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To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Printable Version

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To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 03-18-2019

[Image: B68qMjZ.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: Immediate transfer and assign to command duty

Cesar my old friend.

I need someone exceptionally loco for the following mission.
As of now you are transferred and assigned to command los Desperados of Cadiz, Señor Rodriguez is already informed about your transfer.
Los Desperados have pinpointed the location of the Hessian Battleship Kassel on the edge of Al Hammén.
Make the utmost haste to link up with them and engage.

The Kassel is heavily damaged and most likely under repairs.
Word goes around that no one knows how to use torpedoes and nuclear mines like you.
I want you to go there and use your demolition expertise to make noise.
Lot's of noise.

Make things explode so loud the people on Crete can hear it.
Once your wing is engaged and things are exploding hand over command to señor Santi-Gonzales, callsign Chiquitito.
You are then to disengage yourself and link up with battlegroup Magreb.
Los Desperados are a loco bunch and some of them are expendable.
You are not, so stay safe hermano.

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

En route, Omega-47.


Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Exterminator - 03-19-2019

> > > Incoming transmission < < <
Encryption: High
Location: Cadiz Base
[Image: GusYbJG.gif]

Buenos Dias, senor El Presidente!

It has been a while since I have been given an assignment personally by yourself. For you to do this shows me the importance of its outcome, so I will make sure everything goes according the plan.

As expected from the great El Presidente, you have picked a perfect hombre for this job. I am indeed an expert with explosive weapons, especially nuclear mines and I AM loco enough to do this. *chuckles*

You want the biggest noise ever heard in Sirius? No problem!
You want fireworks that will be seen from light years away? You've got it!

You won't find anyone better in the Empire... well, except the legendary Capitan Armin and his missiles, but I think we both remember his "friendly fire problem".
It seems this mission will require me to go all out and use everything I've got. I will make Omega-5 system so bright it will look like it has gotten its own star and Kassel will be its core! They will not be given any recovery time untill the very last torpedo and mine have been launched at them. We will definitely keep them busy and they will probably be asking assistance from The Coalition aswell.

But, I will need some time to prepare before I begin, since a part of my assets like special explosive ammunition and other important equipment, which I WILL need for this assignment are located at Casablanca base in Omega-47 system, where I was supposed to work on the original assignment with the battlegroup Magreb. I am already working on transporting these assets to Cadiz Base as we speak. In meantime, I will start a mission briefing Los Desperados wing, since the risk of "Armin's syndrome" is quite high with us having to go all out with explosives of this level in a system filled with asteroids, so we will need a good coordination.

Consider this task started once my assets have been transfered to Cadiz. You will receive the results in my next transmission as soon as me and my bomber wing have returned safe to Cadiz.

Viva los Corsarios!

> > > Transmission terminated < < <

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Exterminator - 03-20-2019

> > > Incoming transmission < < <
Encryption: High
Location: Cadiz Base
[Image: GusYbJG.gif]

Hola, senor El Presidente, it's Cesar!

I have formed a bomber wing for the first assault on The Kassel. It was a standard wing consisting of various fighters and bombers for a straightforward attack, nothing special. They were not the best pilots at my disposal, but they did their job well. We dont want to use our ace in the hole right at the start, si? It was to simply test our enemies and make them nervous about us keeping an eye on their damaged capital ship.

As expected, the assault was completely inneffective. They were prepared for a possible attack, and it was impossible to break their defences, let alone approach The Kassel without this turning into a massive suicide mission. We have ended up suffering with 15% lossess of this wing, and that's only because I have ordered a retreat in time. More than half of these rookies would not have survived otherwise.

This is how some of these brave muchachos have returned back to Cadiz barely in one piece.

[Image: gd34hDX.png]
Our enemy has not yet used their maximum defensive potential, so I dont think we can take their damaged battleship down, even with me involved. Their defences are really impressive. However, we can definitely give them a hard time with repairs and hopefully score a few hits on them once we start using my special explosives and attack patterns.

With the first assault ending up in complete failure, I will be forming a second assault group and reporting our progress.

Viva los Corsarios!

> > > Transmission terminated < < <

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 03-20-2019

[Image: 7Zz49Q8.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: Immediate transfer and assign to command duty

Ah Flipado!

A complete failure.....

Fantastic, just like el old times amigo!
I have just arrived at el Fes and taken control of battlegroup Magreb.
Everything is in order and prepared for the next stage of operation Atlas.
Meanwhile keep at it!
I want to hear mucho explosivos, do not hold back!
We await your signal compañero!

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

Battlegroup Magreb


Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Exterminator - 03-21-2019

> > > Incoming transmission < < <
Encryption: High
Location: Cadiz Base
[Image: GusYbJG.gif]

Senor El Presidente!

I can proudly say that our second assault has been successful. After obtaining some tactical data thanks to the first assault, I have gotten more insight how we should attack.
This assault group was way larger than the first one, has included a lot of veteran Los Desperados, some of them being the former Black Sails and we were of course better equipped than the standard group from first assault. This has allowed me to have more freedom with forming a plan. Here is a scheme which shows our attack pattern.
The map legend:
A large assault wing of fighters and some gunboats
A wing of bombers equipped with ballistic long range torpedoes
A surprise bomber wing equipped with quick hitting weapons
Flipado (me) in a Praetorian equipped with custom dual Farnesio class torpedoes

[Image: ZeTuzf0.jpg]

Yellow wing was the largest, but it was consisting of lots of fighters and some gunboats, who had a job to keep Hessians busy for the Red wing to do their move. These were the most loco fighters, some of them being the former Black Sails. It was easy to notice once they have started yelling the name Espi before they blew themselves up with their own mines! Just like good old times!

