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A miracle has happened. - Printable Version

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A miracle has happened. - sindroms - 04-01-2019

After roughly two months of not being able to connect to the server, that particular issue has been fixed and I am looking forward to indulging in the space-gammie again.
Looking for something to do, be it a faction or something else. Give your suggestions here.

That or post pictures of old timely hit-and-miss engines. Both seem very interesting right now.

RE: A miracle has happened. - Querious - 04-01-2019

I'd suggest teaming up with John Silverstone to create a faction of broken CAU VIII Camara Freelancers.

RE: A miracle has happened. - sindroms - 04-01-2019

You know, the fact that when you say Camara I instantly think ''Lagsalot'' means that the premise isn't unique enough to bother to invest in.

RE: A miracle has happened. - Thunderer - 04-01-2019

Miracles tend to happen on this date.

RE: A miracle has happened. - St.Denis - 04-01-2019

Knowing your track record, I am sure it will be something obscure and you will cause mayhem.

RE: A miracle has happened. - Zelot - 04-01-2019

(04-01-2019, 10:23 AM)St.Denis Wrote: Knowing your track record, I am sure it will be something obscure and you will cause mayhem.

Kusari Farmer anyone?

RE: A miracle has happened. - sindroms - 04-01-2019

Yeah, it should be obscure but not quite detected by lulzradar. Srsmode obscure.

RE: A miracle has happened. - sindroms - 04-01-2019

I've been wanting to create a counterpart-ish thing to the medicers in the form of a Shipmasters Union.

Basically think lawful, government-sanctioned guild of professionals and experts that perform interstellar ship maintenance and diagnostics on non-civilian ships, when the ship in question is too far from a shipyard or capable stellar installation or the military op lacks or has lost its technical support ships.

Union = Guild. Sirian origin, present in all four houses but is divided in terms of diplomacy where applicable.
Government Sanctioned = Operation in areas inside of house space is fully controlled and under the eye of the government and in close conjunction with military ships themselves. All information regarding activity of the Shipmasters Guild is in full access to the respective government and the government retains full power over what individuals/groups within the guild to give what levels of access to what sorts of ships and ops. Due to the Union being sirius-wide but existing in often conflicting states (see Kusari and Rheinland), each guild part is presumed to have very little ties and does not share information. At the same time they are freelancing in terms of that they operate in their own area and develop ties to local captains and admirals on their own.

Professionals/Experts = Military shipyards perform all reparis and modifications from original blueprints and plans, no deviation and under strict regulation. Shipmasters Union provide the same services in space with the inclusion of military-approved in-the-field modifications to keep the ships operating normally until they can return to a proper shipyard. Basically, engies on a warship can only do that much, while the shipmasters fleet basically offer the services of a mobile shipyard worth of workhands and supplies, albeit not as ''neatly'' as a proper regulated repair time at a shipyard.
Note: At the same time they are a form of combat engineer group that have the ships and piloting skills necessary to work in a combat environment.
Or outside of it. A shipmasters guild ship would be a welcome visitor during non-combat ops, where downtime can be used to make sure that a military ship is functioning as close to perfection as it can.

Non civilian = The shipmasters guild branches operating in house space are lawful and do not issue their services to civilian (traders) ships unless the matter is urgent and involves military. This can also include the scrapping of debris and wrecks from military ships as well as recovery and/or destruction of sensitive items/data from them.

Then there is the union individuals/groups operating in the borderworlds and edgeworlds. They are a completely different story and you can imagine that as they are not sponsored or under the control of a government, those people are bit more sketchy and act as wandering repairmen basically.

The only issue with this idea that is immediate is that a group like this does not spring up over night irp. You will notice that a lot of it has to do with existing military factions and their governments. So this only works if the people responsible representing those roles agree that this is a good idea and pencil in the existence of the shipmasters union into their own lore.

TL;DR lawful (unless in the omicrons) techpriests from warhammer 40k without the priest/religions aspect.
Technically sirius-wide ZOI, but individuals stick to their own territories and do not migrate between houses.

RE: A miracle has happened. - Enkidu - 04-01-2019

That's a very good idea.

There is already a shipmaster's union, though. It's just a bit illegal. Would create an intriguing interplay there.

RE: A miracle has happened. - Swallow - 04-01-2019

I taught Lagsalot to TS back then, I feel proud.