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Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari - Printable Version

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Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari - Jien Kogen - 02-27-2009

Biographical information for Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari

Born to the first cousin of Emperor Kobi Yammamoto, Jien Kogen was coroneted Emperor after the childless Emperor Yammamoto died at the age of 80. Jien was only 22 years old at the age of his coronation. From the age of 18 till his coronation Jien served as an officer in the Kusari Naval Forces, distinguishing himself in combat in the Honshu system during the Nomad War, fighting against the Rhienland Military. Having served as Emperor for the past 16 years, Emperor Kogen has led Kusari through the difficult rebuilding after the Nomad War, the conflict in the Taus, the war in Bretonia, as well as keeping the divergent groups within from breaking into open hostility.

Emperor Kogen grew up in the lap of luxury in the Imperial compound on New Tokyo, bred for leadership, Kogen was sent to the best school before being enrolled in the Kusari Naval Academy at age 16. Due to his noble upbringing, Emperor Kogen was assigned to the best training programs and squads, it was on the Chimera Very Heavy Fighter that Kogen made his reputation, leading a squad of six fighters during the battle of Honshu during the Nomad War in 801. As his wing came under heavy fire, Kogen directed a counter attack that broke the western line of the Rhienlander defense, allowing the Kusari forces to break the invading forces.

Soon after the Nomad War Emperor Yammamoto died quietly in his sleep, raising Kogen to the role of Emperor of Kusari. His first major program was to task the KNF with a massive rebuilding project, funneling massive amounts of money into huge contracts for Samura and Kishro to rebuild the battered KNF fleet. Kogen also set about supporting the growing IMG presence in the Taus, hoping to gain a strategic foothold in the boarder worlds to head off growing expansion by the BMM there. These actions have led to the Kusari Bretonian war braking out in 813.

Kogen had pressed the War against the Bretonains with unyielding power. Kogens forces led by Shogun Sulu, have pushed the Bretonian lines all the way to the Leeds jump gate. As of the date of this printing, Kogens imperial forces are massing forces on the Tau 31 side of the Leeds Jump Gate, preparing for an invasion of Bretonia proper.

During his time as Emperor, Kogen has worked very hard to establish good relations with both Samura and Kishiro, as well as the fiercely independent Gas Miners Guild. Trying to develop a Kusari economy that can rival any of the other houses. At the moment, much of Kusaris recent economic capacity development has gone into the war effort, as well as Samuras development project in Hokkido.

Emperor Kogen has also tried to develop relations with foreign leaders of both Governments and Corporations. He has been known to take audiences from groups as diverse as the President of Interspace Neural-Net Division, Jay Simon, and Admiral Kreig of the Rhienland Military. While not openly supporting foreign development in Kusari, Kogen has let Kishiro and GMG have a free hand in the development of the Okinawa system, as well as leaving the Sigmas to the GMG to administer. Kogen has so far resisted attempts by Liberty Corporate interests to relax the strict regulations on operating in Kusari.