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New Cloaking Ideas. - Printable Version

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New Cloaking Ideas. - David Petraeus - 02-26-2009

Well, I was watching footage of the F-117 Nighthawk and it reminded me of the Raven's Claw...

It went on that the Nighthawk was invisible to radar and what not...

That got me thinking of NPC Cloaking - Regular NPC's have a Cloaking Hardpoint put into their ships, when they reach a certain range they disappear from your radar - But if you go back they will still be there...

Would it be theoretically possible to hardpoint a NPC-Like Cloaking Hardpoint onto a Ship, with a set range of some 3-6K or so for appearing?

It would allow Stealthy Operations by The Order, LSF and their house counterparts and the like.

New Cloaking Ideas. - ivr56 - 02-26-2009

I brought up an idea awhile back that is similar as logical alternative to cloaks. Same basic idea. But instead this was a Armor upgrade that gave NO extra protection such as x2.5. Clickable but invisible to radar until 5k away.
It was impossible to do (Said by a Discovery Dev).

But it might work. IF NPCs actually have that hardpoint you talk about and its possible to put it and use it on other player ships.

New Cloaking Ideas. - David Petraeus - 02-26-2009

According to my knowledge, yes.

There's a HP_Cloak hardpoint on every vanilla ship, and so far All I've heard is that its for the NPC's to disappear.

New Cloaking Ideas. - ivr56 - 02-26-2009

Found my old thread on the concept:;#entry173036
A Reply from Igiss:
' Wrote:This is impossilbe. Player cannot be concealed from radar.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Gabrielle - 02-26-2009

' Wrote:This is impossilbe. Player cannot be concealed from radar.

A player can be concealed from radar, it's proven on the 88Flak Mod when a Nomad player vessel cloaks.

Time to update the knowledge bank Igiss.

New Cloaking Ideas. - jshkornmiller - 02-26-2009

i am for cloaking even if the rest of you are not.

New Cloaking Ideas. - McNeo - 02-26-2009

Well duh.

Thats because it cloaks.

What they were talking about was just a cloak from radar whilst still being able to visually identify the vessel and select it. Not eliminating both the visual and radar identifiers at the same time...

Much like a base in a low radar-range cloud. When it suddenly pops up on your scanners at 3k, but you can see its silhouette when lighting illuminates the clouds.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Zeltak - 02-26-2009

I don't like the idea due to too much possible abuse. I don't trust the community one bit to use new implemented properties fairly.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Nightmouse - 02-26-2009

Only reasonable way to implement it is by making it admin-given, like some of the id's, maybe give some to the armory of every faction that might have tech to cloak (order, nomads) and rp-based for the indies.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Jake.Holden - 02-26-2009

or make it in stead of the armor (so it's your choice cloak or armor)