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To: Lane Hackers and National Council | From: ADM Xander - Printable Version

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To: Lane Hackers and National Council | From: ADM Xander - TheShooter36 - 03-05-2019

[Image: x2ns7a.png]

Good day, esteemed leaders of National Council and Professorship of Lane Hackers.

I believe you may have heard of recent developments. Independent Miners Guild, which has been a close ally to us until now, is corrupted by their Gallic overlords. To keep Gallics at bay, us and Bretonia Armed Forces alongside the National Council assets showing from time to time fight until our last blood as you know. However, with Southampton's destruction, now Bretonia looks for a new shipyard to continue the war efforts. Which IMG posesses at a very secure location and we offered to be mediators and guarantors that IMG would reposess the shipyard once the war is over. However, the Guild's stubbornness is over the top and now they declared war on Bretonia over a temporary loan of the Aland Shipyard, proving that they are servants of Gallic war machine now.

I know the Professorship does not look favorably upon Bretonia, however we all are aware they need to stay intact, so that Gallic vessels do not bear their full focus on neither of us.

We intend to subdue IMG installations within our space one by one, however we may need especially National Council's aid on seizing Falkland.

Xander, out.

Signed, Zack Xander
Commander of Battlegroup Olympia
Crayter Military

RE: To: Lane Hackers and National Council | From: ADM Xander - Yoshida - 03-05-2019

[Image: lbIXDS6.png][Image: oAsa1LZ.png]

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Xander.

It is despicable that the Independent Miners' Guild had the audacity to refuse to turn over their shipyard to Bretonia's government. Those insolent miners probably even thought they would rely on Crayterian support. Their long-time allies. What a stupid people.

Mr Xander, please remind me. Wasn't the IMG that literally saved your "Republic" when they harbored almost your entire population on Pecos after the fall of 44? I think that makes your treachery even more impressive.

Your opportunistic plan to complete the betrayal and annihilate the Guild in the Taus with the help of Outcasts and Lane Hackers is equally outstanding. As you are well-aware our forces have for several months completely avoided engagements against the LN and BAF which allowed us to replenish and prepare for a new conflict.

Admiral, please inform your puppet government and the real one in New London that as a result of your war declaration the agreement between LN - CR - IMG is naturally no longer in effect. Please also inform them that the Lane Hackers are gathering their forces to enter Coronado, and, defend all IMG installations in the system.

We are people of honor and remember our promises, we are not scum and backstabbers Mr. Xander.

RE: To: Lane Hackers and National Council | From: ADM Xander - Agent Bravo - 03-06-2019

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