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Bouncin' Ideas. - Printable Version

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Bouncin' Ideas. - Tabris - 02-24-2009

Ok, i'm a member of 522nd, i'v been with it not long after they left Liberty.

I was thinking that if the 522nd did not work out i might beable to learn from mistakes we made and form a better more RP-realistic Rebel group, now they would establish themselves quietly in Liberty, staying away from other houses if at all possible, quietly and CAREFULLY form connections with the local unlawful groups such as Rogues and Lane Hackers.

Now what i need from You, as the Community, is Ideas (NOT FLAMES ABOUT 522nd! DEAL WITH THE ISSUE!) for how one would beable to properly RP this and would make it a more enjoyable RP experience for all involved. (LN, Rogues, Hackers etc etc).

Basic Idea

Name: The Forgotten

ID: Rogue (? With Permission, if have better suggestion place in thread, NOT Navy ID, that's unacceptable to RP due to being outcasted Navymen. )

IFF: None, not TRUELY affiliated with Rogues, but CLOSE ties.

Description: (Basic)

The Forgotten are a small but Skilled group of Former Liberty Navy Pilots who have grown dissatisfied with how the Navy is handling it's affairs, be it Rheinland or the Order, slowly but surely small groups of pilots are reported missing from their Combat Groups.

Declared MIA these former Liberty Navymen plot to overthrow the current Command Structure of the Navy and implement what they feel is a stronger and less corrupted Admirality who would take firmer actions against Rheinland and a more aggressive stance against the Order.

The Navy regards them as renegades and a bunch of traitors and shoot-on-Sight orders are issued to any shown to fly their colours.

Availiable Ships: (Incomplete)

Liberty Navy-



Gunboat (RESTRICTED to 2 at all times in The Forgotten)

Other Capships (HEAVILY RESTRICTED, these are mostly Fighter Pilots and PERHAPS a Gunboat or two, anything over that wouldn't really be feasible in their infancy).


Liberty Navy Weapons

CODENAMES. (Restricted to two per ship)

Civilian Weapons.

I need more Ideas, bounce em off me and let me see how i can work it in.

*PLEASE and Thank you for your time*

Bouncin' Ideas. - tansytansey - 02-24-2009

I can only assume this factions purpose is to attack Navy vessels.
If so, I vote this a big fat no. We already have daily OC dessie raids on Manhatten. We already have Rogue gunboats camping the FB or WP lanes, or Manhatten.

The Liberty Rogue ID is a Pirate ID. It should not be used if your intentions are to preform terrorist actions, such as attacking military vessels unprovoked, or raiding Lawful bases.

And as it has been said, there are far too many Outcast allied independant factions. CCS BW Maf ]M[ 522 Wolves Gryphons to name just a few off the top of my head. Plus the hundreds of indies who insist the purpose of Rogues is to take over NY. When it is not.

Instead of making a new faction for an already overpopulated area of Sirius, make a faction for a less populated area. The last thing we need is another fleet of ships attacking NY. And if you do intend to be pirates, there are already factions available for that. Your ideas for a faction could be changed into the history of a character easily.

Bouncin' Ideas. - Ash - 02-24-2009

It would be good to keep some sort of rebel group like this alive. But theres something bugging me about that name "The Forgotten". It makes it sound like a regiment of an age old faction like the Phantoms or the Wild. Something along the lines of the 522nd was an ideal name.

Perhaps not "The Forgotten" but something that sounds alot like a regimental or faction name itsef. Such as "Attack Group Alpha", "Iota Division" or "The Ithaca Ghosts" for example.

Bouncin' Ideas. - tazuras - 02-24-2009

I like the idea but I dont want to sat anymore until I see a hostile/neutral/allied (and everything in between) list.

Bouncin' Ideas. - Ridisk - 02-24-2009

I am not an expert in the lore, but i'd say you should just join the XA.... Liberty is crowded

Bouncin' Ideas. - swift - 02-24-2009

Well reasons such as, there's enough factions, join them, those you should ignore.
But strive to make your faction a quality one, and you'll be a valuable addition.

Bouncin' Ideas. - Reverend Del - 02-24-2009

Sorry Swift but the overcrowding issue in Liberty is very important. Too many unlawfuls and playing a lawful character becomes a server side job. Which nobody wants to do everytime they log on, and after a while nobody wants to do at all. It drives down activity in the lawful factions and creates a void. One that can be very quickly filled with lolwutting bHG cap freaks with more missiles than god. Alas if it was fillled by some good players it wouldn't be a problem. But Liberty can be the biggest cesspit in the mod. I'd hate to have anyone hasten that cycle around.

In short pick on someone else. If you're even going to think of complaining that there's not enough activity elsewhere, I'd like to point out that merely by being active in another house you'll draw folks to you.

Bouncin' Ideas. - Athenian - 02-24-2009

Liberty is too full. Come to Bretonia. It lacks solid unlawful base. Mollies are too few. Gaians are sparse. Corsairs make the occasional foray into Cambridge and get demolished before you can say "Engaing".

Bouncin' Ideas. - David Petraeus - 02-24-2009

Athenian, you should know better.

Its "Enagaging!"

Also, The idea has merit but - Where would the deserters base out of?

Bouncin' Ideas. - Rudo - 02-24-2009

' Wrote:Liberty is too full. Come to Bretonia. It lacks solid unlawful base. Mollies are too few. Gaians are sparse. Corsairs make the occasional foray into Cambridge and get demolished before you can say "Engaing".

Well, I guess I'm making a Molly. I have a Hogosha designed to bedevil the Junkers and raid Bretonian shipping, but it's a bit stalled as the ship I chose to fly him with has bugged aiming -- the shots cross a bit short of the target and make 90% of perfectly-aimed shots into clean misses. The Molly would honestly work better, as long as the Brets don't mind one that actually doesn't talk with a mangled Irish accent. That drives me nuts.

And I say that while having a character who commits atrocities on British colloquialisms that does to the Brits what being in Rheinland does to German players.

I had this idea of creating an independent Liberty Navy squadron, with a tag like [22nd-Dirty.Ducks]. In retrospect, while the idea of a squadron is nice, Liberty is indeed way too full.