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Lt-Venom has returned - Printable Version

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Lt-Venom has returned - Lt-Venom - 09-24-2006

Hi every one i just like to say that im back :D you will hopfully be seeing me around on the actuall game. my new charecter name is Kurt . :D

Lt-Venom has returned - DarkOddity - 09-24-2006

Welcome back - even though I didn't know you. :)

Lt-Venom has returned - Hyperwave22 - 09-24-2006

Hey, already saw you online. Hope to see you some more :P

And, welcome back, even though I don't know you too well.

Hype :)

P.S. Watch out for mines ;)

Lt-Venom has returned - Lt-Venom - 09-24-2006

Ohhhhh yea and by the way id like to say no hard feelings for every one who new me. [becouse i was a bit of a goon]

safe flying

my punctuality has improved dramaticly

Lt-Venom has returned - General Nakazawa - 09-24-2006

well that is good to here but sence i didnt know you i dont kare to much. By the way i was the misterius persone that talked to you on the server and then disapeared.

Lt-Venom has returned - Teaboy - 09-25-2006

this guy repeatedly asks me and the IND/phantoms for money, claiming to have never played before.

Lt-Venom has returned - Dab - 09-25-2006

It would appear he is back to his usual **** again then. That **** being why I am NOT happy he returned. All he did was try to screw people over.

Lt-Venom has returned - Korrd - 09-25-2006

Welcome back.
I hope this time you behave.

Lt-Venom has returned - MrSns - 09-25-2006

Welcome back evan tho u sound like a bit a mean bloke. Well i can not judg for i dont know u :P

Welcome back

Lt-Venom has returned - Igiss - 09-25-2006

Dab calm down. Why you and Wolfpack try to copy what's worst of one another??

Anyway, I truly hope you do behave Venom, cause this time we won't be as tolerable.