Red wing, which has broken off formation with the Yellow wing before engaging, was consisting of bombers equipped with long range ballistic torpedoes. They have not engaged untill the yellow wing has gotten the enemy's attention. Their job was to launch several salvos of special long range ballistic torpedoes at The Kassel. Red Hessians have of course expected that we would be assaulting with a bomber squad while Yellow wing was engaging them, so they were ready to counter the long range torpedoes and this would be another failed assault... or at least that's what they'd think. The Red wing was actually a second diversion.

This is where the Blue wing and myself come in as a surprise. They are another wing of bombers equipped which was equipped with high speed torpedoes and rapid firing Hellfire rockets. Their job was to take a seperate route from that of Yellow and Red wing and stay hidden untill others wings to do their parts of the mission.
When given the signal they flew towards The Kassel from another vector and hit them with everything they've got and weaken their defences, making Hessians panic not knowing what hit them. I have managed to acquire a muy bien shot of the attack from one of the Blue Wing's bombers
[Image: IMVMav5.jpg]

Their weapons had lowered firepower which was a sacrifice for getting more speed, which was crucial to ensure their weapons hit the Kassel.

It was all done to create an opening on the enemy battleship for me to finally go in and launch my custom dual torpedos, the Farnesio class torpedoes, which were invented by me and my team of el loco scientists. They were based of Nova class torpedoes, but they far exceed the Nova in firepower. They are also extremely expensive to produce, so the supplies we have are VERY limited.
The torpedo has connected with the Kassel and has inflicted some damage to them, destroying quite a bit of their progress with little repairs they have attempted to do on their own.

Senor El Presidente, as promised, the Kassel has become a temporary star of Omega-5 system! I hope you will be pleased with this camshot. *grins proudly*
[Image: AT909ej.jpg]
I will admit, the defences of that vessel are tough even in that state, I expected more damage done to them.
With this, we have depleted nearly all of our ammunition and started falling back to Cadiz. Their reinforcements have started arriving and we have lost approximately 12% of our forces before reaching Cadiz, a majority of them being those brave locos from the Yellow wing. Hessians had similar losses and they are definitely going to call all the help they can get from their allies, The Coalition and will be using them to protect The Kassel, since it has suffered some unexpected damage, and they will be preparing for our next visit, with different defensive measures, I believe.

I am gladly declaring todays mission as successful, but we're far from done. We made Red Hessians very mad and they will show it next time. We cant use the same attack on them again, because knowing them, they are already working on ways to counter my last plan and they WILL find proper defensive measures, so we will think of a new surprise for them.

Cesar out!

> > > Transmission terminated < < <

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 03-21-2019

[Image: 7Zz49Q8.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: Immediate transfer and assign to command duty

Hola mi compañero!

Good work so far, I see you employ mucho skill for this task.
I was not wrong to put you in charge of this delicate set of missions.
A special delivery is on it's way to Cadiz and should arrive shortly.
Keep up the good work.

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

Battlegroup Magreb


Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 03-22-2019

[Image: 7Zz49Q8.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: No es mi problema


It is me again, si, who would have guessed.
I just got word and footage that your special delivery has arrived at Cadiz.

[Image: VVkG706.jpg]

It has been liberated from some payaso freelancer in a fancy ship some time ago and collecting dust ever since.
Our scientists at Crete have done their best to reverse engineer it, but as it is not tested, all we know for certain is that it will make a very loud explosion.
I have repeatedly asked them to give it fierce horns on the front, but sadly they insisted it would not work out as I was hoping it would
It should be easy to operate though, just stick it under your ship and push el red button when ready.
I have sent your old friend Machete, he will be on your wing for this one.

The time is now amigo.
I don't care how you do it.
No Es Mi Problema.

May Santa Muerte guide us all.

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

Battlegroup Magreb


Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Exterminator - 03-23-2019

> > > Incoming transmission < < <
Encryption: High
Location: Cadiz Base
[Image: GusYbJG.gif]

*Cesar starts speaking much louder than usual*




Mission summary:

*Cesar is yelling again after you finish reading* I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD READ, YOU LOCO CULO! YOU OWE ME ONE FOR THIS!


> > > Transmission terminated < < <

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 03-23-2019

[Image: 7Zz49Q8.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: Immediate transfer and assign to command duty


We will await the damage survey and see if we are ready to proceed with operation Atlas.

*notices that Cesar is practically deaf*


*just puts his thumb up and closes the transmission*

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

Battlegroup Magreb


Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: The amazing and fearless Flipado - Madvillain - 04-01-2019

[Image: 7Zz49Q8.gif]

[Image: O2WIlXx.png]
Sender: Elder Juanez Buonocore, The Brotherhood
Location: Omega-47
Encryption: Unbreakable
Recipient: Cesar Gutierrez, CC: Los Desperados
Topic: Immediate transfer and assign to command duty

With comfirmation of the damage delivered to battleship Kassel, we will proceed operation Atlas.
The forces of Cadiz should patrol Omega five and expect heavy resistance from el Hessians.
Good work compañeros.

Elder J. Buonocore

The Brotherhood
[Image: 1Yt1kOY.png]

Battlegroup Magreb


Transmission Terminated...