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Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Printable Version

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Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Enkidu - 02-28-2019

There was some [redacted] discussion in[redacted] with [redacted] trade faction people this. It'd be interesting to see what the community thinks about giving pure trade corporations access to a transport above the 5k balance limit.

To clear up confusion, this would be for factions that fill the following criteria:

- Are major shipping-devoted logistics factions that do not natively mine, or have mining bonuses. They do not have RP reasons to mine, instead, they're shipping large, pre-fabricated goods of lower native value than unprocessed ore.

- Do not have access to ships above Gunboat size.

- Examples include Gateway, Bowex, Universal Shipping Incorporated, Republican Shipping, Synth Foods, etc.

- Some of these supermassives could be liners instead, for example, for OsC.

- This would also make them slightly better at anything that requires large quantities of cargo, like POB supplying.

- Currently pure shipping factions have no advantages over corporations with Mining Bonuses. They need some kind of perk to make them distinctive.

- As a general rule, Unlawfuls are non-speciallised jack-of-all-trades due to very few docking points, however, they're not amazing at any one thing. Lawfuls are very specialised because they're designed to work together with other factions of the same house. This would give these shipping-only corporates some much-needed gameplay niches, allowing them to reach the level of specialisation present in Police, Intelligence, Mining Corp, and Military groups.

The exact cargo size for these supertransports would be up to the devs to decide. Could be anything between 6k to up to 10k, I don't know. Presumably they wouldn't be able to defend themselves in combat very well and would be quite large. There's a lot of discontinued transport models we could use to implement at short notice.

There is some real-world equivalency. Aircraft carriers and nuclear guided missile battle-cruisers (the closest equivalent we have to discovery battleships, dreadnoughts and Carriers in their command-and-control and airgroup-sortie role), are some of the biggest ships on earth. However, bulk container transports and the largest cruise liners are slightly larger by anywhere up to 67 meters. These are bigger than iron ore or oil carriers conventionally, and are usually owned by companies who specialise in nothing else. These giga-transports could be somewhere around BS-sized, although likely no bigger. It's unrealistic to assume the barge will ever be brought back.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - SnakThree - 02-28-2019

Even 5.5k would be huge step towards fairness. 10% profit seems reasonable and not over the top.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Major. - 02-28-2019

Limit Mining factions to 4,3ker and only allow "trading" factions (Factions that have no mining bonus, for example: IC, USI, Bowex etc.) to fly 5ker.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - SnakThree - 02-28-2019

(02-28-2019, 12:19 PM)Decerius Wrote: Limit Mining factions to 4,3ker and only allow "trading" factions (Factions that have no mining bonus, for example: IC, USI, Bowex etc.) to fly 5ker.

Taking away assets is harsh method. It would not only limit available ship models but would lower profit rates for those ships. While giving new supertransports to house corps without mining bonuses would be positive addition to game.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Enkidu - 02-28-2019

(02-28-2019, 12:19 PM)Decerius Wrote: Limit Mining factions to 4,3ker and only allow "trading" factions (Factions that have no mining bonus, for example: IC, USI, Bowex etc.) to fly 5ker.

Problem with that, is nerfs tend to be widely unpopular and may require more economic re-calibration than implementing bigger transports for specific groups.

The knock-on effect is that you would then need to nerf cargo sizes for everyone else in-turn.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Major. - 02-28-2019

(02-28-2019, 12:22 PM)SnakThree Wrote:
(02-28-2019, 12:19 PM)Decerius Wrote: Limit Mining factions to 4,3ker and only allow "trading" factions (Factions that have no mining bonus, for example: IC, USI, Bowex etc.) to fly 5ker.

Taking away assets is harsh method. It would not only limit available ship models but would lower profit rates for those ships. While giving new supertransports to house corps without mining bonuses would be positive addition to game.

So with introducing new cargoships with way more cargo, people will start to ignore every 5ker and jump to this ships, so we will see even more armorless transports flying around with: Kill me it's cheaper.

If you like to buff that attitude, go ahead.

My idea would be, to limit this ships to official factions, so people are encouraged to join the Official factions if they want to have fancy things.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Enkidu - 02-28-2019

(02-28-2019, 12:26 PM)Decerius Wrote: So with introducing new cargoships with way more cargo, people will start to ignore every 5ker and jump to this ships, so we will see even more armorless transports flying around with: Kill me it's cheaper.

If you like to buff that, go ahead.

My idea would be, to limit this ships to official factions, so people are encouraged to join the Official factions if they want to have fancy things.

As somebody who regularly pirates people, even completely new people rarely go 'kill me, it's cheaper'. They either pay, run a bit then change their mind, or silently try to run away and get exploded. Which is working as intended.

Official factions already have lots of routes to get fancy things. Oppertunity to get unique flagships, rep, influence story, you name it.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Major. - 02-28-2019

(02-28-2019, 12:24 PM)Riehl Wrote:
(02-28-2019, 12:19 PM)Decerius Wrote: Limit Mining factions to 4,3ker and only allow "trading" factions (Factions that have no mining bonus, for example: IC, USI, Bowex etc.) to fly 5ker.

Problem with that, is nerfs tend to be widely unpopular and may require more economic re-calibration than implementing bigger transports for specific groups.

The knock-on effect is that you would then need to nerf cargo sizes for everyone else in-turn.

Wrong, it's completly the opposite, bringing new ships into the game, with way more cargo, you have two choices. Make them slow, so the C/S is still the same, or nerf the sellpoints.

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Republican.Shipping - 02-28-2019

As a shipping faction, instictavely I agree with the larger vessels with cargo size to match.
If it gets agreed upon, maybe there can be a trial period. Like a month or a week. During this time issues can be picked up and possibly sorted. Like for example model x was used for these super transports, but is either stronger than wat it should be, or weaker.

By this I mean hull strength, shields, nano/bats, weaponary, wil they be able to use jump drives, docking bays, where can they dock or not dock. Etc. like would a super transport be able to dock on a station due to its size or only planets.

Given that if they as big as battlecruisers, their ability to dock with trade lanes does decrease compared to their smaller counterparts. Will this be taken into consideration to make the hulls stronger or give a certain set of weapons to fend off small vessels?

RE: Supertransports for pure shipping factions. - Laz - 02-28-2019

I agree with nerf being the appropriate solution.