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First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - redbaron - 09-25-2006

After a little chase by [Phantom]Glock and me, Tank's_trader F1ed:


The Shogun will be back!

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Teaboy - 09-25-2006


First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - TankTarget - 09-25-2006

For one I had to go eat dinner two I am friendly toward your factions and you just wanted to kill me what am I just supposed to sit die? That's not really fair to me I'm just starting back up after losing everything and I'm supposed to lose all of my money and start all over again because I can't leave when people are trying to kill me? If you were pirates wanting my cargo I would've given some not all no you just wanted to kill me the rules on this server are designed to protect the pirate not the innocent trader so what you wasted your time chasing me.

I had to leave and but according to the rules I had to go to another system and dock before they got there and they were right behind me killing the tradelanes when I tried to escape. So the rules basically say I have to sit and die when my mom calls me to dinner not fair. It's complete bull that I can't leave the server whenever I want that's what the F1 button is for.

Besides we weren't in pvp it was me running and them trying to kill me not pvp. And I read the rules it doesn't say I can't F1 when being attacked. It says when in pvp which I wasn't.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Wolfpack98 - 09-25-2006

Guys, the F1 rule violation only occurs when you're in PvP. Thats it.

Lets not go around beating people to death for every little thing.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Dab - 09-25-2006

You have to go to another system OR dock. Now, also. PVP means Player versus Player. Getting attacked falls under THOSE conditions. One player vs another. Player #1 - Pirate Player #2 - Transport. That is pvp.

You F1d in pvp/attacked and thats a bannable. If you had to go eat dinner, leave yourself in cruise or something. Or ask the pirates to wait until you finish dinner. Say you will sty right there and tell them when you get back. Most will listen to you. How about bartering? Offer them a million creds each and they will probably let you go. Seeing as thats more than they will make from gathering the small amount of loot they can carry.

Wolfpack, did you forget that? As you seem to think F1ing away from pirates isn't a bannable offense. Since it IS.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Fellow Hoodlum - 09-25-2006

Thats a cop out , all of it. This is an RP server and you know exactly who the Phantoms
and the Novas are. If you want to take your chances, fine.
Your trader has no affiliation with anyone, neither do ours, if they did they would carry
the faction tags.
As for having to go to dinner, thats not what the chat implies at all, or the earlier insult
aimed at us. If you want to trade safely, go and play SP.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Dab - 09-25-2006

Exactly what Hoodlum said. When I talked to him later, he didn't even bring up the "had to go to dinner" until I made it very clear he had violated rules by doing what he did. He didn't care he had done it, and say (quote) "I don't have to sit here and let them pirate me, I'll F1 when I want." (or close to that) Doesn't seem to me that he even cares if it was against rules or not.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - TankTarget - 09-25-2006

I had to eat I didn't want to be there and your right maybe I did cop out so what I promise next time homicidal maniacs try to kill me I will sit and die fine that better? I'm not proud of F1ing but what were the options? 1. die 2. run for hours 3.get grounded 4.F1. I had to go eat I may not have said anything but do you broadcast your life to everyone?

And those were not my exact words "I said I don;t have to sit there and let them pirate" That's true but this is what I said "I can leave the server whenever I want." There's nothing wrong with leaving the server and I wasn;t in pvp I was running. Player versus player implies that both parties are fighting each other I was not fighting I was being hunted and I was running there's a dif btw it was a 2on1

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Dab - 09-25-2006

To have pvp requires only ONE side to attack. Otherwise anyone and everyone could F1 if they wanted to, all they would need to do is stop firing for 30 seconds and claim that they were not fighting. Meaning no one could pirate traders either. Meaning pirates would be non-existent. Tank.. Your wrong. You should have done that. What you should and could have done, was go to cruiser, hit F2 and leave it like that. You would just keep flying at cruise and you would be safe until you got back. Stop trying to justify what you did, when there were other opportunities and choices you had. If you could do what you did (claiming you needed to eat) then any trader could F1 and just say "I had to do something so I should get banned." And almost everyone would do that. Then again, traders couldn't be pirated and pirates would be non-existent.

Also, 2v1 doesn't matter. You were under attack no matter what. It was a pirating. 2v1 is allowed, its not like its not. I've had 5v1 but did I run? Hell no, I fought. AW had a 7v3 match, but did we F1? Did we run? No, we fought. We didn't complain about being outnumbered. We also didn't claim it as a reason to F1 because it ISN'T. If you outnumbered so what? Thats not their fault, its no one's fault. But it doesn't mean you can F1 from it.

First F1 in 4.81 beta 3 - Wolfpack98 - 09-25-2006

Oh, jesus..

I'm beyond pissed now, cause of this **** (thank you, dab.. You really should have took my advice right off the bat and wait till Korrd or Igiss got on.. ever hear of using the PM system rather than annoy the **** outta someone who is already beyond pissed off??.. COURTESY my little friend.. COURESTY. FFS..) and because of some Bs| Crap.. and this is all after a 3-day absense to get my Instructor's Certification (horrible day today since Master Harrman decided to be a hardass on all of us) and all this **** happens when I come home.

I'm not in the mood to interpret rules. ONly admins interpret rules and those are the laws. Not you guys. CERTAINLY NOT YOU DAB. Stop acting like an admin.

Right now, I'm too pissed off to make any sort of reliable decision, so I'm leaving this to Angel, Korrd or Igiss.

End of story.

And if you guys got a problem with me, take it private and leave it outta this thread.