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Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Printable Version

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Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - ophidian - 02-23-2009


I have searched the forum quite a bit but couldn't find a topic about it, sorry if I missed.

I noticed that we can see the enemy players (or neutrals or friendlies) up to 10-15K distance on radar. This is ok as long as we are out in open space but we can still see them like that while we are in clouds, nebulas, ice fields etc.

And therefore, the idea that Freelancer SP applied quite well, hiding in the clouds etc. while being pursued or hiding there to plan an ambush etc. dies dramaticaly. When I enter to a cloud, computer says "Sensor Efficiency Reduced". Yes, I can't see any NPC ships but I can still detect other players.

Wouldn't it be nicer if we gave the clouds etc. a chance to be useful in PvP as well? This would also add a nice touch to the RP I believe.

I think the idea of being able to see others from a distance helps people to find each other but simply pressing "Y" shows who's in which system anyway.

What do you people think about this? And I am sorry if I missed a topic about this.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Saigo.Watanabe - 02-23-2009

I like the idea, BUT the problem is, if it was any smaller the chances of finding them would be so much harder in open space, especially if they are looking to not be found ( Traders anyone?)
They could just go slightly under the 'level plain' and not be spot.

However, Clouds do make it less able to detact, including enemy players.... I find that its a 1-2 smaller anyway.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - tazuras - 02-23-2009

I think it should be reduces even more, at least in some clouds. This would really add some flavor I think, because 1-2 less detection distance isn't much, certainly not enough to hide very effectively. Id like the detection distance to go down to maybe 5 or 6.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - swift - 02-23-2009

I endorse a nebula sensor reduce change.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Benjamin - 02-24-2009

If that whole planet in Theta or wherever can hide in the cloud until you're about 200m away from it, then I should be able to too!

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - jshkornmiller - 02-24-2009

' Wrote:If that whole planet in Theta or wherever can hide in the cloud until you're about 200m away from it, then I should be able to too!

indeed, many of a time i have past through there to kill corsairs to be killed by the planet there.

we need this, would be better for rp especially in places like the badlands

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - AdamantineFist - 02-24-2009

I'm fairly certain this is hard-coded, and cannot be changed. It's been discussed before, but nothing ever came of it.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - tazuras - 02-24-2009

Awww, that makes me a sad panda:(. Does anyone know this for certain?

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - retnuh - 02-24-2009

i am also sad, as this would be a great feature. for unlawfuls and lawfuls alike, its always akward when you get followed through the field to your supposedly secret base and the lawful realises he's not supposed to know about it. :P

off topic panda joke: A panda walks into a bar, sits down and orders a meal, once he's finished eating he stands up and pulls out a gun, he proceedes to shoot up the place, killing everyone except the bartender who's hiding behind the bar. The panda turns to leave, and just before he reaches the door the bartender stands up and stammers "w-why? why would you do this?" the panda turns around and casually says "i'm a panda. Look me up". After the panda is gone the bartender gets a dictionary and finds the following entry; Panda: Large black and white, bear-like mammal, eats shoots and leaves.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - tazuras - 02-24-2009

Ugghhhh. So Punnyyy. ahhhh.... I'm speechless. Someone say something on topic....