fight one aggressive monarch to defend another. We have no intention of propping up another aggressive monarch. In addition, at this point without Liberty taskforces on the frontlines, Bretonia will fall. Assaults to break the enemy forces are in the works, however if the majority of forces demand to withdraw, Liberty forces will go home. Quite personally I'm of mind with my forces. We are not about to fight and die against one imperialistic kingdom to allow another to come about.

I'm reaching out for your take on Bretonia's aggressive actions. In this desperate hour, Bretonia has shown itself as little better than the Gallic forces we face. What does the Crayter Republic think?

Vice Admiral Miles Prower
5th Fleet, Liberty Navy