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To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Printable Version

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To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Aazalot - 03-06-2019

[Image: 1474820538-1434988161.jpg]
To All who will listen. I go by the name Lokria.

I have heard the call for someone to stand up, to Organise, to lead those who are not content with leaving our Jewel, Our Gran Canaria to the Bretonians.
I will answer that call, I shall take on the Mantle of the Resistance for Gran Canaria and Omega 49
We make our Stand. Now.

The Bretonians are making enemies of many. They took with their hands when they should of asked with their words.
They should of come to us as friends, instead they acted like Scavengers, clawing and scratching at every little scrap they can get a hold, not realising their actions will rot the small fruits they think they have bore.
With the Orders of their Blind queen they make Foes of us, of others, of any who could of, would of helped had they asked in the right way.
Blinded by her pride, by her arrogance, her precious house becomes the very shadow they battle.
Doing to us, done to us the very thing they are trying to stop in their own front garden.

A line has to be, will be drawn. It. must. End. here.

The Corsairs have been fighting for their part of Gran Canaria. Its Time we did the same, even if i do it alone i will be fighting for our world.

If you wish to join me in this, reply to this message and show your support, even if you must do it from the shadows, with cover names and masks.
Those who reply we will establish a line of communication with.

I understand there are those within our people who do not want to fight or think we shouldn't. Many have fled to begin a new life elsewhere, either by Freeport or the future promised on Pygar. That is your choice, we as Zoners are blessed with being in a position to make those choices.
All i ask is that those who wish to use that choice to fight are given that Freedom to do so, without prejudice.

One way or another, i will be fighting. I hope there are some who will join me.


RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Immortality23 - 03-06-2019

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAaK7iGPqhNCEZyAhljEY...bEpHNG_xQQ]

==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Zoner of Freeport 9, Omicron Theta and part of the security detail at Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta
Date: March 6th, 826 A.S.
Location: *Location blocked*
Encryption: ***Extreme - OFFICIAL-Sensitive***
Subject: RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back.

Dear Lokria,

This is sadly not something that I would be able to intervene with, currently. I will ask to see if a new addition to Freeport Security can assist, however, it will require Saskia Alexander's approval before such actions can be taken.

I will be in touch once I have confirmation of any clearance that this new wing can provide, if any.

Melissa Jones out.

==End Transmission==

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Dark_Knight - 03-06-2019

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Lokria
From: Sun Koken
Ship: Bodhi
Company: New Dawn
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Fighting Back
Encryption: Average
We must not give in to our lesser impulses and betray the very tenants on which the Zoners was founded. Yes, I am new to the Zoners but I know the importance of neutrality more then you it seems. To fight the Bretonians would be tantamount to a complete and utter betrayal of our ideals and commitment to peaceful compromises. We must forgive and build relations, not tear them apart in the name of justice. Make no mistake, The situation on Gran Canaria I have great sympathy for but even so violence does not resolve anything. You must also consider escalation, for the sake of argument if you do indeed gather a group of Zoners to fight Bretonia would you also fight there allies? Where does it end?

I implore you to reconsider your choices in this, before it grows out of control. Anger cannot be overcome by anger, If a person shows anger to you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. In time, we must have hope for peaceful resolutions. Ultimately, however if I cannot stop you, then I cannot stop you. I can only pray that your soul finds itself reborn in good Karma.

Sun Koken.
Message End

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Aazalot - 03-06-2019

[Image: 1474820538-1434988161.jpg]
Melissa Jones

Your reply is welcome though i must clarify something.
I am not looking for security or the like. I am asking for fighters, people willing to battle to engage in combat proper.
There is risk involved beyond that of mere security, its a fight with the same ferocity as one would expect from a war.
If your pilots are not ready or not willing to Fight with their very being to try and Free our World, then its best you keep out of the Resistance and focus on where you call home.

Brother Koken.
Do not begin to question what i do and do not know or understand about being a Zoner and our ways. I assure you i have more experience with it then you could begin to imagine.

Gran Canaria was revered for its place as a neutral planet. It was shared by all manner of people from all walks of life, Bretonian, Corsair, Zoner, Coalition you name it, they likly lived there somewhere. There was a Bretonian battle group positioned in Omega 49 before any talks occurred.

It was Doc Holiday who offered the first Branch for talks and yes, what occurred was nothing short of a disaster, too many voices, some with little to no influence.
Those with Influence attempted to call out to the Blind Queen, to resend her diplomats to speak with those more in touch with politics, with a say over the planet.
Had she done so, her people would of been welcomed as Friends in need. But no, she declared war, brought her laws with her, landed her pawns upon our soil and took over without so much as a pause for Tea.

Check around, we are not the only victims of the Blind Queens pride, others are loosing their possessions much the same way. Will we betray our Tenants as Zoners? yes. Have we done it before? Yes we have, multiple times. Our Neutrality is our way, but there are times where it cannot be relyed upon, clung onto with stubborness, because much like you say, when will it stop. They Take Gran Canaria and we shrug and let them do it, so whats next, Freeport One? Five? Do we shrug and say okay? or do we draw a line and say No, we shall not be walked over.

As i stated before, if you wish not to fight, that is fine, but do not judge those who do wish to fight for their home. Neutrality isnt going to bring them their home back, it isnt going to return Families back to their way of life, it isnt going to fix the distrust there is for the Blind Queen and her Pawns.

Realise that Gran Canaria is considered a Bretonian planet, they advertise it so, they enforce it so. What if they Fail, what if the hammer of Gallia Breaks the Sheild around New London. The crusade will continue on to other Bretonian planets. Gran Canaria now is included in this. Had we been allowed to continue our neutrality, it would be a different story.
I will fight because i must, and if there are those who choose to join me, let them. I understand your point of view, but we are beyond that path now.

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - KaelanFrey - 03-06-2019

==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Anonymous #492741 (Zoner IFF Verified by sysadmin)
Date: March 6th, 826 A.S.
Location: Unknown
Encryption: Unbeatable
Subject: RE: Call to arms

[There's no video feed...]

The Bretonians have gone too far. Count me in, we will take our planet and our system back!

See you in space.
==Transmission Suspended==

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - realekki - 03-06-2019


Name: Hasmed Nightowl
Location: somewhere
Encryption: very strong
Subject: fight back



indeed, bretonia has gone way too far. count me in.

best regards
Hasmed Nightowl


RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - NonSequitor - 03-06-2019

[Image: zOFVSvQ.jpg?1]

...Incoming encrypted message

Greetings Lokria. I am captain Joosua Elomaa of the martial colony ship Benevolent.

I have been a Zoner my entire life - a half a century now.

I hail originally from Omicron Theta, born to Zoner parents on Freeport 9.

Given that I'm not a warmongering sociopath, I prefer peace over conflict and order over chaos.

However, the annexation of Gran Canaria is the latest in a long list of atrocities that our people have had to endure.

My steadfast crew and I cannot abide by this crime perpetrated by Bretonians, whom I have previously held in high regard.

Diplomacy has its time and place.

However, as our people suffer and die at the hands of a fading empire, words must now yield to blades.

No more running.

No more yielding to unjustified aggression.

I pledge myself, my crew and my vessels to the liberation of Gran Canaria.

Benevolent actual signing off.

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Aazalot - 03-07-2019

[Image: 1474820538-1434988161.jpg]
Every Flame starts as a Spark.
We are gaining strength, the Spark is growing.
If there are more of you out there wanting to fight. Let your voice be heard and join us.
We will be fighting regardless of how many or how few of us there are.
We will make the Blind Queen See

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Aazalot - 03-08-2019

[Image: 1474820538-1434988161.jpg]
The Blind Queen continues her march.
Her grip on Gran Canaria tightens,
But the tighter her grip,
The more Gaps will appear,
She Spreads her Pieces thin,
These cracks are larger now,
Through these, We shall strike.

RE: To All Zoners Wanting to Fight Back. - Aazalot - 03-17-2019

[Image: 1474820538-1434988161.jpg]
So Anothervictim of the Blind Queen
By using their claim of law, she takes what she wants. Slowly but surely Bretonia becomes that which they face.
The numbers for their targets are starting to rival that of their "great enemy"
They lost a planet, so they took a planet.
The "Enemy"went to the Taus, the Bretonian's go for the Omegas.
The Gauls fought Miners, so too do the Queens Pawns.
One Faces Outcasts, the other, the Corsairs.
The two are becoming blurred, either one could be considered the good, and the other, the bad.
Our statement is coming my friends, and i hope those who have pledged support will be there.