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Project "Iron Curtain" - Printable Version

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Project "Iron Curtain" - SCEC - 02-22-2019

[Image: 9p8Qe3i.png]

For internal use only. Unauthorised access restricted.

for research and development design of mobile Anti-Space Defence
based on rocket projectile with launch from all-terrain chassis

Project's Orderer: Sirius Coalition Expeditionary Corps
Project's Executor: Sirius Coalition Expeditionary Corps Engineering Division, Mykolaiv Researh Station

  • Heavy rocket projectile with capability to destroy targets on stationary orbits
  • Mobile launcher platform based on all-terrain chassis
  • Mobile command station based on all-terrain chassis
  • Mobile barracks with caboose based on all-terrain chassis
  • Unification with already manufactured by Volgograd Industrial chassis and components


In light of Jiang Xi planet's restoration plans, voiced at the Party plenum, Coalition engineers should do everything to prevent disasters like that. In ages of space colonisation, People's safety and freedom from exploitation fully rely on orbital defence. Mobile complexes will help reach point, when free men in all Sirius will not fear repeating of planet Jiang Xi and planet Cork terrible incidents. We should give them this strong shield - for the People, for the Coalition.

Cases of disclosure the project details to unathorised parties will be considered by Commissariat.

RE: Project "Iron Curtain" - SCEC - 03-01-2019

For internal use only. Unauthorised access restricted.

Rocket projectile end-stage solution and specifications

For end-stage of rocket projectile suggested usage of modified "Apocalypse" missile, already manufactured and in-service on Coalition Battlecruisers. This missile recommend itself as reliable projectile with good characteristics in long-range fleet combat. Relative low combat mass, reliable and worked out space guidance and orientation systems allow significantly reduce cost of development. After minor modifications, its can be adjusted to solid-propellant carrier stages.

[Image: 90C4sCN.png]

Creating a proper Transport and Launch Container would become a serious problem due of using liquid fuel in end-stage. But this problem should be solved, because any alternative ways offer or less performance or significantly bigger cost of manufacturing.

Cases of disclosure the project details to unathorised parties will be considered by Commissariat.