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Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Printable Version

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Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Zelot - 04-04-2019

Happy birthday Doug, still thinking of you. You are missed.

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Durandal - 04-04-2019

Pair a' dimes...

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Sand_Spider - 04-04-2019

Here's to you, Mal'. Though we may have only met once, the exchange is one I'll never forget. It's a fond memory of simpler, happier times.

Cheers, friend.. Cheers.

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Jeremy Hunter - 04-04-2019

Happy birthday Mal. Rarely saw you, but your posts were always great.

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Kaze - 04-04-2019

Ewige Blumenkraft! Fnord!


RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - 13CentKiller - 04-05-2019

I was just about to post a thread. But I'll post it here instead.


Mal was the entire reason I happened to log in today for reasons unrelated to his birthday. I'd like to share a post that I had difficulty finding. One that has not been shared in previous happy birthday threads. So I hope this one stays on the basis that it provides additional value. I feel it's an important message worth resharing.

If there is an existing thread, my sincere apologies. I didn't want to resurrect the previous threads as to not break any rules.

My best friend and I were talking about video games in Discord today. We are busy people now with careers and businesses and find ourselves constantly asking each other if video games should remain a regular time sink in our lives, or if we should think about encouraging each other to be a bit more productive. This lead to some heavy reminiscing about previous video games we played and the impact they had on our lives after so many hours and years spent playing them. Freelancer came up especially for a very special reason. I met that best friend right here 12 years ago. We got talking about how this game shaped both of us in our communication skills with others, our friendship and how it's likely shaped the career my friend has built and the way I deal with customers on a daily basis.

I told my friend an old Freelancer story. One which involves a very old clan, long since disbanded but not forgotten. It was an unofficial faction affiliate with the Blood Dragons. Usually when I remind myself of that particular time during my Discovery Freelancer career, I'm reminded of the colossal amounts of cringe my teenage mind concocted. But one interaction stands out, with a man non other than Malaclypse 666.

Long story short, I robbed the man. Perhaps fleeced is a better word, since he ended up paying me exactly what I asked; a ridiculous sum of 30 million credits at a time when 3 to 5 was the norm. We spent a long time talking in the gas clouds near the Hokkaido jump hole. He mainly told me how ridiculous the sum I requested was, but never once broke character. He paid explaining he values his life more than any sum of credits.

At the time I thought I had won. Of course I did! He paid, right? But it was only months possibly years later that I realised that Mal was upholding a standard of role play that I wasn't even capable of understanding at the time. His character was unshakable and his communication skills were exceptional. It was only when Mal passed away that I realised he imposed the same standard to his game that he did to his real life. Today I went looking for his goodbye letter to the community to share with my best friend. Little did I know, today (or near time of searching anyway) was his birthday. I thought what better time to re-post it for everyone. This is a letter that has stuck in my mind since his passing. The words mean more today then they ever have with recent events (personal, national and global) and I'd like to re-share them as they were shared previously.


Some of you will know me, many of you will not. But I feel like I know each and every single one of you, and I feel so happy that I got the opportunity to help and serve this community. To me, it doesn't matter who you are, what your beliefs are, where you come from. You all deserve the same level of respect and dignity, because we are all people. If there is one thing in my life that I have learnt, it's to be grateful for everyday that we can wake up and walk outside into the world. To see the wonder and the beauty of it all, to see the people, the individuals. I have noticed over time that there is a lot of hatred in the world, towards people, towards places. I learnt the hard way that there's is simply no point in the hatred anymore. We live, we die, and in the end nothing we did matters anymore. Why should we all fight one another all over the world, when in the end, we won't live forever to enjoy what little peace we may gain from the fighting. It's just as simple to fight one another, as it is to accept those other people. I guess what I'm trying to say amongst the confusion of my thoughts is this, as a race, we are all equal. Why hate, why fight, when every individual on this planet could benefit from the friendly nature of each other person.

Community members, it has been a pleasure watching this place over the years. I only hope that I have helped in some way. To the people that I got close to throughout my time here, I thank you for all of those good times. You all know who you are. Finally, I would like to share a quote with you that I feel, really sums up everything that I wrote above. 'It means nothing to love, but to feel it is the greatest gift of all', Thank you again for the good times, I wish you all the very best for the future.


I hope this letter to the community finds new eyes in the coming weeks. His message is timeless. When it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is love. There are plenty of people here that knew Malaclypse 666 far better than I ever did. But I remain convinced that the people that miss him the most are those over at They lost a sizable chunk of ad revenue from this community in September 2011. Because anyone that ever exchanged words with the man had it bookmarked by the end of the conversation, I promise you.

Thanks for letting me remember!


RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Zelot - 04-05-2019

Hey David,

good to see you, and you are so dead right. Mal held himself to one of the highest roleplay standards I have ever seen.

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Megaera - 04-05-2019

happy birthday

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Atreides2 - 04-05-2019

To Mal, one of the best of the best. Not one can rise to his level.

Happy birthday, amigo!

RE: Happy Birthday Malaclypse666 - Crayter Republic - 04-05-2019

23's, buddy