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[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Printable Version

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[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - FooFighter - 02-23-2009

You can look up what exactly the game is here; basically, it's Civilization in a science-fiction setting (and actually a quite realistic one, if I might say that).

After a long break, I got myself dragged into the game again lately, and playing game after game I've got an idea: why not do a huge RP-oriented multiplayer game? With it's faction editor (which is included in it's expansion pack), detailed background story and turn-based gameplay, SMAC offers quite a lot of opportunities to do so.

Up to 7 players can participate in one game. We could meet every few days around 0800 - 0900 GMT+0 and play for two or so hours; maybe longer on Saturdays. We could do RP both ingame, on Skype and on the forums; everybody could create his or her own faction. We would RP out faction-faction diplomacy, planetary council meetings, maybe even write some stories about life in our nations etc. If more than just 7 people (as you can't have more than 7 players in one game) would be interested, we could even form teams in which people could take various positions, like, one being the president/evil dictator/high prophet, the other one being the General of the Armies and so on. The built-in scenario editor also allows to modify a game that's already in process (though I'm not completely sure if it also works in multiplayer sessions, I think I'd have to test that), so we even could have our RPs affect the game itself (just an idea though).

Tell me what you think; if enough people are interested, I can work out a couple of rules and a point-based create-your-own-faction system and we'll all play using custom factions; if you don't like the idea, we could play with the original factions as well of course.

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Teknikal - 03-05-2009

I actually have the Alien Crossfire version but not installed it's a really good game but it was very prone to the odd crash or two I never did play it online but from what I remember one game took forever much like Civ.

Hope you have luck finding people I can't see it working for me with my lack of time at the minute though.

Great game very fond memory's of it.

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Bjorn - 03-05-2009

Count me in. Actually we could create off game big planet map where we would record places held by different factions, and few scenario maps that are representing different parts of planet but enlarged. Could be playable, but count on that everyone needs a microphone or they will die out of boredom while everyone finishes their moves.

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Neronian - 03-23-2009

Hey, I just found this game after about... i dont know... 6 years XD, but count me in as well. I'd love to see this come together.

Any Plans?

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - FooFighter - 03-27-2009

Ok, nice to see you taking interest in my idea as well.

At the moment, I'm currently working on the rules and setting for the campaign, and since I'm a little bit busy in RL atm, it might take a little while - but even if it may take long, I'm working on it, don't worry;).

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - hack - 03-27-2009

I have both Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire, both rock! One of my favorite games.

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Unseelie - 03-27-2009

I've been playing Alpha Centari for years....Unfortunately, right now, I cannot get crossfire to work. Vista and all that.

Also, I'd caution against using the faction editor except under strict unbalances things very, very quickly.

[RP] Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - FooFighter - 03-27-2009

' Wrote:Also, I'd caution against using the faction editor except under strict unbalances things very, very quickly.

Yeah, the faction editor is my main concern at the moment. I think I'll work out some pen&paper-like point-based generation system. I really want to implement custom factions (as the campaign I'm creating has a slightly different setting than the original game), but it's a lot of work balancing everything...

Too bad you can't get to work it on Vista...I'd like to help, but I haven't got a clue how to fix it either, as I prefer using XP for my gaming needs;).