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To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Printable Version

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To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Kaze - 03-07-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: FA Edmund Johann Reuel Steiner
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Fleet Admiral.

Upon reading the latest order dispatch, at your request, I can release the HMS-Hellbound to the Norfolk Fleet and support the operations in Omega-3, so that the Norfolk does not lose security cohesion in Cambridge. The Stirling has already proven that is more than capable to deal with the local zoner resistance and corsair raids.

The fight planet-side is not really a fight, since the IAF's are more than well equipped and outnumber the resistance thirty to one. However, I am concerned that still no word has arrived with the fact of Corsairs moving away from New London. The morale between the men is high, even so.

And while I do feel that I would be of more use in the front lines that controlling the pro-gallic rabble in this backwater system, I do understand what is at stake here and the sacrifices one will have to endure. So take heart, sir.

Bretonia is with us. And we are here for Bretonia.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Victor Steiner - 03-07-2019

[Image: RpQmFoF.png]


Your request is approved. The CR, or remnants of them, have joined the Norfolk as well, given your history I'm sure Admiral Brooks would appreciate your knowledge of them to help coordinate the fleets.

Good luck,

Fleet Admiral E. Steiner
First Sea Lord
Carrier Warwick
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Kaze - 03-07-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: FA Edmund Johann Reuel Steiner
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]


I will issue the orders to Captain Alby to move the Hellbound out of hiding and link with the Norfolk Command. This ship is searching for blood, to say the least, and its crew is more than willing to show what it can do. I will arrange to travel with it to meet up with Admiral Brooks in Cambridge. Standing orders will be issued to the Stirling group, and the battle-plan and its contingencies regarding Operation Kern, relayed.

With luck and considering the events, I am more than certain we will find the Atreides family in the midst of the Crayterian forces, which will allow us to be exceedingly more effective in a joint task-force.

With regards,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Kaze - 03-12-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: FA Edmund Johann Reuel Steiner
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Fleet Admiral.

A nuclear detonation was detected at the Cambridge gate in Omega-3. It was the Hessians. Operation Chrysalis is at 100%. Cherub status was issued.

I will depart with the 65th Dragoons that fly the new 540's and scout ahead. My suggestion is to execute GALLEY and secure Cardiff.

SITINTREP in 40 minutes.

Dagon out.

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Kaze - 03-12-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: FA Edmund Johann Reuel Steiner
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Fleet Admiral.

  • Hessians forces of the battlegroup Kassel engaged the Gwent with a movement vector based of 6/7. All Gwent assets were deployed alongside support from Sprague. Norfolk assets comprised of the 65th Dragoons and 17th Cavalry that were on SCIF detail led by me diverted and arrived to the ongoing battle.
  • Gwent, due to its previous compromised status, was no match to the Kassel linear move. 30% casualties of on-board crew.
  • Kassel fled the combat position towards the Omega-5 jump-hole. During that forced retreat, we continued the assault and eliminated all of its support forces alongside damaging the Kassel to a very heavy extent. Unfortunately, the Kassel managed to use the jump-hole. Combat protocol was followed.
  • SCIF reports Hessian forces, stationary at Aland, with IMG and ALG elements still present.
  • Chrysalis still at 100%.

I have left the 65th Dragoons and the 17th Calvary alongside with the present Gwent wings and Sprague Combat Group to secure the space around Sprague, and resuming OPCOM of Operation Chrysalis.

Orders, sir?

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Victor Steiner - 03-12-2019

[Image: RpQmFoF.png]


As far as systems go, Omega-3 is rather small, your orders are to continue to Aland Shipyard and secure it Regardless of cost to Human life.

Secondary objectives include locking down the system to the best of the Norfolk's ability and engaging any and all who prove to be a threat to Bretonia. Omega-3 is now a war Zone, I expect people be regard it as such. The Hessians will be dealt with, I promise you. All BPA forces within the Omega-3 system are now under the Norfolk command due to the events in the system. If needs be, you and Admiral Brooks may authorize conscription.

Fleet Admiral E. Steiner
First Sea Lord
Carrier Warwick
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: To: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner - Kaze - 03-12-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: FA Edmund Johann Reuel Steiner
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Fleet Admiral.

Orders received and confirmed. Drude status issued throughout the fleet.
Am faigh an anaman a-mach truas le an diathan oir cha lorg iad dad leam.

For Bretonia.

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies